The Chestnut?!

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The crew had gotten away from Shoujo and his Sonic Wave, however, the Merry was quite damaged. Or to be more precise the terrible repairs that had been done had come apart in a lot of places. "Damn. Damn. Damn. That. Orangutang. Putting even more holes in the ship..." Needless to say that Usopp was unhappy about needing to repair it all over again.
"Ive never send her in such bad condition." Zoro was saying as he was hammering away at the metal plates around the mast that came loss.
"I DIDN'T ASK FOR YOUR OPINION, ASSHOLE!" But this only had Usopp snapping at him in anger, while posing oddly.
"ASSHOLE!" And Chopper copping him because he thought it was amusing.
"You DO know how we GOT this ship in the first place, don't you!?" The snipper was asking this once again.
"DON'T YOU!?" With Chopper repeating him.
"We know, Usopp. But complaining isn't going to do anything." The two of them had stopped and turned to Luffy that had spoken, also helping with the repairs. "The Going Merry is an important friend to us. So, let's work hard and fix her ourselves."
"Luffy... you are such a..." Usopp had tears swelling up in his eyes.
"...BASTARD!!" Though it changed the moment Luffy had accidentally slammed the hammer to hard, destroying all the repairs that had been made. "ARE YOU TRYING TO FIX HER OR DESTROY HER?!"
"Well, i really wanna fix her..." Luffy had tried to explain while continuing with the hammer. "Ah, I did it again." Only to destroy more.
"LUFFY!!" Soon the hammer had been taken from Luffy.
"I'll be taking that." Causing him to turn around to see Iris with it smiling. With Luffy being sent away, the repairs didn't take long to finish and now everyone was at the front of the Merry.
"After leaving Mock Town, we came around the east. We should be at the place on the map soon." Nami was explaining to the others. "So this guy we're going to see... What's his name again?" She was looking to Robin asking.
"Montblanc Cricket." Which the woman came to answer.
"This man who speaks of dreams lives there, right?"
"A-AWESOME!" Suddenly, both Luffy and Usopp shouting in shock as they were looking at a huge carnival palace looking house sitting on the cove.
"Is this his house?! It's a palace!" The captain seemed to be impressed by all of this.
"Is this Montblanc Cricket guy loaded or something?!" Usopp appeared to be the same as him.
"Sorry guys." However, Iris had come to say this.
"Idiots, take a closer look." And told by Zoro.
"A man who dreams, huh? More like a big show-off." Sanji soon followed saying, which seemed to confused the both,
"What do you mean?" along with Chopper, that used his hooves to widen his eyes to understand what they meant. Luffy on the other hand had jumped of the ship onto the cove and began dashing for the house. That was then when he screamed in shock.
"It's just a board!?" He was really shocked about this, because unlike the others, he though that it was really.
"WHAT?!" Just like the other two, who were just a childish as him.
"He only has half a house. The rest is just makeshift." The swordsman was saying as they looked at the half build house behind the board.
"But why is it only half a house?" Iris couldn't see why build it nor understood why on the very edge of the island as well. There really wasn't a point.
"Possibly the man's a cheapskate." This had been suggested by the cook, however, there was just this feeling that this wasn't the case. At least, to Iris.
"What kind of dreams was he talking about that got him kicked out of town?" Nami seemed to have finally asked the question.
"I don't know the details, but... Apparently, he claimed that a mountain of gold resides somewhere on Jaya Island." Robin had explained what she had heard.
"Gold!?" Which was obviously shocking.
"You mean like some pirate's treasure or something?!"
"Well, who knows."
"GOLD!" In a single moment, Nami eye's had changed in beli signs. "Dig, Chopper! We're gonna find Gold!" She had come to order the Doctor that changed into Walk Point.
"I jus have to dig the ground and we'll find it?" He began digging up the ground with his antlers.
"Living alone out in the boonies, eh?" Sanji was heading towards a group of tree stumps that appeared be used as a table and chairs set.
"Hello. Anyone home?" Then there was Luffy that entered the house without a second hesitation.
"Lu, don't just enter." Iris had flew off the Merry over to him, as he entered.
"What?... Nobody's here." He had looked around the simple, one room house to say. "HELLO! No answer."
"Lu, its a one room house." The angel was standing outside the doorway. "If you didn't see him, then his not here."
"Wait up, idiot!" Usopp had popped out from behind Iris. "What is some really dangerous guy is in there?" Which was why he was hiding behind the blonde hair woman.
"Oi, guys! He ain't here!" But it appeared that the Captain didn't care, as he ignored the cowards to inform the others. Usopp and Iris had come to head towards where Sanji and Nami were, the tree stumps.
"Look at this..." the Navigator said looked at something left on the stump table. "It's a picture book." She came to pick it up to get a closer look. "A pretty old one, at that. It's called 'Lair Norland.'" She came to laugh at the title.
"That's a cool title! I like his style!" Usopp seemed proud of it, since he was a liar himself.
"I wonder what it says." Iris seemed intrigued by this, because of her love for books.
"'Liar Norland'?" Sanji had spoken, as if he heard of it before.
"You know it, Sanji?" This was asked to him by Nami, before looking back down to it. "But it says this book was published in North Blue." Unless it was a famous writer or scholar, a book published in one of the seas stays in the sea its published.
"Ah, I was born in the North Blue." However, this was soon revealed to the group. "Didn't I tell you?"
"This is new." Iris came to say, since this was the first time she heard of this.
"News to me. I thought you were from East like the rest of us." She had been the only one either as Usopp said that.
"That's where I grew up." That had been cleared up.
"Shut up, Chopper!" However, out of nowhere Nami ended up snapping at the doctor who was still digging as she had ordered him. "What the hell are you doing!?" It appeared that she completely forgot that she had been the one that ordered this, which came as a complete shock to him.
"This is a pretty famous story in North." Sanji had began to explain the book to the other three. "It's just a fairytale for kids now, but I heard this guy Noland was a real person."
"Once upon a time, long, long ago... Perhaps over 400 years ago... In a certain country in the North Sea, there lived a man named Montblanc Norland. Noland was an explorer who always spoke of adventures so grand, they sounded like lies. But the people in the village could never tell if those stories where true or not. One there, Noland returned from an expedition and went to report to the King. 'I saw a mountain of gold on an island in the Great Sea.' The Brave King, wanted to see for himself... set safe for the great see you, taking 2000 soldiers with him. After overcoming Greece storms and battling horrific monsters, the only ones to reach the islands were Noland, the king, and 100 of the soldiers. But all the King and his men found there was an empty jungle. Nolan was sentenced to death for his lies. And these were Nolan's last words: 'That's it! The mountain of gold must've sunk into the sea!' The king and his subjects were astounded. No one would believe Noland any more. But to the day he died, Nola would not stop lying. - Tales from the North Sea, 'Liar Norland.'" Nami had come to finish the book upon reading that out loud so that the others were able to hear. "And so the pitiful liar... perished... without ever becoming a brave warrior of the sea." That clearly hadn't been in the book as she was clearly making fun of Usopp, who was a liar.
"DON'T LOOK AT ME!" He snapped right back at her, flustered. "AND DON'T ADD IN SUCH A PAINFUL SENTENCE!" That had been added next, while pointing at the navigator.
"Calm down, Usopp." Iris stood between them, smiling as she kind of found it a little funny about Nami adding the last part. However, all had stopped upon hearing the sudden scream of their captain. They all looked towards where it came from only to find Luffy, who at a Devil Fruit, falling int the ocean water.
"Luffy fell into the sea!" This had been shouted both the females in shock, since he couldn't swim.
"What are you doing!?" This was being shouted as Usopp was running full force to the captain. However, he came to a stop due to someone suddenly emerging from the water.
"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!?" The person had shouted at the group as he made his way to the ground. "You've got guts, relaxing in another man's home!" Standing before them was a muscular, middle aged man with blond hair that had a large chestnut at the top of it. He was wearing a dark-purple tracksuit-pants with a white stripe running along each leg, and a rope around his waist. Other then the pants he wasn't wearing another else, so they were able to see on his left arm, the man had a tattoo of a chestnut with the word 'Maroon' written across it. By his words, he was clearly the owner of the house, in other words Cricket. "This stretch of sea is MY territory."
"'MY territory.'" However, his last sentence is what caught the attention of Iris, since she has been heard it a lot as of late.
"Oi, Usopp! Go get Luffy!" Sanji was shouting this as he dashed for the man, snapping Usopp out of his stunned state.
"Got it!" The long nose boy took off once again to save the Captain.
"You're after the gold, aren't you? THEN DIE!" The man had sent a high kick at Sanji, he dodged it before a round house kick came at him which he dodged by ducking. However, as Sanji had duck, a striking from the hand came flying at him with his hand. Sanji managed to stop him his his leg. But then out of nowhere a gun had been pulled out and fired at the cook's face.
"SANJI!" Chopper, Nami and Iris shouted out to him. The doctor was in tears.
"Don't worry! He missed!" However, when they heard Sanji shout that they were relieved. Though, it was then when a barre of bullets started firing at Sanji feet. "W-Wait a second!"
"Idiot, that's what you get for understanding him." Zoro had pulled one of his swords out of the sheath. "Get back! I'll handle it!" Before he began dashing towards the fight, however, not a moment later the man had dropped the gun before following it to the ground, collapsing.
"Oi, What the hell were you doing!?" Then Usopp emerged from the water, with Luffy's.
"Bubbles were..." Luffy was explaining before coughing. "...coming up from the sea!" He said them started coughing again. "I was looking at them, and then a chestnut appeared! But the chestnut was an old man...! And then he pulled me into the water...!" Needless to say that the casting sounded crazy, however, it was then when he noticed the old man laying on the ground breathing heavily. "Old man!"

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