The Attack on Goats!

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It was one of those days that started out so well for the Straw Hats on the Going Merry, that was until the Marines came into the picture and began firing their cannons none stop. "Hey! If we don't do something, they're gonna sink us!" This was being shouted by the navigator of the ship. however, it seemed that no one seemed all that bothered by it.
"I'm hungry..." especially Luffy who was leaning over the railing whinnying.
"Me too..." Chopper had joined in on the whining. If it wasn't for the marines firing at them, you would think that nothing was wrong, especially with the fact that Robin was reading a book calmly.
"Don't the Marines know when to quit?" The question was coming from the swordsman that was laying his head on the laps of the angel.
"You would think that after all these time." That was slowly combing her fingers through his green hair.
"Can't you catch anything?" Iris looked up over to Luffy that was asking the long nose that was away fishing.
"It's not that I can't catch anything. We're moving way too fast." The answer had been given to him in slight annoyance.
"At this rate, we're either going to dehydration or starve to death..." The only nonhuman member, a reindeer was over the railing beside Luffy speaking.
"Robin, your afternoon tea. And as a special treat, a Mille Feuille." Then there was the cook of the crew that brought up a tray and walking to the new member of the group who was sitting and reading.
"Thank you, Mr Cook." This had caused Robin to look up from her book to thank him.
"I want a snack too!" But the shouted came from Luffy as drool was flowing out of his mouth.
"Where the hell were you hiding those!?" And Usopp ended snapped since they were starving this entire time. Before long the pair and Chopper came running at Sanji, training to grab the tray.
"Hey! You morons keep your filthy hands off these!" Sanji was shouting at the trio as he was holding them back with his foot and arm.
"How can you all be playing around?" Nami was looking at them in complete shock or disbelief, as the situation they were in wasn't all that great. Especially how Luffy and Chopper were now laying on the floor laughing since Robin used her Devil Fruit, the Flower Flower Fruit that creates multiple arms sprout from their bodies tickling them. "This is no time to be laughing!" As cannonballs were getting closer Nami ended up snapping at them as she was holding onto the railing to prevent are from falling.
"Nami, we might have another problem." Iris' voice had caused the navigator to look down at the woman looking off into the distance from the bow of the ship. The reason she was saying this was due to a large fog with had large rocks ahead of them.
"You'd better start navigating!" Zoro then came to shout as he saw them.
"You don't have to tell me!" Nami came to shout had the man before the Going Merry entered the fog. "Fog again?" She was getting a little annoyed with all the fog they've been getting lately. The currents within the fog seemed to flowing quite quickly, while there were submerged rocked separated throughout the place. However... "Hard to port! Pull the main sail more to the left!" Nami know exactly what she was doing as she began to order the guys around. Sanji and Chopper pulling the ropes of the sails to follow orders. They were moving through the fog with very little issues and it wasn't long before they come sailing out from the fog "We've cleared the fog." And that was something Nami was glad about.
"Oi, an island! I see an island!"" Usopp, up in the crows nest came shout as they were approaching an island.
"Maybe there'll be food!" Of course that was the first thing that comes to Luffy's mind, as they got closer to the island.

The ship had dropped anchor upon the island and they all began to climb, or fly, up rocks to the island and soon were walking through the jungle. "Maybe this island is uninhabited." Robin came to state this as there wasn't a single sign of human life.
"See anything Iris!?" This was being shouted up to the sky where Iris was flapping her wings above the crew looking around from above.
"A goat!" She said oddly enough.
"A goat?" But it wasn't long before they heard the sound of a goat and only a few feet ahead spotted a small baby goat eating.
"M-MEAT!" But seeing this had awoken the savages in Luffy, Usopp and Sanji who soon took off running towards the baby. "MEAT! MEAT! MEAT! MEAT!" The rest of the crew chased after the three, to a clearing, as the three got closer to the baby goat, Nami stood in front of them, along with Iris that came to land beside her.
"Now just hold on! Even if you're hungry, you can't eat that cute little goat!" She yelled at them,
"That's right, it's only a baby." Iris came to agree with her but the baby goat came to baa again.
"Looks like your cute little goat's friends have us surrounded." Zoro was ready to draw his sword. But it took a second for Nami and Iris to notice a bunch of goat, a lot bigger than the baby one, and these ones looked a lot meaner.
"It's a trap! He lured us into a trap!" Chopper came to shout before they started charging at the crew.
"No choice, I guess." Zoro pulled out his sword.
"Don't kill them, Zoro!" But then Chopper came to shout at him. "They're not bad! I can tell they're not!" However, despite saying that, Zoro had to block the goat that charged at him with his sword. At the same time, Sanji was kicking them but they were to fast, so he was only kicking air.
"Tabascho Star!" Usopp ended up firing off some of his ammo, but as they weren't bullets the goats ended up kicking them back, but into Luffy's eyes.
"Lu!" Iris ran towards Luffy that was screaming in pain while...
"The goat deflected it..." Usopp said in disbelief.
Chopper mean while, wasn't fighting them, despite them ready to charge.
"Wait!" Then there was Chopper, who refused to fight them. "We're not here to eat you! I swear!" He was smiling all nervously as he telling them, thinking that this was the reason they were attacking. "But, why did you lure us into this trap?" However, it didn't seem to be the case as one of the goats were speaking back. "Eh? Someone ordered you to do it!?"
"Who?" Nami heard this and asked him. However, Zoro, Sanji and Usopp were still going at it with the goats.
"STOP!" While Chopper started running towards the goats.
"Numbskull, stay out of the way!" Zoro shouted at him, holding a bunch of goats back with his swords.
"Chopper!" Iris saw him and was going to over to him as goats then started charging.
"STOP IT!" But suddenly Chopper changed into Heavy Point, leaving the goats' mouth wide open. But that wasn't the only thing as something came falling out from the trees. Everyone's head turned towards it to see a man with long gray beard and hairstyle. His arms were thin and brown. He wore a dark captain's jacket over green overalls and a brown, striped shirt. He also had on a yellow sash around his waist and brown sandals.
"M-MONSTER!" The old man was shouting while pointing right at Chopper.
"Some weird old man fell outta the tree." Luffy come to speak as everyone was pretty surprised at the sudden appearance of this man.
"Chopper, is the guy who ordered the goats to attack us?" Nami had come to ask.
"Well?" Which had Chopper looking the the goats for an answer, which had been given. "They said he is!" It was then when the old man started freaking out.
"He probably thought we were going to attack him." Zoro came to say since it only made to most sense.
"Don't worry. We just need some water and food." A smile came across Sanji's face as he was trying to explain the reason to why they were on the island.
"I can't trust the word of a pirate!" However, like most people, the old man didn't believe that while he was pointing at them. "Let me tell you, there's no treasure on this island! I'm flat broke!"
"No offence, but you don't like like someone with a lot of money." Usopp told him.
"You filthy pirates!" He was again yelled.
"That isn't a nice thing to say." This had come from Iris as she looked to the old man.
"Even so, I will remain a man! You can go ahead and boil and roast me!" That had been said as if the crew were a bunch of wild savages.
"Oh really? I'm a cook. Boiling and roasting are what I'm best at." Hearing this had caused Sanji to crack his nunchucks while joking around.
"Wait! Wait! It was just a joke!" But the old man thought that he was serious and began backing away before throwing rocks. "You devils! Villains! Murderers!" It wasn't long before he jumped into the bushes where it seemed that he became trapped in. The swordsman had ended walking over to him and sliced at the bush and had completely cut him free. However, the man had come to faint from shock.
"He fainted." Luffy was looking down at the unconscious man.
"This crotchety old goat sure is faint-hearted." Usopp came to say. However, Chopper came ran over to the old man where he started to listen to the old man's heart.
"Oh no! His heart stopped!" The doctor came to shout all panicked. It had been when they all turned to Zoro with either anger or disappointment as they were backing away from him.
"Zoro!" Luffy came to shout at him.
"Demon!" Usopp ended up calling him.
"How horrible!" Nami was all scared.
"Moss head!" Sanji once again called him.
"Meeh~!" Even the goats were glared at him.
"NO! Wait...! I didn't...!" Zoro looked side to side all panicked at what the crew was accusing him of.
"I'm very disappointed." But the final blow was Iris who looked at him with empty eyes.
"Iris, you too!?" He seemed pretty shocked at that. Meanwhile, Chopped began doing CPR to the man.
"I'm a Doctor!" He came to explain to the goats. "Take us to the old man's house!"

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