Grand Prize!

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Life really was peaceful for the Straw Hats like it was yesterday and the day before, but not like any of them were complaining. However, out of nowhere Zoro sneezed, "Zoro. If you always sleep outside on the deck, you're gonna catch a cold you know?" Luffy had told his first mate.
"I get battle wounds, but I never get sick." Zoro told him proudly.
"Come to think of it... I never get stuff like headaches, either." Luffy thought about it saying,
"Someone must be talking about how great a swordsman I am." Zoro was boosting his ego.
"I see... Hey." Luffy saw that he was boosting.
"That or they're planing to kill you." Iris cam walking up the stairs holding an blanket in her arms. "People also say idiots don't catch colds." She has told them, throwing the blanket over Zoro.
"Hey!" Zoro took offence to her statement, "Ir's not like you ever got a cold."
"No, I have. I also have had headaches and fevers, because I am quite intelligent!" Iris told him, getting under the blanket to join him. "But it is kind of cold today." She smiled to Zoro, who went a little red.
"Yeah, I guess it is." He told her, watching as she reading a book. The wind was gently blowing Iris' hair but it didn't bother her as she flipped to the next page. "Beautiful..." She looked up and turned to Zoro.
"What did you just say?" She had asked him, not paying attention before.
"Nothing!" Zoro had realised what he had just said out loud and was glad she wasn't paying attention.
"Oh, I see." She said after looking at him for a bit and went back to reading, or at least she was planning to, until something blow up from the back of Merry. It was so sudden, Luffy almost fell off the Merry's figure head into the sea. However, lucky no one was hurt so everything had calm down. It wasn't long after that, maybe an hour and Zoro had saw something.
"Hey, I can kinda make out an island." Zoro had stood up, waking Iris up that was leaning on his shoulder.
"Eh? Really?" Stretching his arm to grabbed to rail, Luffy joined Zoro and Iris who were looking at the island Zoro had spotted.
"What Island is that?" Luffy asked, sitting on the rail he had grabbed.
"Didn't we go over that already?" Nami, along with the other two guys come up the normal way to join the other three. Luffy turned sounding confused.
"So that's the island where Loguetown is." Usopp said with his hands behind his head.
"It's a pretty big city." Sanji had said after lighting a cigarette.
"Yes, I've heard that, too." Nami turned to Sanji.
"It must have lots of shops then." Iris was getting excited,
"They should have lots of good places to get fresh food." Sanji stated to himself.
"I need to go to a weapon store." Zoro had said, needing two new swords after his breaking at Arlong Park. "Three Sword Style with inky one sword just wont work."
"Yeah, I wanna check it out, too." Usopp said also.
"I want to go to a bookstore." Iris was clinching the book she was reading in her arms, "I want to read the lot stories not to mention I need a sword."
"On that island, Gold Roger was born... and also executed." Luffy really did remember.
"Oh? So you do remember." Nami leaned beside him.
"The city where the Pirate King died. A place called, the Town of the Beginning and the End." He was holding onto his hat as the wind started to pick up. This island was where everything started for the Pirate King and where it also ended. The Merry had soon docked at the island near the city Loguetown. "Whoo-hoo!" Luffy was all excited once they stood at one of the entry ways to the city. "What a huge town!" It really was, as Iris looked around there were people everywhere.
"Lots of pirates stock up at this town before heading out to the Grand Line. You can get pretty much whatever you want here!" Nami explained to the rest of the crew.
"Alright! For my upcoming great adventure, I'm gonna need to get some cool stuff." Usopp had decided on.
"I'll bet there's lots of good food to check out here. And lots of good woman!" Sanji had a really perverted look on his face saying that,
"There's something I wanna buy too."Zoro stated, triggering Nami.
"Oh? And how would you do that?" She acted all innocent, "You're totally broke, aren't you?"
"I can leaned you some money, Zoro." Iris had offered but Nami raised a hand to her.
"No! He needs to learn." Although, Iris don't understand want she meant, she just knew Zoro was going to be more broke then he was now.
"Okay! I'm gonna check out the execution platform!" It sounded depressing but Luffy seemed to be excited about the whole thing as he ran off. "I want to see it! The place where the Pirate King died!!"
"Hey, Hey! We haven't decided on a place to meet back up yet!" Usopp had tried to stop him, but there really was no point. "Man... he's hopeless." After they had split up, Iris was just walking through the streets of the shopping area. Passing shops after looking in the window. I had been in and out of bookstores and spent a lot of time looking through them. She ended up having to by a trolley to carry them all in. She don't know how many she bought. She also brought a bunch of pads and books for writing along with ink and pens. Iris was coming pass a store that had weapons in them, however, they seemed a bit weird.
"What's this?" She ended up entering the shop.
"Welcome!" And the man had the counter had greeted her with a lot of excitement, and when he saw Iris' face his own turn red.
"Hello." Iris greeted him back looking around to find even more strange weapons that she never seen.
"What is it that you're looking for?" The man come out from behind the counter towards the woman.
"Well, I was wondering if you sell swords." Iris had told him, which he seemed a bit surprised.
"It's embarrassing to admit but we don't get many customers asking for one of our weapons." He was rubbing the back of his head embarrassed, smiling.
"So you see other things beside weapons?" But no matter where she looked, Iris could only find odd weapons. But they felt familiar to her.
"We mostly do repairs here, since many of those from this sea haven't come across weapons like these." The owner headed of display on the way. She wasn't able to see what it was with his back to her, but it clearly wasn't a sword and when he turned back around she saw what was in his hand.

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