Dangers of the Desert!

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The night had come and was slowly going away as the sun began to rise over the horizon. So it was no surprised that no no one up. At least that was what normally would be the case, however.... "I found a shrimp!" Luffy was wide away as he was freaking out while he held up a scorpion. But he wasn't alone
"So that's a shrimp!" Chopper was also awake and completely believed that it was a shrimp just like Luffy.
"There aren't any shrimp in the desert." Usopp, awake as well, seemed to be to only one making sense.
"Look!" Until Luffy had turned around
"Hey, you're right! It must be a desert-shrimp!" He had stated completely believe that it was a shrimp.
"Looks tasty!" The captain began to drool over it.
"Think we can eat it?" Usopp was asking him.
"Why not? I've eaten crayfish before." Luffy had told him all excited and since they were being so loud they had woken up Vivi.
"This is the first time I've ever seen a real shrimp!" Chopper was saying, but hearing this, Vivi had looked to what they were talking about and saw the scorpion in Luffy's hand,
"Luffy, that's dangerous!" She screamed with warning him, shouting to throw it away.
"No! I'm not gonna waste it!" He had shouted back at her.
'That's a scorpion! It's small, but it's poison is deadly! If it stings you, you'll die!" She had properly informed him, and the other two began to get scared of it.
"What, I can't eat it?" Luffy had seemed bored at that, "Oh well, you can have it." He tried to give it to Usopp.
"Don't give it to me!" Was his response.
"Then I'll toss it." Luffy had said, throwing it over his shoulder.
"I'm so sorry. I should have told you." Vivi was saying apologetically.
"You're damn right you should've!" Usopp was going on his face but then everyone got tense as Chopper had on a serious face on as he looked off into the distance.
"What's wrong, Chopper?" Luffy had asked him but he on turned around and ran up to one of the tall rocks beside them.
"Something... is coming!" He had told them as he looked out even further.
"And 'something' would be... what?" Usopp was asking him as now they were all looking off to where he was looking.
"Ah, the wind has picked up." Ace had come out of the tent smirking. Vivi squinted her eyes to see what he had meant and that's when she saw it, several sand tornadoes heading right for them.
"Everyone! Take cover under the rocks! A storm! A sandstorm is coming!" She was shouting. They had all moved quickly behind a rock like Vivi had instructed them to too.
"Awesome! What a pain! The desert has was too many sandstorms!" Luffy yelling over the top of the loud crashing sounds.
"I forgot to mention it before, but sandstorms are one of the many dangers of the desert." Vivi was yelling but it was a little too late to mention,
"TELL US THINGS SOONER!" Usopp had completely snapped before everything went under. It was unsure how much time had passed since the sun was now high in the sky, however, the first one to resurface was Ace that attacked like he just woke up. But in his case, he probably just did. he had then ran over to Vivi that was laying face first on the sand. "Well, that was one way to wake up in the morning." Iris had come out from the sand with her wings spread right opened and flapped getting all the sand off. She had used her wings to shield her from the sand Strom.
"Yeah, what the hell was that?" Zoro was asking as he lifted his head from the sand not far from her.
"We were all asleep..." Sanji was saying as he was smirking at the fact he had his arms wrapped around Nami but as that was happened all the others had began to get up from the Strom. The group ended up staying to pack up a lot longer then they would have liked since everything was buried in the sand but they did at least got to walking and had been of some time now. Although, it was even hotter today then it was yesterday.
"Here." Iris looked up to find Zoro lifting up water for her to drink. The tension between them since before Little Garden had seemed to lessen but there was still a wall.
"Oi, Sanji! Let's eat out box lunch! Pirate Box Lunch!" Luffy was shouting at Sanji with so much energy that it didn't sound all that convincing. Then again, it was about food.
"Not yet! Not until Vivi says so." The man had informed him, but now Luffy walked over to Vivi.
"Vivi! Let's have our lunch box! I'm out of strength!" He sure didn't say or act like it.
"But we're still only 1/10 of the way to Yuba, Luffy..." Vivi tried to tell him but he wasn't listening to her.
"Aren't you being Foolish? Haven't you heard the saying: if you are hungry, eat." That made no sense whatsoever.
"There isn't a saying like that, Lu." Iris had tried to tell him as they were walking.
"I understand. Then, how about we take a break at the next outcropping of rocks we come to?" Although Vivi had said that she wasn't really giving into Luffy's demands only using them. She really had began to understand how to deal with Luffy now. Because there was no outcropping in sight.
"Yosh, next outcropping!" Luffy had ran to the front of group all. "Hey guys! Let's hurry up to the next outcropping! Whoever wins at Rock, Paper, Scissors carries all the baggage!" He was yelling without realising what he had just said.
"Don't decide things in your own!" Usopp had yelled at him.
"Isn't it usually the loser who carries the baggage...?" Sanji had said as that would make more sense
"All right, here we go! ROCK! PAPER! SCISSORS!" Luffy was yelling with his fist in the area.
"Now Wait a minute!" The others had all surrounded him growing there hands. However, Iris didn't as she was watched them with Ace.
"You did it after you already saw our hands!" Zoro was yelling at Luffy,
"Whoa! I won!" He was now going ballistic with excitement.
"IDIOT." In the end, Luffy was the one that was carrying everything because he won and we had began walking before coming to a stop an hour later.
"H-Heavy... it's heavy... and hot... I won at Rock, Paper, Scissors... why?" He was completely confused.
"It's because you won at Rock, Paper, Scissors. Shut up and pull." Sanji had told him.
"You did say the winner carried everything." Iris looked back to him say as that was what he said.
"Don't let anything fall off now!" Nami was telling him. Making him whine loudly. The group had taken off walking again only to be stopped by Usopp's shouting,
"Straight ahead, outcropping sighted!"
"Really!?" That lifted Luffy right up. "Break time! Yahoo!" And he was running like his life depended on it.
"OI! HE'S FAST!" With nothing else to do, they began to walk after him, hopping he wasn't eating all the food. But not even a minute later.
"EMERGENCY!" Luffy came running back.
"What? He came back?" Usopp was just as confused as the rest of the group.
"There's a bunch of birds over here who are too injured to move! Chopper!" He was shouting to them.
"Right!" And now Chopper was up and running to him.
"Yosh! Let's go, Chopper! We're gonna save the birds!" Luffy was shouting.
"Birds!? Wait a second, Luffy! Those birds might be....!" Vivi had caused him to stop. Everyone had ran back to where Luffy had found the birds and once they got there, everything was gone.
"All our baggage is gone!" Zoro was shouting.
"We've been had!" Nami looked like she was about to cry.
"This is bad." Was the only thing Iris could say but it was worse then that. After all, that was all their food and water supplies for the whole trip because the only oasis there was on their way to Yuba were most likely gone. "Where are the birds?" Iris had then asked Luffy, seeing that there were no birds in sight.
"I swear! There were these dying birds here a minute ago!" He was yelling back to her panicked.
"I'm so sorry. I should have told you." Vivi was saying hanging her head in shame. "Warusagi are birds that fool travellers and steal their belongings. They're known as the 'Swindlers of the Desert'." She had explained.
"Whaaat~?" Luffy was in shock after hearing that,
"Birds pretending to be injured? Those were herons!?" Usopp was asking with his shark teeth out.
"That's right, herons." Vivi answered him ashamed and was crying.
"I was tricked!?" Luffy was now asking all of us.
"Luffy! Saying you were tricked won't cut it!" Sanji had ran and grabbed him by the collar. "That was three days worth of supplies! Stolen by a bunch of freakin' birds... now we're stuck out in the desert of all places... and we have NO BAGGAGE!? How are we supposed to cross the desert without any food or water!?"
"There's no point in getting mad at me. I was tricked." Luffy was calmly telling him
"So you're dumb than a bird?" Sanji got all up in his face asking,
"What'd you say!?" And Luffy took offence to that. "I am so smarter than a bird!"
"No you're not!" They both had began to fight with one another.
"Stop it. You both need to calm down. It's not going to help us." Iris was about to stop them both but someone had grabbed her shoulder.
"Don't bother trying to stop them." She turned to see Ace saying. "Instead... just let them finished on their own." He had said.
"Let's rest for a bit. We're just getting worked up because of the heat." Zoro had told the others after he sat down upon a large rock. "As far as food goes, we'll get by somehow. We're not exactly going to die of hunger. Let's forget about the whole thing." He was stating to all of them. Which they agreed because he was right.
"Just think about it makes my throat go dry." Usopp was saying with his tongue picking out as he pointed to it.
"Yeah." And Chopper was nodding in agreement. Although, it wasn't long before Iris came to notice something in the distance from them.
"Hey, could those be the birds you were talking about, Lu?" She was saying pointing to a group of smug birds drinking away at what looks like their supplies. It was clear by his expression that they were, but now they had began to walk away.
"GIVE US BACK OUR STUFF!" Which made Luffy chase after them but they seemed to be enjoying that as they flew off.
"Luffy! Don't chase them!" Vivi had tried to tell him but he was long gone.
"That idiot."
"Hey! How will you find your way back!?" Nami was now shouting as she tried to get him back.
"Come back! Luffy!" Usopp had yelled.
"Well, we all saw this coming." Iris could only say as they watched the cloud of smoke get small and small the more it went into the distance. It's had been sometime since Luffy had run off and the crew were all still waiting for him.
"Luffy sure is taking his time..." Usopp was saying as the heat was getting worse.
"I wonder if he's lost after all..." Chopper was laying on the ground wondering.
"I do hope his alright." Iris had said kicking her legs while sitting above them.
"Honestly. He ran off without any idea which was he was going." Nami was annoyed at that.
"There are still many dangers in the desert Luffy doesn't know about..." Vivi stated to the others.
"He's gotta be pretty hungry after not eating for so long..." Sanji said, because that was normal. If Luffy hadn't eaten something within the hour he'll start whining.
"Looks like we've got no choice." Zoro had stood up saying.
"Guess you're right." Sanji had also gotten up.
"Sorry..." When Ace had said that, they both had stopped walking off to where Luffy had disappeared off to. "My careless little brother... needs a lot of looking after." The other two couldn't help but smirk as they began to walk off again.
"We're counting on you." Usopp called out to them both.
"Sure." Sanji said
"We might not even have to look." Iris had looking off to where Luffy run off in while still sitting on the rock.
"What do you mean?" Nami was asking before the ground had began to shake.
"What?" Chopper had sat up.
"What? Why's the ground shaking?" Usopp was beginning to sweat. "Another sandstorm?" He had pulled down his binoculars to get a better look.
"That isn't a sand strom." Iris had told him, she could see Luffy, even if he was miles away. "It's Lu riding a camel, that's running away from something big behind it."
"Is that...? Could it be?" Vivi had began to looked panicked.
"What's go on? Why is he riding a camel?!" Nami was still trying to understand what was going on.
"So? What's that thing chasing him?" Sanji was yelling over the rumbling sounds.
"I can't make it out!" As was Zoro, which had then turned to Iris. "Can you?"
"By the shape of it... I'll say a giant lizard." She was completely calm as a giant purple lizard with giant teeth shoot out from the sand.
"IT'S HUGE!" Usopp and Chopper were in shock
"What the hell is that!?" Even Zoro was slightly shocked that the size of it.
"A Great Sandora Lizard!" Vivi had informed them.
"W-W-What's that!?" Usopp was asking stuttering looking at the monster.
"It's the largest variety of all the desert reptiles!" She had began to explain that it waits for it's prey under the sand and even though it has razor sharp claws and teeth it never really uses them since they swallow their prey whole.
"He's a genius when it comes to bringing trouble, isn't he?" Ace was all relaxed, hadn't moved an inch from where he was.
"Well, let's forget about the camel for the time being..." Sanji was moving on.
"What star was I born under that gives me all this damn trouble!?" Zoro was ready to pull out his katanas as they both began charging towards the lizard.
"Oi, you stupid camel! Stop!" Luffy was shouting as the camel was running for its life.
"Luffy! Ready to take that thing out?" Zoro had asked with all three katanas drawn.
"We'll back you up!" Sanji was telling him at they were running.
"Yeah, I brought us some meat! Here I come, Lizard!" Luffy was cheerfully saying jumping off the camel. "Gum Gum..."His leg had stretched back behind him. "...Whip!" Before he sent it flying with a kick in a wide circle sending it heading for the lizard.
"Tastumaki!" (Tornado, Japanese) Zoro spins with his swords to create a tornado that slashes at the lizard.
"Epaule Shoot!" (Shoulder, French) Sanji jumps into the air then brings his heel down on the lizard. Needless to say that Nami, Usopp, Chopper, Vivi, and even the camel were speechless as they were gawking at the scene before them.
"Was that really necessary?" Iris was sigh as she shock her head.
"They didn't have to go THAT far..." Usopp was now crying for the poor beast that had just dead by the three monsters' hands.
"With all three of them attacking it, I feel more sorry for the monster." Nami had stated completely paled. That's when the lizard collapsed on its side, as dead as a door stop or is it a nob? However, despite that lizard being dead, they ground was still shaking and something had emerged from behind Iris and the others. The sand had fallen and it was another Great Sandora Lizard. "There's another one!?"
"I forgot to mention it, but Great Sandora Lizards... always hunt their pray in pairs!" Vivi had mentioned a little too late.
"Oh, that sure huge." Iris stated looking up completely cool as a cumber.
"Tell us these things!" Nami, Usopp and Chopper calmed down long enough to tell Vivi.
"Ace!" Nami had called out to him, as he was just sitting there looking at the thing.
"Watch out!" As did Vivi.
"What a pain in the ass. Want me to play with you?" Ace was asking it, as it's mouth was pointing towards him. "Alright, alright. No choice then." Before anyone knew the reason why, Ace had leaped into the beasts mouth but it wasn't long before the lizard bursted out into flames. But just when they thought they could relax, things just got worse. Above them, standing on the rocks were two more Great Sandora Lizards. Nami, Usopp, Chopper and Vivi really couldn't catch a break from freaking out and crying.
"They're cute." Iris had smiled pleased.
"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" Usopp was crying.
"WHAT PART OF THOSE THINGS ARE CUTE!?" Nami was crying tears of pure terror as she asked Iris, because not matter how anyone looks at it it wasn't cute at all.
"IT'S GOING TO EAT US!" Chopper was screaming as he held onto Iris even more tightly.
"What me to deal with it?" The others had came to a halt, the four had all stopped screaming or freaking out as Iris lifted up her hand. "Dýo Ierés..." Above both of the lizards, a great ball of shining light had began to appear above each of them. Not only that, but they began to change shape. "...Lónches!" (Two Holy Lances, Greek) it had turned into two lances and the moment she had pointed her index finger down the lances followed and went right into the back of both of the Great Sandora Lizard, killing both instantly. "Done!"
"YOU'RE JUST AS BAD!!!" All four them snapped at her.
"What?" She had turned to the others asking them a bit shocked they said that.
"No, you're worse then them because you are holding back!" Nami shouted at her.
"Your one scary woman, you know that?" Usopp had stated to her calming down.
"Really?" She titled confused to why he said that. After a while, Sanji had Zoro slice away at the lizards and by using a stick, Sanji placed them on a boiling hot rock that cooked the meat without problems.
"Check it out. The rocks around here are like Nature's frying pans." Iris smiled over at him and Chopper, who was watching in excitement.
"Well? What's with the camel?" Zoro had brought it up, asking Luffy that was stuffing his face.
"Dunno. When I was chasing the birds, I found it about to be eaten by some Mystery plants." He had explained to everyone.
"It doesn't look like a wild camel." Nami pointed out, which made sense.
"Yes, He has a saddle strapped on his back..." The was what made it clear, along with the fact it was still here around us humans and reindeer. Chopper walking over to the camel, as if he wanted to get a closer looks at him. But the same was said about the camel when it turned around to face Chopper a bit surprised.
"It is you!" Was what Chopper had yelled out of delight. That's when the camel began to speak to him. "I see. I'm glad!"
"What? You know him?" Luffy had asked.
"Yeah! This is the camel that gave me a ride and helped me escape from Karorea!" Chopper had explained to him.
"Well, aren't you a brave one." Iris had gotten up and began to pat it and it seemed to have a pleased look on his face.
"Great! We can ride it? If we can ride it, things'll be easier!" Usopp was saying.
"Yeah, that'll help us out a lot. It looks like two can ride." Sanji was saying.
"Camels go along perfectly with deserts." As was Zoro now.
"Well then, I'll go first..." Luffy had began to climb on its back, however... "Eh? What's wrong with you?" He was completely confused as he climbed back down after being bitten.
"'I am a freedom-loving, hard-boiled, chivalrous camel. Thank you for saving me from such a predicament. I don't mind being ridden, but I won't let guys ride.'" Chopper had translated for him.
"Why you...!" But the guys weren't all that happy about it.
"Lair! You let Chopper ride!" Usopp was punching the poor thing.
"'For chivalry.'" He had answered all charming like.
"Stop screwing around!" But it only made the guys even more angry.
"Stupid camel! Stupid camel! Stupid camel!"
"Would you guys stop." Iris told them, grabbing onto the poor thing.
"We're sorry. Our little bandits are so horrible to you." Nami had joined her and he was very happy getting all the attention. He was just like Sanji when girls are around. In other words he is a lady crazy camel.
"Yeah, because you're a good boy, isn't that right?" But even if that was the case, the camel was really cute, so much like Sanji, Iris couldn't really hate or be mean to it.
"What should we call you?" Nami had asked him, as he got down low enough for her to get on.
"Idiot." Luffy raised his hand.
"Dumbass." As did Sanji.
"Moron." Then Usopp.
"I got it! Eyelashes!" Iris shouted with excitement.
"Well then, 'Eyelashes' it is." Nami had agreed as the camel got up.
"Hey... that was the weirdest choice of all." Zoro had cold sweat going down his face, not sure why they had chosen that name.
"I think it suits him." Iris had turned round to him saying.
"What part?" his asked back
"Because his has long eyelashes." That was really my only reasoning.
"So you just named him after a piece of hair?"
"Yeah, pretty much!" Iris answered
"Now then, get on Vivi." Nami had moved the camel now known as Eyelashes up to beside Vivi
"It's okay, I can still walk." She had told her, which she had then turned to Iris. "You can ride, Iris."
"No need." She had told the princess, pointing to behind her where wings had sprouted out from. "I have my wings if my feet get too sore." She explained to her.
"You hear her. Come on!" Eyelashes had gotten down for Vivi to also ride him.
"Perv-camel. Perv-camel. Perv-camel. Perv-camel. Perv-camel." Luffy, Usopp and Sanji were still upset and had called him over and over again.
"It looks like we can go a little faster this way. We have to get to Yuba as quickly as possible and persuade the rebels to stop." Nami was saying as she looked behind her to Vivi. "Forward, Eyelashes!" That's when they took off. "Come on Iris!"
"Coming!" The woman took off flying after them, leaving the boys.
"Wait a minute!" All the guys had shouted loudly at us.
"Come on, step on it! If you fall behind, you'll never get out of the desert!" Nami had shouted back to them
"Quit joking around!" Usopp shouted
"I like this type of Nami, too~!" Sanji was off in his own little world.
"Let's follow them! Hurry!" Usopp had ordered.
"Chopper, get on!" Zoro was yelling at Chopper who responded.
"HOLD IT!!" This was pretty funny hearing them shouting at us to stop.Hours had passed since girls had left the guys in the dust. It was due to that the guys were no where in sight which was why...
"Do you see them?" Nami was shouting up to the sky,
"No!" When Iris had shouted back down to her answering. She had been flapping her wings to keep steady so that she could look off into the distance to find the guys. Iris wasn't just looking from where they had come from but in all directions, however, she couldn't see them. "No, luck." Iris had finally came down lower as the heat was starting to get to her. "But I did spot an outcropping a few miles ahead." She had explained pointing off in the distance she spotted them in. With that being said, they girls had began walking towards the outcropping that was ahead of them.
"Traveling is much easier with you here, Eyelashes!" Nami was delightfully telling him, and like Sanji's his eyes turned into hearts. It had been a while since the girls had began to head towards the outcropping.
"But, do you think everyone else is alright?" Vivi was asking her, looking back in the distance they had came from.
"They'll catch up by following our hoof prints." She had answered her, that's when something had caused the attention of Iris
"Did you hear that?" She had asked them both as she came to a stop, flapping her wings.
"Hear what?" Vivi asked her back, but only a minute later, the others could hear the same thing she could. It sounds like something sliding on the sand. The answer had soon came clear as a giant ship was sailing right towards them.
"Hand the camel over!" A large man with a fuzzy beard and eyebrows was shouting from onto if the ship. He wore a cloak despite being in the desert and also a little umbrella on his head.
"Why would we!?" Nami had snapped at him.
"Don't Nami! These are sand pirates." Vivi had tried to worn her but she was full of confidence.
"Don't worry! We have Iris!" But at that moment, as if it was a cliche moment in a play, Iris had fallen to her knees. "Hey Iris, you alright!?" Nami had asked her, but she didn't get an answer when the 'Angel of Death' had fallen completely onto the sand unconscious. "Oi, Iris! Iris!"

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