Finally Heard!

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Iris had found herself pushing her body off the ground after the explosion. It was because even though the bird guy, Pell, had gotten the bomb away, the shock wave still knocks people down and damages buildings. She couldn't believe was she just saw while looking up at the sky and it wasn't just her. "That crazy bastard..."
"He protected... the country." None of the Straw Hats on the surface could believe it, either.
"Oi... You gotta be kidding me..." But what was making all this worse, was that the residents of Alubarna just getting back up and start killing each other again.
"What is wrong with them...?" Iris couldn't comprehend what was happening.
"PLEASE STOP FIGHTING!" But then a voice from behind began shouting, even though it was barely heard over the sound of the battle. "PLEASE...STOP FIGHTING!" The crew were the only ones that seemed to be able to hear it. "PLEASE...STOP FIGHTING! PLEASE...STOP FIGHTING!" Having lost all hope, Vivi just starts repeatedly screaming from the bell tower. "PLEASE... STOP FIGHTING!! PLEASE... STOP FIGHTING!! PLEASE...STOP FIGHTING!! PLEASE...STOP FIGHTING!! PLEASE... STOP FIGHTING!! PLEASE... STOP FIGHTING!!" She just continued to shout it over and over again with desperation, wanting everyone to hear her. However, it was clearly pointless and they all knew it.
"You idiot..." Which only caused Nami and Iris to gather tears in their eyes as they look up at her. "You three! What the hell are you standing around for!?" Nami had lost it at the guys, shoving them around. "Punch them, kick them! Anything! Whatever you have to do to stop the rebellion!" She was throwing them towards the fighting. "Hurry up and GO!" She was shouting at them to go stop the civil war at all costs. "Save as many lives as possible!"
"Vivi...!" The tears were just rolling, unable to stop as Iris was still looking up at the girl with nothing left but her own voice. "Move it..." Her attention soon turned to the war as she was walking towards them. "As long as I don't kill them it anything is fine?" That's as being asked looking to Nami, who was unable to see the face that was being made by Iris.
"R-Right." But it was clear that it wasn't the normal happy expression then normal.
"That's all I needed to know." Light particles began to appear all around them and with a single motion had Iris' hand, they were sent flying into the battlefield. They were flying all over the place, piercing right through hands, arms, legs feet's. Anything that would cause them to be unable to use weapons or walk. It didn't matter if they were a member of the Royal or Rebel Army, they were all attacked. Some of the lights shattered weapons, like swords, spears, and guns making them unusable. The others weren't sitting around either, they run into the war where they were grabbing ahold of anyone and if they were unable to stop them they were knock them out.
"Oi, look!" But then Sanji's shouting caused the Straw Hats to look up towards the sky. It was there that they saw something which wasn't clear at first due to the sand. However once it disappeared...
"CROCODILE!?" They were able to see it was the man behind all of this as he was clearly unconscious while tumble through the air.
"Not sure how he got blasted up all the way over there..." This meant only one thing...
"HOW ELSE!?" Usopp knew it well. "I never had a doubt in my mind... But now..."
"HE WON!!" The crew rejoice in Luffy's victory initially, since it could only have been their Captain that sent to bastard flying after beating him. And yet, despite all that the civil war continues to rage around them.
"PLEASE STOP FIGHTING!!" Vivi screamed even louder to the sky and as if hearing her scream something wet had hit Iris' cheek.
"This is..." She quickly looked to the sky where rain suddenly begins to fall from above. "...rain."It appeared that the people were hesitating as they feel Alubarna's first rainfall in three years. the people were begging to stop fighting as they were looking up to the sky.
"The smoke is being suppressed by the rain." Chopper had noted this as the dust was begging to clear.
"PLEASE DON'T...FIGHTING ANYMORE!!" Vivi's plea echoed through out the Square and the people were finally able to hear her.
"Vivi's voice is... reaching them." No one was not longer fighting as they were looking in the direction of the clock tower. They began dropping their partisans when they realize their princess is alive and well. It had then been when Crocodile collides with the street.
"Sir Crocodile! Why did he fall down here?" It was no surprise that the people around were shocked upon the sight in front of them.
"SIR Crocodile you say...?!" Usopp seemed pissed off that they were calling him respectfully. "I'm gonna tell you a thing or two about what he's done to this country!" But he had been grabbed by Sanji
"Oi, wait, wait." The cook was telling him to calm down and all were waiting for Vivi to speak.
"The rain, just as it is falling... Just as it always has... will fall again. The night mare... has finally ended!" Vivi has come to her people the nightmare is finally over. However...
"'The night mare has finally ended'!?"
"Dint give us that! You can't just call this some bad dream!" Although the people's anger is quelled, they don't initially believe Vivi's claim.
"He's right! We saw the King attack Nanohana with our own eyes!" The people were still angry that King Cobra apparently attacked Nanohana. "And Kohza was shot by the Royal Army!"
"The Royal Army has fought dirty this whole time! How can we accept that for those who have died for this rebellion!?" It was clear that they were all out for blood still as they were shouting at her. The battle was about to begin as the two army's were moving towards each other.
"THROW DOWN YOUR WEAPON!" Until someone had screamed at them. "ROYAL ARMY!" It had been Chaka, who was ordering the Royal Army of Arabasta to stand down from above the castle walls.
"You- Mah-mah-maaah~!" Something familiar sound had come over the crowd. "You so the same! Rebel Army!"
"S-Sir Igaram!" All seemed shocked upon seeing that it was Igaram that appeared.
"That's the cross-dressing guy from Whiskey Peak!"
"He's alive!" The Strawhat were completely shocked as the man was surprised to be dead.
"But who is he?" But Chopper had no idea who he was.
"Hey, can you speak?" The man was holding onto a child that was badly injured.
"It's that kid from Nanohana."
"That's right. That's the kid who got hurt by the Royal Army." Some of the Rebels came to remember this.
"No. Someone else did this to me." The kid was beginning to testify against this. "Everyone, listen. I saw them!" He explained how he witness a man, Mr. 2 Bon Kurei, impersonated King Cobra.
"That's right." Someone had come to speak, pulling all to him. "This war was... set up from the beginning."
"Kohza!" The one that was speaking now was the leader of the Rebel Army, who was injured during being held up by his men.
"Everything that has happened to this country, I shall explain as, myself, in full detail." Igaram had come to tell them all. "Throw down your weapons, all of you!" The people finally agree to throw their weapons down for good. At the same time, Vivi had come bursting out from the clock tower's doors.
"Princess Vivi!"
"Princess Vivi!" The people were calling out to her.
"Everyone..." However, she was looking around looking for someone. "Where are you?"

Angel's True Face (One Piece)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora