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Sky Island shore line appeared the be made of nothing but the fluffy cloud, much like the bottom of the sea. Because of this Chopper found himself laying on a large pile of cloud. "Sky Island would be a nice place to sleep..." and he was so at peace that he began rolling across the beach.
"Ah, this is the captain speaking." At the same time, Luffy was hanging upside down in a tree with his right leg literally wrapped around it. "There's so much fun stuff to do I don't know where to start! Over!"
"This is Usopp! How about we take a vacation here? Over!" While asking this Usopp was playing and pulling a lot of clouds into a pile.
"Vacation, huh? Sounds good!" The captain was in agreement. "Rejected!" At least he sounded like it until he shouted this.
"Rejected!? That means no!" Usopp had shouted up to him because it was mostly that Luffy got his words messed up. As this was happening Sanji walked over to a bush that had wild flowers in them.
"Well, this is certainly a mysterious flower blooming here." He crouched down to get a better look at them and a few feet from him, Chopper was rolling back the way he came. "These leaves are balloon too. Will these pop like that octopus did?" The cook was asking himself as he began to pick some of the flowers.
"This feels great!" Nami made it to the island and began to stretch her arms in delight. "The marines won't follow us here! We can really stretch our wings!" She was had began to relax, something she hadn't done in a while after Alabasta. As she began to walk once again she ended up spotting something a little before the forest after the beach. It was a large stone shelter. Nami stood looking when suddenly Chopper had rolled right into her legs. "Hey, Chopper, look. What do you think that is?" She asked, while pointing over the the shelter.
"Weird-looking fruit!" Luffy was sitting in the tree with a large green rectangular fruit looking thing in his arms. "Time to eat!" He took a bite... or at least he tried to but it was as if he was bitting into stone. "What is this!? It's too hard!" He began knocking on it a few times. "Oi, Usopp! Want some fruit? Here!" The captain throw and dropped the fruit which ended up landing onto of Usopp's head below.
"That HURT, you jerk!" Obviously he was in pain and pissed off at the actions of his captain. "Yosh, you just wait right there!" He began treating Luffy in anger and began to climb the tree.
"Ah, Robin~!" The crew were all doing there own thing and Sanji was no different as he ran over to the dark hair woman that made it ashore. "A Sky Island flower just for you! One for Robin." He had placed one behind Robin's ear, which did surprised her a bit and then turned to Luna about to do the same thing. "And one for... Iris~! And the other... NAMI~!" He had ran off screaming. "NAMI~! IRIS~! YOUR FLOWERS~!" He took off running looking for the other two woman. But he soon came to a stop upon spotting something moving in the air towards the shore. "IRIS~!" The cook was shouting in delight with the two flowers in hand. He was running towards the woman that was flapping down with Zoro in her arms. "I have a flower for you!" Sanji was holding it up to the angel that placed the swordsman on the ground.
"Oh, how sweet." Then her arm had stretched out her hand as she was slowly landing on the ground. However, something had yapped which caused the young woman to become stunned. She looked down towards where the sound came from and spotted a stuffed animal. "Ah!" Iris came to realise that it was a small fox and she ended up landing on it's tail, which had been why it cried out. "I am so sorry." The angel had crouched down to it, all upset that she hurt the poor creature. Her hands began to glow as she was using her light to heal the fox just in case.
"What's this? A fox?" Seeing the creature caused Zoro to crouch down beside the woman as there was looking at it. But then the sound of strings being played caught their attentions.
"What's that sound?" Luffy was trying to bite through the fruit he had.
"Oi." Zoro was titling towards where the music was coming from. "Someone's here! Over there!" He then pointed off towards a large pile of clouds that appeared to be acting like rocks.
"That guerilla again!?" Usopp had hidden away, not taking a proper look.
"The whistle! Blow the whistle! Have him come save us!" While Chopper was doing the same thing—just not the right way around.
"No, wait. It's not him. That's..." But they soon had a clearer look at they were a woman standing in a pink dress with black, flower shaped textures that goes to her thighs. She possessed a pair of red and pink striped sandals, that were white on the bottom. "An angel!" But what stood out must where the small pair of wings that were on her back.
"An angel!" The woman was playing away at what appeared to be a harp in her hand and the music was quite beautiful until she stopped. It was soon when the woman turned towards were the crew were in. They were able to get a clearer view of her. She was a relatively tall, fair-skinned young woman with blonde hair that she wore in two braided pig-tails and two antennae sticking out at the top of her head. Iris remembered seeing them on the Amazon lady from the gate they entered from. While here eyes were a dark shade of blue green. That's when the woman smiled softly at them.

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