Bounty Hunters!?

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It was the day after the crew had left The Legendary Treasure Island, Which was where they meet Gaimon and the strange creatures living on it. They were out on deck doing their own things as usual again. Usopp was away creating new Star bullets filled with who knows what in them. Nami at this time had been sitting in a lay chair reading a book. Then there was Zoro and Iris. Zoro was sleeping away like always and Iris was sitting near him, she was sitting on top of the stairs that were leading up to where he was sleeping, writing. Finally Luffy, he was currently coming up the stairs at the back of the Going Merry. That was where they all were. In his hands he was holding a wooden crate, which he dropped onto the deck causing a huge loud crash. "What?" This, of course, had Nami and Usopp jumping out of their socks, think they were under attack. Zoro and Iris on the other hand were unaffected by this and continued away of what they were or weren't doing.
"Whew, this is heavy." Luffy stated leaning on the crate.
"What is that?" Nami had asked him completely startled. Luffy had explained that he had found the crate in the storage room. "Aren't those cannonballs?" Nami saw the inside of the crate.
"I figured we could practice using our hard earned cannon." Luffy said pointing towards the cannon on deck.
"Then I'll take care of it." Usopp called out, cause Nami to turn around to him. "I think I was 3... traveling half-way around the world, riding on a cannonball..." Usopp started telling one of his outlandish tales again, while rubbing his chin that was proudly titled up. It really was ridiculous what he was saying but,
"How do you use this?" Luffy wasn't paying attention to him. Usopp ended up slapping the air, yelling at Luffy to listen to him. "Hey Zoro!" But he was stilled ignored. "Do you know how to use this?"
"Zoro is asleep." Iris told him, not looking away from the book. "For some time too." She explained.
"Do you know Iris?" Luffy had this time asked her, which she said she did not. Still not looking from the book. "No fun." Luffy pouted to himself.
"If we go a little south, there's a perfect place for practicing." Nami had explained to Luffy, after pulling out a map from next to her.
"Really? Let's go, let's go!" Luffy had yelled all excited, like the child he was.
"Hey, can you shoot cannons as well as I can?" Usopp asked Luffy as he continued yelling in excitement. "People called me the cannon master... listen!" He finally snapped.
"Please stop." Iris finally told him about his outlandish tales. She then turned behind her to Zoro, wondering what he was dreaming about. thinking it must be a peaceful one, because his facial expression looked at peace. She kind of envy him, since her dreams are never peaceful at all. So time had passed and the Going Merry had gone to the place Nami had suggested for target practice. Luffy had fried the first practice shoot, towards a large rock sticking out of the sea. However he had missed it by Miles, which Luffy was confused to way.
"I missed." Because of the loud sound of the cannon being fired, the green hair swordsman that had been sleeping was awaken. Iris turned around at the sound of him getting up.
"What are you guys doing?" Iris saw he was looking down at Luffy and Usopp asking them.
"They're trying to practice shooting the cannon." She had informed Zoro who turned to her seeing she was smiling happily towards him. But of course he knew the truth.
"But it's harder than I thought it would be." Luffy states, causing Zoro to looked back to him.
"I told you, let me show you how it has to be done." Usopp said pointing his thumb to himself smirking
"This could be good." Iris smirked ready to laugh her guts out when he missed. She place the book down next to her and watched Usopp walking over to the cannon.
"Eh, with our current distance..." He started adjusting the cannon, "This is about right?" He had finished, and yelled fire, and the cannon was sent flying.
"Amazing!" To their were surprise that the cannonball had hit the rock, causing it to crumble. "You hit it with one shot!" Luffy was hugely impressed with it.
"I can't believe it hit the target." Iris stated, completely shocked, just as much as Usopp.
"Of course," But that quickly changed. "When it comes to aiming, I know everything." Usopp was stating proudly towards Luffy, slightly sweating. "So you believe now?" He had asked both Luffy and Iris. She jumped down to them, and along with Luffy, nodding exited.
"You're the shooter from now on." The captain decided.
"Yeah! I agree!" Iris yelled happily. Although it was clear that this was all an act.
"What? I'm not the captain?" Usopp asked completely confused.
"I'm/Lu's the captain!" Both Iris and Luffy yelled to him. That's when they all went into the kitchen and sat at the table, excluding Zoro who was sleeping against the fridge.
"That's okay, I'll let you have that position for now." Usopp said, pointing up, next to Luffy. "However, if you do a poor job, I'm gonna replace you." He explained.
"I think that's reasonable." Iris said, agreeing with him. She was sitting across from him next to Nami.
"That's fine." As did Luffy, with out hesitation. "Before that, I've been thinking. Before going to the Grand Line, we need to fill one more position." He states to the group.
"Right, and we have such a nice kitchen! If you pay me, I'll do it." Nami said happily.
"No thanks." Iris turned to her, smiling and stating.
"It's an important personnel for any long trip." Zoro said awake, joining the conversation.
"That's right, it's someone that we must have on a pirate!" Luffy pointed towards them smiling, so were they smiling back at him. Until he said, "A musician!"
"Are you an idiot?" Zoro shouted asking the rubber man.
"What the hell do you think sailing is!?" Nami snapped at Luffy.
"I thought you were actually saying something constructive for once." Usopp had sighed, disappointed.
"A musician songs cool!" Iris clinched her hands together happily.
"DON'T ENCOURAGE HIM!" Nami and Usopp turned her shouting. While Zoro wonder what she really was thinking.
"But pirates have to sing." Luffy stated to them. It was a peaceful discussion. Well it was, until the sound of wood breaking echoed in the kitchen where they sat.
"Come out you pirates!" Someone had shouted loudly, causing them to stand up from the sits.
"What, What?!" Luffy shouted asking as he slammed the door open to see what was going on. "Who are you?" Had then asked the man who was yelling.
"Shut up!" Was what they all heard. "It doesn't matter who I am!" Who ever he was, he sounded pissed off for some reason. And it sounded like he attacked Luffy. Nami, Usopp and Iris all looked out of the window on the door to see what was going on. The man was average-sized with tanned skin. He was wearing a pair of sunglasses and had a black tattoo on his left cheek that reads "sea" (海). this man had short, black hair and was swinging around a sword at Luffy. And finally, He wore a blue hooded jacket with a purple undershirt, tan pants, boots, and a watch on his left wrist.
"How many of them are there?" Zoro had asked the three of them.
"Is there... one?" Nami questioned her answer.
"Yep, there is only one." Iris stated with confidence as she watched the man swinging his sword continuously on deck.
"Then leave it to him." Zoro said, and Usopp 'ah' in agreement.
"I've killed a countless number of pirates. But a no named pirate like you dares to try kill my partner!?" He yelled towards Luffy. The unknown man that is. As he pulled his sword above his head, and then swung it down towards Luffy. Which he did dodged.
"That voice..." Iris turned around to Zoro who had said that.
"What do you mean, partner?" Luffy asked completely confused, "I don't know what's going on." He had then stretched and grabbed the mystery man's face, "But don't damage our ship!" To end up throwing him behind himself (Luffy) into the wall of the ship. "What was that?" Luffy had asked as the man fell to the deck. While all of this was happening, Zoro had gotten up and walked out onto the deck.
"Hey you! Aren't you Johnny?" Zoro asked the man laying on the ground.
"Who is it? Calling out my name with no respect." The man, that the crew now knew as Johnny, attitude changed the moment he saw Zoro. "Big Bro Zoro!" He had sat up shocked to see Zoro standing there.
"So it is Johnny." Zoro seemed happy to see him.
"Why are you here, Big Bro?" Johnny on the other hand was stunned.
"Where's Yosaku? You're not together?" He asked him, looking around the deck.
"What, What?" Of course, the most confused one at the moment wasn't the two of them, but Luffy, "You two know each other?" Turning the right way up Johnny was on all fours looking up to Zoro.
"Bi... Big Bro Zoro!" As Johnny stood up, Luffy placed his straw hat back in place, sitting cross legged as he watched what was going on. "You're on a pirate ship, Big Bro? W-why?" He had asked completely in disbelief.
"What's wrong? Isn't Yosaku with you?" Zoro had changed the topic. In side as all this was going on, Nami, Usopp and Iris were still watching out the small window.
"What? Those two know each other?" Usopp asked as they watched the man ran off to the side of the ship.
"What's going on?" Nami had answered with another question.
"I got a better question. Who's going to fix the ship?" Iris asked stating a fact. She saw that Zoro had walked down the stairs to follow after Johnny after he told Zoro that he was on a small sail bout attached to the Going Merry.
"Y-Yosaku is..." Zoro placed his hand on Johnny's shoulder to try and Comfort him.
"He's ill?" Zoro had asked once they had place him on the Going Merry's deck, with the help of Usopp and Luffy. Iris walked down the stairs to see the man called Johnny sitting cross next to another man, She was guessing he was Yosaku. Yosaku was wearing a black shirt with a green coat, and around his stomach he was wrapped with medical cloth that was soaked in blood. On his almost bald head was a red headgear. He had on plaid yellow shorts over unshaven legs and dark shoes and, like Johnny, he was also carrying the same sword.
"Yosaku is... he was perfectly fine until a while ago..." Johnny was extremely upset as he looked down at his partner. "Then he grew pale and started to lose consciousness..."
"You're not kidding, he looked gr-" Zoro covered Iris' mouth, before she could finish, with his hand.
"I have no clue why." Johnny who hadn't heard he before continued talking. The hand that was covering her mouth by Zoro was then whacked away from her. "Lately, his tests started falling out... and his old wounds have started to bleed again..." that would explain all the blood. "I just don't know what to do anymore! So I took him to that rocky island, to let him rest, but..." Johnny had stopped talking, thinking back to the event. "Then your ship attacked us!" Both Luffy and Usopp were all depressed as they cried.
"I-I'm sorry!" The two of them had bowed yelling to Johnny.
"If all problems could be solved with an apology, we wouldn't need the police." Johnny had told them, which made them blue in the face. "Isn't that right? Partner!" Johnny had once again started crying. "Big Bro, is he... going to die?" Johnny had asked. At first Zoro was speechless, Iris know no one was looking at her so she was annoyed and her body language changed to show it. However it was only for a second.
"Oh Nami." Iris was once again smiling. She gave a glanced over to Zoro, feeling he was watching her. but as soon as he noticed her eyes turning towards him, which he quickly dodged her glance.
"Are you stupid?" Nami had walked up insulting them all.
"What?" Zoro shouted to her. Nami bent down to Yosaku, she pulled out his tongue and pulled back one of his eye lids.
"What are you...?" Johnny had grabbed onto her arm furious, and as he yelled at her, he was spitting all over her. "What're you doing to my buddy here? I'll kill you!" She soon grabbed onto Johnny's face pushing him away from her. "Luffy! Usopp!" Nami turned to the guys. "There are some limes in the storage, Aren't there?" Since the guys weren't moving, only standing there crying. Nami turned to them, completely pissed off. "Are you listening? Bring 'em to me, right now!" She snapped them into action.
"Aye, aye!" The two of them ran towards the door leading to the storage. However, both of them couldn't fit through the door at the same time and started fighting. The two of them really were idiots.
"Get out of my way!" Luffy tried pulling Usopp out of his way.
"Hey, you're the one in my way!" Usopp tried blocking Luffy to get in. But in the end, they both fell through the door way. After bringing out the bar of limes out of storage, Nami had instructed the two of them to squeeze the juice out of them, into Yosaku's mouth.
"He's got scurvy." Nami stated looking down, as Zoro, Johnny and Iris stood next to her,
"Scurvy?" Johnny repeated.
"We've got him in time, he should recover in a few days." She explained to them.
"A-are you sure, Big Sis!?" Johnny had once again started spitting in Nami's face but this time he was grateful to her and calling her Big Sis. She had once again, grabbed on To Johnny's face and pushed him away from her.
"Stop spitting all over me, please." She had told him irritated.
"What's scurvy?" Iris asked not knowing what it was.
"In the past, It was an incurable disease that plagued sailors." Nami turned towards her, now explaining. "But now, it's just a minor problem, caused by the lack of Vitamin C. In the past, ships couldn't carry enough fresh fruit to avoid it." While Nami was saying all this, both Luffy and Usopp were stuffing Yosaku's mouth full of limes.
"You sure are something! Just like a doctor!" Luffy was extremely impressed with her.
"I've aways known you were a smart woman." Usopp stated, and Luffy agreed with him. However, Iris was more concerned about Yosaku, who was currently suffocating because of all the limes stuffed in his mouth.
"You should at least known what this was!" Nami had finally snapped, with a tick mark and sharp teeth. "It could happen to you sooner or later you know!" After she had shouted at the two of them, lime came sprayed out like a water Fountain from Yosaku's mouth, who soon had sat up. His pale face was on more and it was more on the tanned side, but not as much as Johnny. Before anyone had noticed, the two of them were dancing in a circle, around and around and around and cheering hurray over and over again.
"It's working! He's recovering!" Johnny shouted delighted. "Welcome back, partner!"
"Does it work that fast?" Iris turned towards Nami completely confused pointing at the two of the man.
"No! You don't recover that quickly!!" She had once again, a tick mark and sharp teeth as she snapped. The two of them had finally stopped. Standing there posing.
"Pardon is for not introducing ourselves..." the Both said in unison.
"My name's Johnny."
"And I'm Yosaku."
"We are the pirate hunters!" Not that any of them didn't know that, they were still listening anyway.
"Big Bro Zoro used to be one of us too." Johnny informed them.
"It's a pleasure to meet all of you." Yosaku politely said.
"You were a pirate hunter?" Iris turned to Zoro, hearing this for the first time.
"Don't you know? Zoro is a famous bounty Hunter." She was told by Nami, Iris had shock her head stating that she hadn't. "What rock have you been living under?" Nami asked, and Iris only just laughed it off.
"I never expected to see you guys here!" Zoro started walking over to the two pirate hunters.
"But, I'm even more surprised." Johnny
Pirate hunter Zoro has become a pirate himself." Yosaku
"I guess." Zoro was now standing in front of them, and offered them his hand.
"Big Bro!" Johnny grabbed onto his strongly. However, Yosaku was a different story. As he went to grabbed Zoro's hand, he once again turned paled, and fell to the ground. "Hey, partner!?" It was quite shocking to Zoro and Johnny. Yosaku was once again bleeding from the mouth and nose.
"Well, we all saw this coming." Iris said breaking the silence. It wasn't long before the guys had moved Yosaku to the storage room to rest, then they headed to the kitchen once again to join Nami and herself. The kitchen was silent until Nami spoke up.
"Let this be a lesson for us." Nami finally said, telling the crew.
"Yeah." Zoro agreed with her. "These kind of things can happen on a long trip." He had then stated.
"Especially since we don't have much room for food on this ship." Usopp pointed out.
"I think it would be best to get someone that knows dietary needs." Iris also had pointed out.
"Dietary, Eh..." Luffy looked like he was thinking hard, while stuffing his face with bread. "I've got it! We need a sea cook!" Everyone, but Zoro, looked up to Luffy who had stood up. "Let's go look for a sea cook!"
"I get it!" Usopp joined him, yelling. "Then, we'd have all sorts of delicious food to eat!"
"EX-ACT-LY!" Luffy stuck out his tongue.
"If you're looking for such a cook, I know where you could go." Johnny informed Luffy and the crew.
"Yeah, that's the spirit! So, where would that be?" Luffy had asked, getting all excited.
"But, it's pretty close to the Grand Line." He stated, walking across the room, towards Zoro. "And the man that Big Bro Zoro's been hunting for, Hawk-Eye is around there too." When he said that, Zoro's eyes shot opened, and he grabbed his sword. He looked excited. "It's direction is... North-Northeast!" Johnny pointed. And the crew were all starting to get excited. "Our destination is... the Floating Restaurant... Baratie!"

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