The Master Mind Appears!

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Most of the Straw Hat Pirates, along with Smoker, are trapped as they found themselves in a cage. Luffy and Usopp were standing at the front of the cage as the rest were the walls. "A clever trap indeed." Luffy had said after a long silences.
"Yes, we couldn't help but fall for it." Usopp completely agreed with him.
"It was TOTALLY avoidable!!" Nami on the other hand did t see it that way and had lost it at them both. "This is exactly what he wanted us to do! How could you be so stupid!?"
"But more importantly, I... keep feeling my strength draining away..." Luffy was beginning to feel weak as he had express it.
"What's wrong? You hungry or something?" Usopp ad asked him because that was normal for him. However, Smoker had gotten up from behind them.
"Luffy!" Zoro had tried to warn him but he was already pinned down. Usopp had shrike. Smoker had stabbed his Jitte done on Luffy's cheat.
"Y-Y-You jerk! If you're lookin' for a fight, bring it on... Smokey jerk! I assisted him in bringing down a Bombman, as a... a man..." Despite saying that, Usopp was moving slowly away from him along with his voice.
"My strength's all drained out... it feels like I fell into the ocean or something..." Luffy had ended up explaining to them.
"What did you do to Luffy?" Nami was asking nervously.
"It is a mineral called Sea-Prism Stone that can only been found in a certain part of the sea. It's unknown why but it gives off the same energy as the Sea. In simple turns, it's a solid form of the sea." Iris had siting without reacting while explaining to the group it why Luffy was weak.
"So that's what's draining Luffy's strength." He didn't have any trouble believing that.
"All if the Marine Headquarters' prisons are made if the stuff. It keeps criminals who've eaten the Devil's Fruit from escaping." Smoker had ended up telling them, but it was a given from the start.
"Then the bars of this cage must be made if it too..." Nami had stated at it was the only explanation.
"If it wasn't, I would've left already. But not before crushing you all until you could never escape to the sea again." Smoker had glared right at the two cowards that instantly began shaking. However, that only left Zoro and Iris, causing the man to look over at the pair. Zoro was ready to draw his sword and Iris wasn't smiling at all. In fact she had the same look on when she was about to kill someone. The air had become extremely intense by the three of them.
"Wait, wait!" Usopp had cried out to them. "How can you three think of fighting at a time like this!?" He was shouting as they would get sliced in the progress,
"Besides, he's a Smokeman; your swords can't cut him! Not to mention your lights won't either!" Nami ended up remaining them of that.
"She's right. Just give up." A dark male voice which had never been heard before had pulled their eyes away from each other to the back of a large red chair. The person sitting in it appeared to be watching the banana crocodiles swim by in a large pool of water in the other side of thick glass. "You're all going to be dying together. Why not try and get along?"
"Crocodile." Smoker had said and the chair moved to show a man with a wide chest, broad shoulders, muscular arms, and a thick neck sitting down. He was pale skin and nape-length black hair which is kept neatly slicked back. The man had a long stitched scar at the bridge of his nose that stretches across his face and a large hook made from a tough gold alloy in place of his left hand. His eyes were deep-set and heavy-lidded, and his thin eyebrows are characteristically drawn upward in the middle. This gives his facial expression a feeling of condescension and distrust. The man wore a bright orange, black-striped button up vest over a long-sleeve peach shirt, along with a blue scarf, the rest of him couldn't be seen but he also wore a long, thick, dark grey fur coat over his shoulders. This man was one of the Seven War Lords of the Sea, Crocodile and he was just sitting there smirking at them in amusement. It might have been because of the fear that was across both Nami and Usopp's face as they were frozen still in fear. But it turned out that he wasn't
"So he's one of the Seven War Lords of the Sea..." Zoro had stated pointing out.
"Our long-awaited host finally shows his face." Smoker wasn't all that impressed.
"Oh-hi, so the rumours about you being a wild dog are true, Smoker." Crocodile had spoken looking right at the man completely relaxed. "You've never thought of me as an ally. Although of course, you were correct." He had began walking out from behind his desk. "Smoker, I think I shall have you die in an unfortunate accident. I'll inform the Government that you fought bravely against this pathetic Straw Hat Pirate here." He was saying walking over to the cage completely confident. "I don't know why you came to this country, but... you are obviously acting of your own accord. The Government would never send you here. They believe in the the Seven War Lords, you see."
"I don't see why." Iris had spoken up having her arms crossed under her chest.
"You're..." That's when a very lean, slightly effeminate young woman stood beside Crocodile spoke. She had short spiky black hair on the top, and longer, straight white hair on the bottom going down her back with a long strands of white hair framing either side of her face, with the right strand having adorned by five pink beads. She wears a black leather vest with white fur trimming, a white armlet around her right bicep, and a black choker around her neck. The woman also wears a yellow shirt with black designs on them and burgundy boots; there are spiked bracelets on her wrists and skull earrings in her ears. The woman's lower eyelashes were very prominent, and she wore dark eyeliner and plum-colored lipstick. She was completely goth out. The woman's eyes had fallen on Iris. Which she stared at her for a few minutes and the smirk had appeared once again. "It's an honour to meet you, 'Angel of Death' Michell D. Iris." She had bowed to her as if she was she guest and not a prisoner.
"I don't know who you are but I can't say the feeling is mutual." Despite saying that, she was smiling but then again her eyes were closed.
"Oh right, I am Miss Black-Friday and it's completely fine, because I just couldn't wait to meet you when I saw the sketch of you." The woman, Miss Black-Friday had stated to her but...
"That's funny. The marines seemed to be unaware of who I am, which made sense as no one that has seen me lived to tell about it." It would seem like boosting but it really wasn't. After the day she had gotten her picture taken and a bounty was released she was punished and orders to kill all those that see her on the job. She wasn't proud of it but she won't act like it never happened because it would be disrespectful.
"Yes, but as far as I've seen, there is only two people in the world that has a set of eyes as beautiful and rare as yours." Miss Black-Friday had explained which made sense, since her eyes were actually generates from her father's family. It was obvious but the thing was...
"Both my eyes aren't shown on the wanted poster." That was right, only half of Iris' face was shown on the poster.
"I guess you're right. The truth is, I'm a huge fan and found out anything I could about you." She was saying but then it seemed a bit disappointed looking at Luffy and the others. "That's why I can't believe that you follow a bunch of nobodies." Iris didn't take well to that insult that was directed at her friends. "So why not join us?"
"And what? Become a mindless lackeys? Sorry but my life is mine. I won't give it to you or anyone else that insults my friends." She had plainly stated to her, anger filling her eyes.
"So you're Crocodile?!" Luffy had shouted trying to push himself off of the ground with the jitte still in him, but Smoker had removed it. "Oi! You! Fight me..." But as Luffy was an idiot, he had grabbed onto the bars so he became weak.
"Can't you get it into you head NOT to touch the cage!?" Usopp had completely lost since that had told him not that long ago that the bars were no different then the sea right now.
"Straw Hat Luffy. I congratulate you for coming this far. I'll kill you properly in due time so please be patient. Our Guest if Honour has yet to arrive." When Crocodile had said that there was a bit of confusion but at the same time, Iris had a feeling that she know who he was talking about. "I've sent one of my partner to fetch her already." Time was moving on as their was no sign of Miss AllSunday and this guest. The group really didn't have anything to do so...
"Sanji impression." Luffy was acting like Sanji when he smoke. "'Who the hell ate all the meat?'" When he had said that, Usopp had busted into laugher.
"How was that? Check this one out!" He had then tried to do one himself.
"Would you take this..." Until Nami had knocked them both across the head in anger. "SERIOUSLY!?" The were on the ground bleeding. "How can you act so dumb in this dire situation!?" She asked them.
"But we can't get out! I'm getting bored!" Luffy had shouted as he answered.
"It's dire BECAUSE we can't get out!" They couldn't cut the bars and Iris couldn't use any of her Devil's Fruit abilities to destroy it either. "We might be killed at this rate! And why are you sleeping!?" Nami had spotted Zoro laying cross on the seat using Iris' as a lap pillow. Not that she minds.
"Oh, morning already?" But Nami did, a lot. That was why she punched him awake.
"It's the middle of the day!" She snapped as he had asked a stupid question.
"Nami, calm down." Iris had gone up to her, trying to cool the girl down.
"You're an authoritative young lady, aren't you?" Crocodile had spoken, having been drinking the entire time watching them.
"What about it?" And some how Nami was acting tough. "Enjoy that little ego trip of yours while you can! Nice this guy busts out of this cage, he'll knock your worthless hide above the clouds! Isn't that right, Luffy?" She was shouting, point beside her.
"HELL YEAH! BRING IT ON!" Where Luffy was standing shouting loudly.
"Your crew puts a lot of faith in you as a captain, Straw Hat Luffy." Crocodile didn't seem all that interested. "Trust. Heh, it's the most useless thing in the entire world." But had smirked looking down at the group.
"What's with this prick? Making fun of us...!" Nami was about to lose it again.
"Please Nami, calm down. Someone like him isn't worth it." But Iris had placed her hand on the girl's shoulder to stop her.
"CROCODILE!" The voice of a female had shouting echoed.
"Vivi!" Luffy, Nami, Usopp and Iris had all shouted when they saw the princess standing on top of the flight of stairs.
"Welcome, Princess of Alabasta, Vivi. Or rather, Miss Wednesday." Crocodile had welcomed her, with food placed of two on the table he sat at. "You've done an admirable job slipping through the hands of our assassins."
"I'd come to you. No mater where you'd hide! I'd come to see you die! Mr. 0! If you had never set foot in my country...!" Vivi had lost to her anger the moment she saw him and without thinking she had charged down the stairs with here weapons drawn.
"Wait! Vivi! Let us out!" Luffy was shouting at her but...
"Alabasta would have been at peace!" She didn't hear a thing She was completely blinded by rage. "Peacock..." She had reached the bottom of the stairs, "... String Slasher!" And attacked with her belt and it had took Crocodile's head of instantly. Luffy, Usopp and Nami were completely speechless about how easy that was. Vivi had landed on the table, the food slipping everywhere.
"That's not going to work." Iris had sighed shaking her head. The reason she had said this was because...
... Crocodile had a logia type Devil's Fruit. His body had turned to sand. "Satisfied?" His voice had said as the sand began to move behind Vivi. "Being from this country, you should already know... that I have the ability of the Sand Sand Fruit." His body had appeared and hands wrapped around Vivi. "Shall I turn you into a mummy?"
"H-He's a Sandman!" Usopp had fallen to the ground scared.
"HEY YOU! Leave Vivi alone!" Luffy wasn't even fazed though as he was shouting.
"Take a seat." Crocodile had completely ignored him as he had forced Vivi to sit down. "It's time to start the party. Am I right, Miss AllSunday?"
"That's right." Miss AllSunday had agreed to him. But the group was confused as she was looking down at a watch in hand. "It's past 12. Operation Utopia has officially commenced."
"'Operation Utopia'...?" Nami had repeated.
"Operation Utopia... whats that?" While Luffy didn't understand what it meant which only seemed to make Crocodile begin it chuckle to himself. "Oi!" Which turned to laugher
"It is this pathetic Kingdom that will die, Miss Wednesday." Crocodile had said after stopping and looking right at Vivi. "This blind love for Alabasta will be the very thing that consigns it to oblivion. Struggling and withering between life and death, the people of this country will be enveloped in eternal darkness. Operation Utopia... has begun!" Iris felt her blood boiling. She had thought that she wound never have to feel this again but she was wrong. It hurts! It hurts so much!
"What... are you planning to do with Alabasta?" Vivi had tried to calm down but she couldn't hid her anger and rage for the man.
"Shall I tell you want type of person I despise the most? It's those who place the happiness of their people above their own lives. Hypocrites." Was what Crocodile had told her. Even though he spoke the truth, Iris couldn't help not notice his aura had a slight colour of a liar in it too.
"You plan on killing my father? You'll never accomplish that!" Vivi no longer could hide her feelings as she snapped at him.
"Don't look at me like that." Crocodile had told her smiling while pulling out his jock. "I have no intention of doing so. From his death I would gain nothing. Cobra will experience a humiliation crueler than death." The air was becoming intense.
"Crueler than death?" Usopp didn't understand what her mean by that.
"The Princess of a country shouldn't make such a scornful face." He said that but it seemed to please him to see it on her face.
"I'll ask you one more time. What is this 'Operation Utopia'? Explain it!" Vivi demanded of him, paying no mind to his comment from before.
"Oi, oi. Do you full grasp your current situation?" Crocodile asked her
"ANSWER THE QUESTION?" But she didn't care.
"Such a brave princess... well, the plan is already in motion... I think I'll share it with your."

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