Don't Let Your Gaurd Down!

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The attack just kept coming and the group were trying to avoiding being hit. "Shit! Shit! Shit!" Usopp had began to turn the helm around and around until they were out its path way again. "It missed us!"
"It's a boomerang, so it's coming back." Iris said as it stopped in mid-air only to come back at them. This time when it came back and passed them it had taken out two tree stubs in a single slice.
"It doesn't matter how many lives we have! This place is still gonna do us in! I'M TURNING US AROUND AND TAKING US BACK!" Usopp was crying as the others tried to stop him from turning them around. But he was shouting that he was the captain of the Crow so it was his chose.
"When did we decide that!?" Luffy asked him unaware that something was shining above.
"Usopp, calm down!" Iris shouted at him as she then noticed another razor boomerang heading right for them again.
"IT'S COMIG BACK!" Usopp screamed when the Crow moved out of the way and the boomerang was swinging back around.
"Yosh, I've had enough!" Luffy had gone to the back, all pissed and arm drown back. "Gum Gum..."
"Go for it, Luffy!?" Sanji was cheering for him as the razor boomerang was heading right for them.
"I can't hit it." When Luffy had said that Iris had appears, using her light to redirect it and spun it right for a tree which it sliced in.
"I think we finally made it. We can't go back anymore... We've come too far from the entrance." Usopp was signing in relief while at the same time fear as they couldn't turn back.
"Wanna get off here?" Luffy had asked him since he was so scared.
"YOU IDIOT! WE'LL DIE!" He ended up snapping at them.
"Looks like it." Sanji was saying looking ahead, and when Usopp looked to where he was looking he saw a giant lamprey eel had shoot out of the clouds and was about to devoured them. But it didn't matter as Iris had flew towards it, her sword draw and sliced right through it.
"What's that? A snake?" Luffy was saying like the idiot he was.
"It's a lamprey eel! Or a Skylamprey, I guess." Sanji informed him say that at the size it was it would do more then suck their blood.
"This forest is cool!" Luffy had gone back to his normal chipper self.
"It's not cool in the slightest!" But of course Usopp didn't agree with him shouting that everything was trying to kill them.
"But we only just got here." Luffy didn't seem to care,
"I do not think we are going to have time to take a break, we might die if we let our guard down." Iris was telling the guys, as there was clearly going to be alot of danger ahead of them. But there was no other way but to move forwards.

The crow continued with Luffy and the others, there was no end to the traps they encountered. "Dammit... does it ever end?" Usopp was asking with sweat falling down his face.
"But it hasn't gotten exciting yet." Luffy wasn't all that worried about something trying to kill them. "Those Priests up ahead must really be looking forward to testing us!" He was leaning against the back on the other side of the tail, with Iris being on watch for any surprises.
"What do you mean? You mean no one's been able to get into the Ordeals until now?
"It's clear by the traps and such..." Iris had spoken while still watching their surroundings.
"I don't know what kind of trick he used, but that was pretty damn powerful." Sanji was saying that a single hit from that their would be done for, which had caused him to thank Iris again for saving them. "This God Enel... We don't know anything about him. But it seems like he's been watching us since we got here."
"You mean God was in that town?" Luffy had said but that wasn't it.
"If he wasn't, he wouldn't have been able to use that attack with such precision." He had said in returned but...
"That isn't entirely true." Iris pulled the guys to her by saying that. "There are abilities beside Devil Fruits that can give someone the ability to see and hear things from a distance." She explained not even the little bit doubtful at that face.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah... He is God, after all!" Usopp was agreeing her completely saying that he might be watching them now which seemed to make him scared even more then before.
"Since when are you so superstitious? You don't even live here." Sanji was asking the snipper.
"That's not the issue. Anyone called God has to be powerful. You're supposed to bow before guys like that." He was saying sweating, he even added that they should even if they weren't serious about it.
"True. But there are other gods in the world who aren't that powerful." Sanji responded with the God of Poverty or the God of Jinxes But he was looking at Luffy and Usopp as he said that,
"WHI ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!?" They noticed him smirking at the pair of them.
"It appears that we have Company." Iris had stood up as another Skylamprey shot out of nowhere.

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