A Man on Water!?

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After leaving the area where the cyclone had appeared the ship were desperate to find an island. But that's when it had began to snow. Vivi and Sanji were in charge of looking after Nami, or more like Vivi was. "Can you see a doctor?" Luffy from below had shouted up to Zoro and Iris

 "Can you see a doctor?" Luffy from below had shouted up to Zoro and Iris

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in the Crow nest. "Like they're gonna just see a doctor, dolt." Usopp was down beside him. Iris had then looked up around the Merry with the binoculars to try and find an island, when she had came to a stop ahead of them.
"I don't know if his a doctor but... what do you think of a person standing on water?" She had asked such a strange question while pulling the binoculars down from her eyes.
"You wanna know if people can stand on water?" Luffy had made her sound crazy when she had asked that.
"Iris, what are you talking about?" She was asked by Usopp.
"Are you feeling sick too?" Zoro seemed a bit worried, but she knew what she saw.
"No, because what is that?" Iris placed the binoculars to her eyes again to look ahead.
"What is what?" Luffy had repeated.
"What do you mean?" Usopp was asking her. There was a man who was a bit taller than average standing on top of the water. He had wavy lips and a sad expression. He wore a checkered jester-like green-blue costume with purple lining at the end of the sleeves, a white winter cape with purple lining, that was tied against his chest, with grey buttons, with a light brown bow and a bag of arrows on his back. He also had on a pair of dark green pants, and blue shoes with white buckles. He was just standing there, not moving. This was one of the strangest things Iris has seen so fare. She had to rub her eyes to make sure she wasn't seeing things and she wasn't. Silence had hit the ship as she wasn't catching an wind.
"My, it's cold today." That strange man had said out of no where, which caused them the flinch a bit at the surprise.
"Its very cold today." Luffy was going along with the Conversation to break the awkwardness.
"Yeah, it's cold, really cold. Really cold today." As was Usopp but Iris was still unsure on how to go about this.
"You think so too." When he spoke again it was totally strange and shocked all of them which had turned to silence again. And just when one thought things couldn't get any weirder a mast had spit up from the water below and the Merry was pushed back by a giant metal Spare following it.
"Argh!" Iris felt herself beginning to fall backwards losing her balance if it had before for Zoro grabbing her shoulders.
"What the heck is that? A watermelon!" Luffy shouted looking at what came from the water.
"Could that thing be... a ship?" Zoro had asked once the ship had began to calm back down. The giant metal spare had began to change. It was like a metal plate covering that was being pulled down to reveal a ship with hippo waving a crown for figurehead. The ship was at least 10 times the size of the Going Merry not to mention it had men coving the deck of it.
"Oh, Crap! I-It's a Pirates ship..." Usopp had pointed out, a flag with a skull was waving at the top of the mast .
"W-Wow!" Luffy seemed impressed.
"We're too busy for this." Zoro stated.
"You got snow on you." Irks had began to dust off the snow that had landed on his shoulder, which seemed to cause his already red face to get redder, but all stopped while a loud laugher echoed.
"Surprised, aren't you!? This is my Giant Diving Ambush Ship: The Bliking!" A voice that was so loud and annoying matched the laughing. Around that time below deck in the girls' room, the laugher could be heard by Sanji.
"Vivi! Keep an eye on things here!" Which caused him to dash got the hatch.
"Okay!" Vivi had shouted as he left.
"Oi, what's going on-?" Sanji wasn't able to finished once he left the storage room door. He had lighted a cigarette calmly, "Well? You gonna answer me?"
"We're being attacked. Our ship, that is." Luffy had sounded calm, despite having guns pointed at each member that was above deck.
"Yeah, that's what I thought." Sanji said calmly with him being surrounded like the others. "From the look of it."
"Are you lowlifes really pirates?" A man had asked them after eating meat off a sword. "You're just a bunch of weirdos. Looks like there's five of you." He had then bitten off a part of the sword, eating it as if it was nothin. "No matter how you look at it... that's just not enough for a pirate crew." The man was overweight with an unusual appearance. He has dark violet hair and a cylinder-shaped jaw made up of tin plates, hence his epithet. He was dressed in tin-plate armor and a hooded cape made from White Walkie skin. He also wore a pair of brown thick gloves. His pair of purple and orange woolen shorts had a brown belt around his waist and a pair of thick short boots. As he ate the sword, the crew were looking at him completely disturb.
"What's this guy's problem?" Luffy was asking.
"Why is he eating a sword?" Iris was asking as she covered her mouth because she felt like they were hurting as she watched him eat the sword.
"It hurts just watching him!" Usopp was his tongue sticking out as if he ate something back as he was the only one freaking out about the guns being pointed at him.
"Ah well... might as well ask." He was still chewing the sword. "We're headed to the Drum Kingdom. Would you happen by chance to have an Eternal Pose or even a Log Pose on you?" He had asked the group.
"Ain't got one. Ain't never heard of any place called that either." Sanji had answered his question.
"There! That's all, right? Now get outta here already. We're in a hurry." Luffy was harsh as he spoke to them. "Ain't got time to waste with you."
"Ah, didn't rush your lift so much. If you don't have one, that's that." The overweighted man, that appeared to be the captain had sighed shrugging his shoulders. "However, I'll be taking your treasure and your ship." Hearing that, Luffy cringed. "But before I do... I'm feeling a mite peckish." Upon say that, he took a bit of the Merry's side.
"What the hell is he!?" Usopp had freaked out.
"Don't eat our ship!" Luffy had snapped at the captain.
"Hold it right there!" To have two gun pointed right to his neck by one of the men. "Lord Wapol is enjoying his meal!" But they had been punched by him.
"That little twerp, nows he's done it!" Only to anger the rest of the men. "Fire!" The guns had began to be fire.
"We should've done this from the beginning." Zoro had stated with a smirk to Iris.
"Yeah, things are a lot more simple that way." She smiled back to him as he pulled off the blanket.
"Oh, I can kick 'em now?" Sanji was smiling as he pulled off his scarf.
"Wait! I'm sure we can talk this over!" Usopp was already finding behind the mast as the bullets were being fired at him.
"Later Fellars!" Iris had waved as she took off to the sky.
"A Devil's Fruit user!?" The guns were pointing up to the sky. "Oh crap!" Until they saw the balls of light floating around Iris.
"You should have left when you had the chance." She told them with her arms crossed under her chest. The light had began flying down towards the men, destroying their guns that had exploded after a ball of light had gotten inside them one by one.
"Please Don't Make Such a Rude Entrance!" Sanji had one of his feet behind the head of one of the mean, "... Reception!" To then smash it into the deck. Three more had moved in to attack him, but his kicks were too strong for them to handle, as he sent them flying one after the other. At that moment Zoro had began running down the mast with inky two of his swords drawn had had sliced passed a few that were at the bottom of the mast. He was dodging the sword attacked that swung at him only to return the favour ten fouls.
"They're all mouth." Zoro had said completely disappeared.
"Yeah, you would think they would be a little stronger with the way they acted." Zoro looked up to see Iris flapping her wings slowly as she began to come down to join him.
"L-Lord Wapol! These guys..." the men had tried to get their captain's attention but he was eating more and more of the Merry which pissed Luffy off as he was swinging his fist around at the men that tried to get in his way of the captain.
"You're still eating!?"
"This ship ain't half bad." Wapol had stated,
"Hey you!" Luffy's shouting had made him turn and face him.
"Fool! You're no match for Lord Wapol!"
"You'll be eaten alive by the power of the Munch-Munch Fruit!" As Luffy gotten in closer, Wapol's mouth had open and before any of them had know it, Luffy was eaten.
"Luffy!" Usopp shouted out to him panicked.
"W-What?" Vivi had entered only to be confused at all the men laying unconscious on deck and Luffy's arms stretching across the ship.
"Ah, Vivi. How is Nami's condition?" Sanji asked as if nothing of importance was happening. Zoro had placed his swords away and Iris her wings, which had folded back under her skin.
"This guys a chewy one." Wapol was saying as he was chewing in Luffy,
"Why you..." Luffy's was yelling from inside the mouth of Wapol. "GET LOST!!" His arms had shot back and smashed right into Wapol, which as a result sent the overweight man flying high into the sky. It was silent as Wapol turned into a star in the distance.
"Hey, we've gotta run! They played around with Lord Wapol like he was a little girlie doll!" That reference sounded a lot more insulting then had meant.
"What a thing to do! Lord Wapol is a hammer in the water!"
"We have to get to Lord Wapol before he sinks!" The mouth of the figurehead opened up as it got closer to the Merry and a ladder came out of it where the pirates of that ship began running up it as they carried their wounded. "If we don't rescue him, he's going to drown! Remember this well! We she return for retribution!"
"Remember well!"
"PLEASE! REMEMBER US!" They were still shouting as they disappeared into the distance.
"J-just who the hell was that?" Usopp had asked once they were far away as if the others would know who he was. "It sounded like thy called him 'Wapol' or something."
"Who cares what his name is? Forget him." Sanji had shrugged, "just your run if the mill idiot. Nothing to bother yourself about."
"Is something wrong, Vivi?" Iris had asked noticing the girl looking a bit uncomfortable looking off to where Wapol had shot off into.
"That man... where have I seen him...?"

The day had passed and there was no sign of an island. Things with Nami we're getting worst then they were before and it only been a day. "I bet... she's real hungry." Luffy had said turned Sanji and Vivi's eyes to him. "How about if she eats 100 helpings of meat!? If she just eats some meat, she'll get better in not time!" It was really surprising how little brains Luffy had in his head.
"Gimme a break." Sanji rubbed the back of his head.
"Any luck, Iris?" Vivi had turned up to head of the bed where Iris was sitting on a chair with her hands placed on Nami's temples. Her eyes were closed and light was shinning off her hands. Her eyes had then opened after hearing Vivi asking her.
"I'm sorry." She had said removing her hands from Nami's head. "It seems to not have any effect. I thought it would but..." looking down at the girl proved that Iris' healing ability was limited to wounds and not illness.
"There's no need to feel bad." Sanji had told her. He could see that she was trying her best and had become very pale from using her ability since the fight they had with Wapol, which was hours ago. If she continued anymore then she would most likely be in the same state as Nami.
"C'mon, cheer up!" Luffy was yelling as he was tying nots with his skin. "She isn't smiling." He was completely shocked that it didn't work. "Not one bit..." completely shocked. "Maybe if we... threw water in her or something... her fever will go down."
"DUMBASS!!" Vivi and Sanji had sent him flying across the room.
"Man, the sun's already going down, Iris, Vivi." Sanji had told them,
"Yes, you're right." Vivi had agreed with him.
"I think it would be better to drop anchor somewhere soon." Iris had stated to them both as she stood up a little weak. "It's dangerous to navigate at night without Nami."
"That's for sure." With the anchor down and night arriving. Worried for their sick friend they all slept together in the girls' room. It was 1 in the morning and out of everyone in the room, the one that needed to sleep was up shocked to see her friends in the room sleeping soundly. Nami saw that Luffy was sleeping soundly on the floor with the corner of a from in his forehead for some strange reason. She saw Iris sleeping over the top of Zoro's chest who had his arms wrapped around her as he leaned on Carue who was on his side. She had then looked down to her feet where Vivi was hunched over the bed side sitting in the floor. To have her eyes lay in Usopp who was leaning against the desk asleep. "Oh, is that right? You really want my autograph that badly? You don't say..." who's sleep talking surprised her. But she couldn't feel smiling as she looked around at her five (plus Carue) friends that were worried about her. The one on watch duty was Sanji since he was the only one that wasn't there with them. Seeing who worried her friends were for her, she decided that it was better to get better as fast as she could which meant sleep.

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