Hello Pervert Three!

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Leaving Luffy behind was one of the hardest things that the crew could do, however, if it was him then their would be no need to worry. The only thing they needed to do was make sure Vivi gets him safe. But it still was a heavy thing so in the end most of the crew tried to find a way to distract ourselves while ridding the crab east. "And THEN, at the PRECISE moment, I turned and said: 'YOU BOW-LEGGED FREAK!!' And because of that, all the crabs of the world took notice of their bow legs." Usopp was telling Chopper one of his outlandish story that wasn't true in the slightest like always.
"So that's why they walk sideways..." and of course the innocent reindeer believe him without hesitation like always too.
"Yup! And what's more, there was another animal jumping up and down behind him. It was a shrimp!" As he was doing all that, Iris was writing down bits and pieces in her note book.
"Zoro, aren't you just wasting your strength?" Nami was saying to the man as he was using Eyelashes as weights.
"Shut up." She didn't know the reason he was doing this was due to his frustrating.
"Leave him be, Nami. If he doesn't exert his strength, he'll be beside himself with tension. He gets worked up easily." At least Sanji understood that much, but... "And besides... he just got a full-blown taste of the level of the Seven War Lords of the Sea." This could be bad.
"Oi, jackass. What're you trying to say? Come out and say it." Zoro seemed really pissed off at hearing that. The tension began to raise around us.
"Alright, I'll tell you. You're afraid. That Luffy might lose."
"ME!? AFRAID!? YOU... PRETTY EYEBROWS!" Zoro had stood up along with Sanji while insulting him.
"Kaching! Now I'm pissed! You MOSS HEAD!" He had shouted back at him getting ready to fight.
"Wanna fight, asshole!?" Both them had butted heads but a second later they were on the ground
"Cut it out! This is pointless." This was due to Nami punching them both across the head.
"Wow!" Chopper had his jaw hitting the ground looking at her. It was impressive since Nami was one of the weakest on the crew but she can put the strongest on the ground with a single punch each. But it was understandably they were acting like this. If it were true or not but it's said that Crocodile is the weakest of the Seven War Lords. However, even if that were the case, Luffy... this fight was putting everyone on edge.
"He's fine!" My head had shot up to fine Vivi standing in front of us all smiling. "Everyone... Luffy won't lose! We made a promise, right? We said we'd wait in Alubarna!"
"YOU'RE THE ONE WORRYING THE MOST!" Usopp had bursted out since it was clear as day that she was completely panicking, which then earned herself a punch to the head by Nami.
"You just worry about the rebellion." She had told the girl.
"My apologies, Vivi." Sanji had sat up saying all sorry.
"If we had to follow you, we'd be totally lost." Although in physical terms Zoro couldn't really talk.
"Everything will be fine." All eyes fell on Iris after she had said that. "Luffy is Luffy after all. He won't die even if you killed him." They had to believe in him since if they didn't then they wouldn't believe in themselves anymore. "We should face forwards, in the direction of Alubarna."
"That right! Let's go, Scissors!" Nami had shouted after her and they took of even faster then before.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Usopp had asked her about the 'Scissors' part.
"It's the crab's name." She plainly answered.
"Scissors!?" It was clear that Usopp had his complaint but
"Got a problem with that!?"
"Not at all." He backed away in an instant, which was to be expected. Nami was the only one that no one on the crew couldn't fight against. It didn't take long for night to fall and the group were getting closer to the river that needed to be cross, so they could make it to Alubarna, expected there was one problem. "WHAT!? THIS CRAB CAN'T CROSS THE RIVER!?" Vivi had explained to them that Moving Crabs were unable to cross water because they were weak to it as they live in the desert. "But it's a crab! A CRAB! It's not a shrimp, right!? DO SOMETHING!" It made sense at what Usopp was getting at. "Oi, this is bad! We're in trouble! Look at this!" He had then pulled out the map of Alabasta and placed it in the middle. This had caused Nami, Sanji, Iris and Vivi to circle around it. "This river is practically an ocean. If we have to cross it, we'll never make it in time!" Usopp was telling them which was right it would take hours to swim across, plus there were two that couldn't swim. But since Iris had wings that really didn't matter. "And even if we cross the river, there's still tens of kilometres of desert to cross! If this crab doesn't make it to the other shore, are we just gonna run the rest of the way!?"
"I guess we'll have to." Nami had said
"Then we can just have Iris fly us across." She had then suggested but...
"That might take just as long." Iris told her since it she could carry two people at most due to the fact she barely use my wings till now, and even explained that to them.
"Crap! Oi, there's the river! I see the Sandora!" Sanji had pulled everyone's attention a head, to where the river was only a few meters away.
"Please do something, Scissors~!" Nami was pleading trying to be cute.
"That's it! Scissors loves dancing girls!" Chopper had suddenly outburst and in that instant Nami had taken her cloak off showing herself in the dancing girls' outfit.
"Like this?" She asked not even fazed but that's Nami for you.
"OH MY~!" Both Sanji and Eyelashes were drooling over her, which was to be expected, then one of Scissors' eyes wrapped around to be able to see her and it seemed to have worked as we were moving even faster then before."NAMI-SWAAAN~!"
"You managed to break two animals with you dumb routine!" Zoro snapped at her since it appeared to be the case.
"That isn't something to be proud of." Iris looked to the little reindeer telling him.
"And... how does this solve our problem?" Usopp had brought up and then shouted out Chopper, either way, it was too late to turn back now,
"GO!" Scissors had reached the water and he was running across it.
"Oi, oi, oi! This is really something. I can't believe it." Sanji was right in saying that since something like this shouldn't even be possible.
"This is great! It's a miracle! Just stay on the water's surface the whole way!" Usopp was pointing ahead of us to the shore shouting the entire time. But it wasn't long before they could feel themselves beginning to sink and out of instinct Iris' wings just popped out on their own and she took to the sky before it had submerged completely. "DON'T SINK, STUPID CRAB!" Usopp had shout out of the water shouting in annoyance.
"We don't have time to stand around screaming. Keep moving." Zoro was swimming with Chopper attached to him but Iris had flew down to them and took him in her arms as the rest of the crew began following Zoro's lead.
"Oi. J-Just hold on a second. Aren't there any ships?" Usopp was asking Vivi swimming beside her asking how long it'll take to reach the other shore.
"About 59 kilometres." She answered and of course he lost it saying they couldn't swim that far.
"Thank you!" Chopper was waving back to Scissors as Iris flew with him as she was also waving. "Thank you, Scissors!"
"This isn't the time to be cheerful, is it!?" Usopp was shouting up to the both. However, he was right, especially when something was coming out from the water in front. "What now...?"
"Oh dear, this could be bad." Iris was saying looking at the thing that kind of looked like a catfish, which it was being called a Rare Sandora Catfish as they are rarely seen. At least that was what Vivi was explaining.
"Spare us the nature special!" Usopp had shouted at her just before it dove ready to eat the others.
"And people are its favourite food!"
"SAY THAT PART FIRST!" A large wave had been created but it seemed to have pushed the others far enough so they could start swimming for their lives. Of course Iris flew after them with Chopper but the catfish came to a stop all of a sudden and was acting extremely strange. Then it was sent into the sky revealing the Dungeons that had defeated it. "Kung Fun Dungeons!" Usopp was crying in joy at the sight of them and it was thanks to them that the others didn't have to swim as they were on the back of the catfish behind dragged by the Dungeons.
"They said: 'we cannot abandon our Master's disciples.'" Chopper had translated what they were saying.
"Well... we're not really Luffy's disciples..." Usopp had responded to him saying.
"But we're safe now!" Vivi was all relieved and there wasn't must far to go before we reached the shore. "Thank you!" Vivi was waving after we made it to the shore back to the Dungeons.
"Bye bye!" As was Chopper.
"We're making good time. Do you think we'll make it?" Zoro had asked the princess.
"It's hard to say. Even riding Eyelashes or Iris flying, we still might not make it."She was telling us which would make sense.
"And they can only take... let's see... two people!" Usopp had to think about it for a second.
"Yes, plus we'll most likely be attacked by the agents when we're closer to the city." Iris had added on to it making it clear that there wasn't any way to get they all there together. Usopp even ask if there was a way for such a thing but the silence made it clear that there wasn't. It was then when something could be heard but Iris. Something over the gentle breeze that was heading for them. She looked off in the direction to where Alubarna was supposed to be in and in the distance she could see a dust cloud becoming large heading towards the group. "Guys! Look!" Iris had caught everyone's attention to the dust cloud.
"What is it, the enemy?! Th-Th-Th-Th-Th-They're on to us already!?" Usopp was along side Iris, shuddering after looking in the direction she was pointing off in.
"N-No, it's... Carue! And the Super Spot-Billed Duck Squad!" Vivi had shouted as the group could now see Carue with a group of seven other large ducks. They had stopped in front and they all saluted. "You've come to help us!"

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