His Determination!

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Dalton had been found by Iris, however, she was unable to feel a pulse from him as he was laying eyes close on the snow. His skin was incredibly cold and wasn't breathing. "Dalton! Dalton! Wake up! Please, Dalton!" Vivi was screaming at him.
"Come on! Dalton! Dalton!" She wouldn't stop, even when it was clear the man wasn't breathing.
"Dalton is alive." However, someone had spoken such a thing, it had pulled the everyone's eyes towards a group of 20 men in pink surgery uniforms.
"The 20 MDs!" They were the doctors belonging to Wapol.
"His body is merely in a frozen state." Another MD was speaking.
"Will you entrust him to us?" Which was followed up by that question.
"Oh, there are doctors here. I thought there weren't any in this county?" Once again, Zoro was completely out of the loop.
"They're the 20 MDs, Wapol's private doctors. Meaning they're evil doctors!" Usopp came to explain it.
"Yeah, we can't trust them! They submitted to Wapol's Royal authority! And now they want us to entrust Dalton to them!?" And the villagers seemed to be in agreement with him.
"What are you plotting to do to Dalton!?"
"ENOUGH!!" All had gone silent upon the shouting belonging to someone and all eyes had followed that voice to see Iris standing. "This is no time to be arguing or doubting. If they say that they can't revive Dalton, then you need trust them." She was speaking directly to the villagers, with quite a serious expression. "At the end of the day these men are doctors."
"The Miss is right. We only bowed down to Wapol's strength... because it meant furthering our medical research." The leader of the MDs was speaking as the others were removing their masks, glasses and head pieces. "But it was always for the sick and wounded of this country!" Everyone was unable to speak upon hearing both speeches. "A certain quack doctor taught us to never give up... We will not lose any more of these... foolish men!" It wasn't meant as an insult when he called them 'foolish'.

Soon the villagers began moving Dalton to a house that had not been buried underneath the snow to set the man in to treat him. As that was going on, Zoro, Usopp, Iris and Vivi were all standing outside the house which they were in waiting. "I think we should go up the mountain after all. Iris, Usopp, Mr. Bushido." The princess had come to say out of nowhere to the others.
"Huh?" Zoro only looked at her confused.
"We can't just sit here! Not knowing what happened to Luffy and the others after that huge avalanche is worrying me!" She then came to shout at them and then reminded the three that Nami had a terrible fever before leaving.
"Worried about Nami... and on top of that, worrying about Dalton and worrying about Alabasta, too?" Usopp, leaning against a waist high fence, began to speak that she was worried about everything. "Vivi, calm down. You're shouldering too much of a burden." He wasn't wrong about such a thing.
"Usopp's right. No matter what happens, as long as Nami is with Luffy and Sanji everything will work out." Beside the long nose, sitting into he fence was Iris who wasn't the slightest bit worried. "You can't lose trust over their abilities only because of a small avalanche. Just believe him them!" She winked at the girl smiling.
"That's right! I believe in them!" Usopp shouted in agreement and it had caused Vivi to gasped realising why it was that they was so calm despite everything.
"Thank you, Iris, Usopp. I..." She was about to thank them.
"You're just afraid of climbing the mountain." But Zoro had revealed the truth behind Usopp's words.
"B-But you heard them! There's Abominable Snowmen and Bear-Rabbits!" The long nose was shivering in fear as as the swordsman was tapping his head none stop.
"It's only Bear-Rabbits." Iris spoken as Dalton didn't mention anything about a Abominable Snowmen.
"Don't worry; Luffy will come Yo with something." Usopp was still trying to get out of it. "Scary things scare me, got a problem with that!?"
"But everything scares you." The Angel of Death pointed this out to him and Vivi was just looking at the long nose unsure of what to think.
"P-Please wait!" But the four of them turned towards the shouting as Dalton, awake and over with bandages came stumbling out the door.
"Dalton!" Usopp was glad to see him awake.
"Dalton!" As we're Iris and Vivi.
"Will somebody just tell me who this guy is?" Zoro has yet to have things explained to him yet. Dalton seemed to be trying to leave the town but he was still very weak.
"Dalton! You can't go!" Those that had been in the house with him came running out, trying to stop the man.
"Let me by. I will not allow Wapol to enter the castle. Never again!" But it didn't seem to matter to him.
"You can't possibly mean you're going to the castle!" Vivi looked at Dalton in shock.
"In your condition, that's reckless!" Usopp was shouting at him.
"Even I would have slight difficulty." Iris stated that, but she only meant slightly meaning she still would be able to do it.
"If I do not fight now, then when will I?" This had been asked to them. "If I allow Wapol to regain power, this country will be ruined for all eternity!" The man's determination was far greater then any of his pains.
"But you just can't fight in the state you're in!" The villagers were trying to reason with him.
"And he's not an opponent we can fight by ourselves..."
"No matter what filthy means may be necessary... I'm going to end this right now!" But they words fell on death ears as Dalton stood up shouting. He began to slow move towards the mountain with the support of his shovel. But it would take hours at the pace he was going, but soon Dalton came to a stop as he noticed Usopp standing in front of him. They stood in silence looking at one another when Usopp turned his back to the soldier and kneeled.
"Get on. I'll carry you up to the castle." It was quite surprising that Usopp had offered to do such a thing. "No time to hesitate! I won't let your determination go to waste!"
"Usopp...!" Vivi was surprised by his actions, especially since moments go he didn't want to go anywhere near the mountain.
"You just wait!" Dalton was now lean across Usopp's back. "I'll get you... to the... castle..."
"Hey, Usopp. I don't think this is going to work." Dalton had plainly told him, since he was barely able to stand with weight.
"Of course it will work!" But it seemed that Usopp refused to give up. "I'll get you there! You're fighting for your county, aren't you!? You're going to finish this, right!? Don't worry, I'll get you there, no matter what."
"Well, I should have seen that coming." Iris spoke as she watched the boy having difficulties. She then gripped onto the sleeve of Zoro's coat, pulling his attention to her."Would you help, please?" The man had taken off hearing Iris' request,
"Just take him up the mountain, right?" Without any effort Zoro picked Dalton up and throw him over his shoulder.
"Zoro." Usopp was looking at him confused but it soon turned to rage. "Jerk! Jerk! You jerk!" He was upset that Zoro had stolen his chance to shine and began kicking his leg. "Usopp's Punch!"
"What the hell are you doing!?" Annoyed the swordsman pushed him back.
"I was just about to unleash my full power there!" Usopp began pouting away.
"Yes, yes, we know you were." Iris had joined the pair as they began heading off.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Vivi smiled before she began running after them.
"Please wait!" But then one of the villagers called out to them. "If you're that determined to go..." The group came to stop to look back towards him. "...there is a ropeway that leads to the castle."
"Impossible. I thought all the ropeways to the bridge had been dismantled!"
"There is one. Someone put up a white rope... from a giant tree outside Gyasta, right to the castle!" It have been explained to them all.
"Gyasta?" Usopp knew the name.
"That's the name of the village Dr. Kureha last visited!" Vivi recalled it as well.
"So she was returning home...." It was beginning to make sense, and when Iris and the others had heard she was heading the Gyasta, it meant she was heading back to the castle via ropeway.

The group and some of the villagers had headed to Gyasta where they found the ropeway connected to a large tree that had a house built in side it's trunk. It was actually Dr. Kureha's house. "Nice view, huh?" A gondola is taking some villagers along with Zoro, Usopp, Iris Vivi, and Dalton.
"Yeah it is-Oi! Don't we have too many passengers!?" Usopp seemed to have come to realise this a little too late. "We should leave Dalton behind since be's wounded."
"You're saying this now?" Iris looked up to the long nose as she was using her Ágio Fos (Holy Light, Greek) on Dalton.
"We're going there to fight too!" The villagers seemed determined about this.
"I-I know, but we're not getting anywhere at this rate." Usopp wasn't completely wrong, since there were a lot of people on board causing the gondola to be a lot slower then it normally would be. "Pedal! Give it some more power!"
"Dalton, don't strain yourself." Vivi was telling the man
"There is so much my ability can do when your in this state." As Iris was telling Dalton, who was still recovering from his injuries and hypothermia. It wasn't at all bad as it should be, thanks to Iris' ability but she wasn't able to heal him completely due to the severity of the injuries.
"WHAT POSITION!? WHAT KING!?" He had suddenly bursted out, which surprised and startled Iris a bit, as she was kneeling right beside him. However, because of his actions, Dalton coughed up blood.
"Dalton! Please hang on!" Which sent panic everywhere. "What should I do? Dalton! Dalton!" Vivi was crying out to him over and over again.
"I am fine." Dalton spoken, but it wasn't all that convincing as he was now coughing up blood and the fact that he was crouched over.
"I am going...to end this country! What HISTORY!? What governing...!?" It was clear that Dalton had suffered a lot all these years. "What's wrong with wishing for a country with a HEART!?" That was when he pulled something out from his coat.
"What are you...?.
"Dynamite!" Which shocked others as it was revealed to be dynamite.
"Listen to me, everyone. Once we get to the castle, I will go inside and the rest of you take cover." Dalton was pulling on using it to destroy the castle once they reached it.
"Look! There's someone on top of the castle!" A villager had come to pull everyone's attention to the castle that they were able to see on the ropeway. The person had been sent flying off over head into the distance.
"Who was that?"

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