Take Down?!

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Some time passed and the others were still waiting for Iris to resurface. This was being to worry them even more. "Wait, I see something!" But Sanji saw a light getting larger until finally it bursted out from the below. Their eyes followed and saw Iris had flew out with an unconscious Usopp in her arms.
"Watch out everyone!" She shouted down to them, which didn't quite make sense until the Merry began to rock wildly.
"Something else came up!" This had been shouted as a giant octopus and large purple eel came popping out form the clouds.
"They want to eat Iris and Usopp!" It had caught sight of the two due to the light around Iris' body and cased after them. Seeing this only caused the doctor and navigator to cry like they normally would at this sight.
"You don't have to be that scared of this!" While Zoro pulled out his sword while leaping at one of the tentacles and slashed. But instead of it slicing like it would it exploded like a ballon. And then the eel like creature came flying at the Going Merry, causing Sanji to slam his foot down on its forehead defeating it. "Man... this place... sure takes the breath out of you..." the swordsman had stated this, while he was having a hard time breathing when he barely did anything.
"Now, this is a weird-lookin' animal." The cook was saying as the large eel hanged limp and deflated over the rail of the ship. "I can't even tell if it's a fish." He was also out of breath.
"That octopus was almost like a balloon." As was the captain, as the three of them were all breathing heavily.
"But they were still animals. They were moving." This had been pointed out, but they were strange creatures.
"Sorry everyone." Iris was speaking up, catching her breath like the other three. "I didn't think... there was anything... living down there... They were... attracted... to my light..." she managed to say, explaining why they were following her.
"So we really should think of this more as an ocean than a cloud." Robin spoke as they were all now agreeing with this statement.
"What is this flat snake?" Chopper wanted to know looking at it.
"It's a flatfish. 'Cause it's flat." Had been the simple name Luffy called it.
"So this is a flatfish?" But it didn't seem that the Doctor was going to disagree with it;s new name. But then Usopp's sudden screams caused everyone to turn to him.
"For the love of... What is it now, Usopp?" Sanji had began getting annoyed at this point.
"My overalls..." But there was something wiggling in his overalls. "There's something in them!" He ended up pulling out something and it looked like a fish.
"Usopp!" The young man had then curls up in a fetal position on the deck repeatedly mumbling 'sky island scary' after the personal horrors he's already experienced.
"He's had a rough day." Could be the only thing that the archaeologist was able to say looking at him. As that was going on, Iris was having a little hard time trying to get up.
"You alright?" Which caused Zoro to walk over and helped her. Once she was up he began looking at her up and down, then around to make sure nothing was wrong.
"I'm fine... just a little tried." She came to answer, as she ended up leaning on the side. She glanced over towards Robin who came to pick up the fish like creature wiggling on the deck.
"Would you say this is a Skyfish?" This question come out from her lips while examining it. "The strange fish Norland mentioned in his Logbook." She was remembering back. "Since this sky sea had no bottom, they must have evolved various adaptations to survive."
"Like becoming balloons or flattening out their bodies?" Zoro was asking, while Iris was using him as a leaning post. This would explain the octopus and eel just moments ago.
"To reduce the density. This sea's buoyancy is significantly lower than that of the sea below us." As this was being explained, Luffy took the fish from the woman.
"Its scales look like feathers. And it's unusual for it be a carnivore." Nami was pointing this out as she joined in the examination.
"I sautéed it." But before any of them new it, Luffy had given the fish to Sanji who cooked it.
"This is great!" The captain seemed to be enjoying it's taste.
"WE'RE NOT DONE LOOKING AT IT YET! What do you guys think you're doing!?" Which caused Nami to be angry at first that they cooked her specimen. "Oh, you're right. It's delicious!" until she tastes it too, and finds it delicious as well. "What is this? I've never tasted a texture like this."
"I'm glad you like it, Nami!" Sanji was all shucks about it.
"Let's eat that big one too!" But Luffy wasn't satisfied as he wanted more.
"That one's too scrawny to be worth the trouble." But the cook informed him of this.
"Where's Sky Island?" While they were having this discussion, Chopper was sitting on the gotten wing with a pair of binoculars. "Oh, a ship." In the distance he spotted a vessel. "A ship- Oi, guys! A ship!" He was about to call out to the others in order to inform them. "And a person?" But he noticed someone on the clouds, heading for the ship. Which was a bit confusing until he turned pale at the sight of the ship being destroyed.
"What's the matter, Chopper?" Iris had been the one to call out to him. She noticed him acting a little odd, before he came falling onto the deck. "Did you spot a ship? There's another one?" She ended gaining her strength as she was now walking on over to him.
"NO! I mean, there was- But the ship's gone now!" He was explaining to not just her bother the others as well.
"What?" Not that they completely understood as he was freaking out.
"There's a bull charging right at us on a square cloud!" And he was making even less sense now.
"I don't understand! Calm down!" But as they were trying to figure out what the doctor was on about, Iris noticed something moving towards them at an incredible speed.
"Is that person?" She spoken as what appeared to be a man wearing a bull mask with a shield and a bazooka-like weapon coming right for them.
"He's riding on top of the clouds!" Sanji stated as the man was moving across them and not sinking. "Oi, hold it!" The cook called out to the man as he had leaped towards the Going Merry. "What do you want?"
"I shall reject you!" The man shouted this.
"He wants to fight!" It was then when Sanji was getting ready to fight.
"Fine by me!" Along with Zoro, who flicked up his sword in order to unsheathe it.
"We should capture him for questioning." Iris had lifted the helm of her dress to grab her sword and ready to release to blade.
"What? What?" Then the fourth member of their monster group was confused as to what was going on. The moment the men had reached the Merry he sent Sanji flying with almost little to no ease. That was then when Zoro had taken off towards the attacker, only to be kicked right in the face. He had been sent off his feet and ended up smashing right into Iris, causing the pair to be sent flying into the wall, much like the cook. And then the attacked had attacked Luffy, causing the Captain to slam his face into the deck.
"H-Hey! What's wrong with you four!?" Nami shouted at them, since this wasn't normal for any of them. They had been taken down so easily without putting up much of a fight. The mysterious man then jumps up into the air off to the Merry and began taking aim.
"HE'S GONNA SHOOT US!" Seeing this caused Chopper to scream in terror.
"Sky Island scary... Sky Island scary!" While Usopp was still on the ground crying from earlier.
"That's enough!" Just as the crew seemed to be at the end a voice called out as a large thump echoed loudly though the sky. Before anyone know it, the man that attacked them fell into the clouds as the new one landed on the Merry.
"Who is it now!?" Nami was shouting in fear as all looked to the new man standing before them.
"I am the Knight of the Sky."

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