Electic Shock!

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A long while had passed after the crew ended up spiting up on the island. None of them seemed all that worried about losing each other, especially Nami who had been shopping. "You're...You're still shopping?" This was being asked by a large reindeer that had boxes tied to his back as he was walking with heavy breathing.
"Of course! It'd be terrible if I ran out of drafting paper while were out at sea!" The navigator had answered him, being the only one in the group with free hands.
"But you seem to be buying a whole bunch of stuff we don't need..." Chopper pointed out to her, since she's been buying clothes, jewellery and other things that didn't seem all that practical to him.
"I'll go to the depths of Hell if I get to shop with both Nami and Iris~!" But someone didn't see it that way at all, as he was completely delighted by all this. "Are you sure you don't want me to carry your stuff, Iris?" Sanji then turned to the blonde hair woman asking her.
"Yes, I'm fine with carrying it." She came to smile at him with a few bags being held in front of her in both hands.
"You know Iris, just give it all to him." But it appeared that Nami wanted to her to give it to him.
"But he is already carrying all of your stuff." She came to look at the girl answering.
"Who cares." And it seemed that she wasn't going to say anything more about it.
"There you are!" Someone ahead was shouting and looking at who...
"Is he not the man from before?" Iris remember the soldier as the one that first encountered.
"That's them right there, sir!" He was shouting back in the direction he had ran from and it wasn't long before someone... or thing was standing in front of them.
"So you're the pitiful fools who refused to pay the harbour tax." It looked like a human, from the waist down with a large metal head. "I am Mayor Whetton's grandson, Lake." But one was able to see young man with red hair, black eyebrows inside of whatever it was. The man appeared to have very thick and long sideburns, pointed at the ends and curved towards his face. "If you can't pay, you'll have to leave!"
"I don't know what's going on, If if you're going to interrupt our fun shopping trip, I'll make sure you regret it." Sanji had come to tell the man before them. There was a silent tension in the air as the two men stared one another down, but the first one to charge was Lake upon seeing Sanji lifting up his leg, which had then been used to kick where the head of the enemy was. However, upon impact sparks like lightning appeared from the metal head. It had caused the cook to collapse to the ground in pain.
"Sanji!" While that was happened, somehow Nami, Iris and Chopper had moved themselves to an alleyway.
"Jeez! What are you doing!?" Nami was shouting while asking.
"Are you alright? What happened?" Iris had followed up with those questions with concern.
"Dunno... The second I touched his body, I felt an electric shock." That had been explained to them as Sanji was picking himself off the ground.
"Futile. That's what happens to anyone who tries to lay finger on me." This had been stated by Lake that had electricity flying around him.
"I see! He has an ability of the Devil's Fruit!" It was the only thing that explained it.
"Then what's that?" However, Iris had come to notice some men behind with large wires and a strange device that one was paddling for power.
"It's self-generated?!" The other three came to shout in surprise upon seeing the same thing.
"Dynamo Party, bring up the voltage!" That had been ordered and the paddling began to increase its speed. The suit he was wearing began to glow the the town folks around began to run.
"You know... This isn't looking good." Nami came to state as the electricity from the suit was make Chopper's fur stand up and mess up both her and Iris' hair.
"Wouldn't it be better to just pay them?" The Angel looked down to her asking, since this would be a suitable thing to do in stopping this fight.
"No way!" But it appeared that the cheap scape navigator refused such a thing.
"Now you'll feel the true power of my electric suit!" Lake was laughing hysterically. "Rolling..." He presses the two rod like figures coming out of his hand together. "...Thunder!" Then swung both of the rods, making an electrical bolt fly towards Sanji. It had caused quite a large explosion made of electricity, that created smoke.
"That was close..." However, Sanji managed to dodge it and surprisingly the only part damage had been where he stood and not any of the surrounding buildings.
"You're lucky to have dodged that. But next time you won't be so lucky!" Lake was stating grinning.
"Chopper, take care of Nami and Iris." Sanji was telling the other male as the navigator was unable to protect herself, but Iris was a completely different story.
"Sanji, be careful." Nami was told him, worried.
"Yes, ma'am! You don't have to worry about me!" And he was pleased to hear it, but...
"Actually, I was worried about those." It appeared that she was worried about her shopping then him.
"Oh, these?" He was looking down at the bags, as Chopper was thinking that she were a demon while Iris just stood there smiling but it was a little crooked. "Not to worry. Not one bit of dirt will defile these bags."
"Sometimes I worry about him." This was being said about the cook's odd priorities from Iris. The battle had continued and some of the buildings around them had began turning into rubble.
"Rolling..." Lake lifted up his arms as Sanji had charged at him. "...Thunder!" He had made impact with the rods, However... "Futile!" He had been forced back to avoid the electricity, but he had been hit by one of the attacks.
"Sanji!" This had Iris and Chopper called out to him, worried.
"My shopping bags!" But other looked at Nami in a little unsure was to say.
"That's crazy... I know I dodged it..." Sanji appeared to be reaching his limit as he fell to his knees.
"You're the crazy one." Lake had told him, which wasn't far from the truth.
"Sanji, it's the metal! Metal conducts electricity! Throw away anything you have that metal!" Chopper was shouting at him trying to help.
"No!!" However... "Those were expensive! You know what I'm going to do to you if you throw those away!" Nami refused.
"Nami, I think that you are asking too much." The Angel had come to tell her this.
"Yeah! If any normal person had taken that much electricity they would already-" Doctor was trying to tell her.
He's not normal! He'll be fine!" But Nami wasn't entirely worried.
"WHAT!?" The doctor was screaming in shock.
"She does have a point." However, it seemed that someone was in agreement.
"You too, Iris!?" Which shocked Chopper even more. Sanji was in a bind either way as none of his attacks worked, not to mention backfired electricity through one. There was only one thing to do in this situation...
"Hey, he ran away!" And that was to take off running. "Wait!" Lake was moving after him.
"Master Lake!" But was pulled back by the wires connecting him to the power source which had him fall.
"We should leave now." Iris had come to say upon Sanji making it to where they were.
"You better hold onto my shopping bags!" Nami ordered that of the cook
"Yes ma'am!" Then they took off.
"If they're that important, why don't you hold them?" Chopper finally told her.
"Somethin' wrong with that?" But it wasn't a good thing to.
"No..." the four of them had ran all the way back to where the Going Merry was... or at least where she should have been.
"It's gone!" Only to find that she wasn't where they had left her.
"The Going Merry's gone!" Which wasn't something that should have happened.
"Hey... What's going on here?!" They couldn't understand what had happened to her.
"Do you think it was because we didn't pay the tax?" Iris had to wonder this, as it was the only thing that explained the missing Merry.
"Then we'll have to check the harbour." Nami came to say.
"Shit! That freakin' useless Moss Bastard!" Sanji resorted to insulting Zoro.
"But Zoro wouldn't be sleeping if he felt the presence of enemies."

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