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The Going Merry continued to sail over the clouds and the crew stood at the front watching as they were getting closer until... "Hold on! Stop, Stop!" Nami had began to shout for them to stop.
"Some large clouds are blocking our path." They were unable to continue onward due to the large gathering of clouds being in their way.
"What do we do?" The question came from Chopper as they came to a stop.
"They're floating above the sky sea, so they can't be part of it." Sanji came to point this out to them.
"What kind of clouds are they then?" But that only caused Usopp, sitting on the inner railing, to ask this. It was a good question since none of that made sense.
"If they're ordinary clouds, we can just sail through them."
"I'll touch one and find out!" It was in that moment that Luffy began winding up his arm. "GUM GUM..." He had swung forwards... "...Pistol!" Causing his fist to go flying towards one of the clouds. "Ah, it bounced off!" However, the moment it made impact his fist was pushed back. Finding out that they were rubbery clouds, Luffy had become overwhelmed with excitement as he leaped of the Merry and onto the clouds. "Look! I'm bouncing! I'm not sinking! It's so soft! Just like cotton!" The captain was on top of the cloud, going up and down as he laughed. "What is it? It's almost too fun!" He was moving all over the place on the cloud.
"Wooow~!" Chopper had sparkles flying all over the place while his eyes looked like they were about to pop out from his head.
"What a strange phenomenon." The women on the crew looked at the cloud with curious stares.
"Quite mysterious."
"It does look fun."
"I'm going too!" Despite the events that transpired at the beginning, Usopp dove head first into something.
"Me too!" The little reindeer had also succumb to his excitement as he also leaped off the ship.
"Ahh~! This feels nice! It's so warm, I think I might fall asleep." Luffy was laying on the clouds, about to fall asleep. "It's more comfortable than a thousand futons." But then he found himself being sent flying into the air. This was due to Usopp and Chopper both bouncing onto the cloud and before long the three of them were having the time of their lives.
"But, that means we can't take the ship through any place where these clouds are." Seeing how they were solid clouds, Nami began to ponder what they could do. "Hey Iris, would you mind taking look for a route the ship can use?" Her sights turned to the only flying member of their crew.
"Not at all." With that being said, the woman had taken to the sky flying over the rubber clouds as she began searching for a way through.
"What's that?" She came to ask herself as she began flying closer towards it. "No way..."

A few minutes had gone by while Iris left, Luffy, Usopp and Chopper returned to the Merry, while they awaited the return of their friend.
"Look, Iris is back!" Luffy called out upon seeing the woman's silhouette getting closer to them. The had moved out of the way so that she was able to land on the ship, her wings stretching out as she did before they retreated into her shoulder bones.
"Did you find anything?"
"I found a gate." She answered within a second of the question.
"A gate?" And needless to say that the group was stun upon her answer.
"Yeah, I was pretty surprised but it's right in front of the waterfall." She explained further about what she had seen.
"So there's something man-made here?" Sanji asked a but surprised, but it was to be expected.
"Nothing is out of the question on this sea." While at this point Robin was excepting everything that was happening.
"Well, we'll know once we get through here!" The captain wasn't wrong about that and with the help of Iris' bird eye view the Merry was able to begin sailing pass the clouds in their way by using small gaps that were in between them. This was no different then when they would sail through icebergs.
"Yosh, we made it through!" It wasn't long before they were able to see the large gate that Iris had spoken off, and it was sitting right in front of the waterfall.
"It really is a gate..." But they were all stunned up seeing the large size of the gate.
"And look! Those clouds that looked like a waterfall really are fall!" That part had been added, and it was a beautiful sight. "It's flowing over that new type of cloud we just saw." But there was something that caught their eyes about the gate.
"Let's see, let's see... 'Heaven's Gate'- A gate to Heaven?" Usopp had read the name written on the top of the gate. "Oi! Is this a joke!? It's like we're going to die!" But he began to freak out upon reading it.
"Or, what if we're all dead already?" Zoro begins to wonder if they actually are dead.
"Oh. That would certainly account for all the weird stuff here." And it seemed that Sanji was in agreement with him on this.
"Huh!? We're dead!?" While Chopper didn't realise that they were joking.
"Heaven. Eh? Sounds like fun!" Then there was Luffy who was laughing in amusement at this. "Finally goin' there!"
"Guys, stop teasing them." Iris stepped in to tell them off for their joking.
"We're not going to die!" But because of their joking pissed someone off, they all ended up being punched hardly.
"What was that for!?" Needless to say that Zoro snapped at Nami who had done it.
"Because you made that bad joke!" Which only caused her to snap back him in anger. Then there was the only one that didn't realise it was a joke...
"Why did you hit me too...?

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