The Adventure Begins!

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The Going Merry had taken up, riding up the large scale pillar that appeared from the ocean. It was so large that it was stretching all the way to the clouds. The crew were holding on as tight as they could so not to be thrown off. "W-What the hell's going on!?" This was being shouted over all the wind pressure.
"The ship's sailing straight up the surface of the water stream!" It almost seemed impossible and yet here they were, going up.
"This is awesome!" Luffy was having the time of his life, not caring at all.
"HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT!?" But Usopp was a completely different story.
"Wind..." Nami seemed to have noticed this, as she was laying on her back.
"Yosh! Now we'll make it to the sky! GO! MERRY!" Their captain shouted while clinging onto Merry's head. Just at they thought everything was going alright.
"Hang on." The cook noticed something first. "It doesn't look like it's gonna be that easy!"
"W-W-What's wrong!?" Usopp was barely holding onto the railing.
"What's up? Did we forget something?" As Luffy turned his head towards Sanji, neither of them had noticed the same thing he had.
"The hull's starting to come loose!" The moment that had been mentioned, the were able to feel Merry's weight shifting. "At this rate, we're just gonna get thrown off and fall back down!" And that wasn't going to be a good thing, as they would all die upon impact, if not drown.
"Y-Y-You can say that, but... W-W-W-What're we supposed to do!?" there wasn't anything they could do in this situation. "It's taking all our strength just to hold on!"
"What's that!?" Chopper's question had caused them to look ahead, as something was falling down from above.
"The Sea King!" They were soon able to see it had been the large Sea King that got caught up in the current. It had fallen right pass them down to the ocean below.
"Look! There's not much time before we'll end up like that too!" Sanji wasn't making the situation better by saying that.
"Oi, oi that might be true, but... this thing's got all the force of that explosion behind it!" This was being shouted by Zoro, who was standing on the frame to the door belonging to storage. "It's too late for us to do anything."
"So it's really nothing more than a disaster!?" This was being shouted as rubble from a ship was falling onto of them.
"STUFF'S FALLING DOWN ON US!" Chopper began screaming at it pass them. "VICTIMS OF THE KNOCK-UP STREAM!
"We're done for! We're gonna fall, smack into the ocean, and die!"
"I know!" Luffy suddenly shouted, catching their attention. "Iris can just fly the rest of the way." And just when they thought he had an idea, it tunred out to be the first thing he said upon finding a Island in the sky.
"Hmm... like I said, that's impossible." She had once again told him, since he keeps thinking she could sprouted wings from other places other then her own back.
"Unfurl the sails, right now!" But it appeared that someone had something else in mind. They all turned to the navigator a little confused. "This is an ocean. Not just some column of water! A vertically-flowing current!" This was being explained to them and the reason Nami had ordered them to unfurl the sails a moment ago. "And the wind that's blowing us up it was caused by the explosion of geothermal heat and steam! if we've got wins and ocean, it can be navigated! Who's the ship's navigator?" She had come to ask them with a large grin across her face, filled with confidence despite how she normally was in these situations.
"IT'S NAMI~!" None them had any doubts in her abilities. "Oi, you louts! Do what Nami says!"
"AYE!" The sails had been released and caught the wind.
"Someone take the rudder so that we catch the wind from the starboard side! Bring the hull in line with the current!" Nami began throwing more orders around.
"YES SIR!!" And the Merry began to change the direction she was going.
"Oh no! The ship's rising off the water!" Chopper shouted as he was watching below.
"We're falling! We're falling, Nami! Do something, Nami!" Even Luffy appeared to be panicking a little as things didn't change.
"No, we'll make it!" However, she hadn't lost the confidence she had. And the moment the hull had lifted off the column completely, the Going Merry had taken off flying instead.
"WE'RE FLYING!!" It was the most surprising things yet. "Wow! THE SHIP'S FLYING IN THE AIR!"
"Is this for real!?" Despite seeing it for himself, Usopp still couldn't believe it.
"Did it!" The others stood in silence but amazement as they were soaring through the sky.
"NAMI, YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL! AND I LOVE YOU!!" All but Sanji that was being lovesick like always.
"This really feels like when I'm flying." Iris stated with a large happy grin.
"If we sail along this current using this wind, we can go as high as we want!" Their navigator was stating.
"Oi, Nami!" Luffy had then called back to her. "Are we gonna make it to Sky Island!?" He was asking her.
"If it really exists, it's just beyond that cloud!" Which had caused her to point ahead into the cloud above.
"Above the clouds... I wonder what we'll find there!" The captain was getting even more excited just thinking about it. "WE'RE ENTERING THE CUMULOREGALIS CLOUD!"

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