Mr. Prince to the Rescue

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Crocodile had lift along with Miss AllSunday and Miss Black-Friday leaving Luffy and that still stuck in the cage as the entire room had water flooding in. Vivi was also now long gone and water flowing in at over rating speed, Luffy and Usopp were screaming their heads off about it all. "If the cage fills, we're done for!" Although, it was understandable since they were completely trapped with no way out.
"HEY YOU STUPID CROC! GIMME YOUR BEST SHOT!" But all were shocked by Nami shouting up at the Banana Gator like Luffy normally would be doing. She was sticking her arm out of the cage, waving it around.
"What're you doing, Nami!?" Usopp was shouting at her shocked out of his mind. It was then when the Banana Gator attacked her arm that was sticking out if the cage.
"Nami?" Iris called out to her seeing her arm missing from the sleeve as the girl was crazy in shock, but it hadn't been bitten of as it stretched out. "Just what are you trying to do?" The heterochromia iridum woman could only ask the girl all confused at her action.
"I'm getting it mad so it'll bite this damned cage open!" She had explained but that wasn't going to work,
"I get it! Great idea!" But Usopp was all for it.
"BRING IT ON, YOU STUPID BANANA!" Luffy had began shouting insults at it now, but they we're really insults to say.
"Luffy, you know it's the banana that's growing out of the crocodile, right?" Iris asked, since he was still thinking it was the other way around.
"She's right. I mean, for example, take the Monkey Dance..." Usopp had began to explain things to him but
"YOU BANANA!" It was clear that Luffy didn't understand.
"Listen when someone's talking to you!" He had grabbed it straw hat boy by the shoulders shouting.
"For example, take the Monkey Dance. The monkeys is an animal, but the Monkey Dance is a dance- DON'T TOUCH THAT!" Usopp had slapped Luffy's hand away from the cage as he was touching it, causing him to go weak. "PAY ATTENTION!"
"Bananas and crocodiles are both food!" Not that any of them could really deny that, especially on this crew. They do pretty much eat anything that Sanji cooks up, that includes strange animals of all kind. Nami had shouted that the Banana Gator was coming. It bite down upon the cage, causing both Nami and Usopp to scream and terror but it was no use since the cage was far stronger then one would think. The Banana Gator had completely shattered to pieces.
"It's didn't work!" Usopp cried out,
'What's with this cage!?" Luffy could only ask.
"Vivi, hurry up!" Now the long nose was crying on the ground.
"Oi, you." Smoker was sitting on the bench with his feet out of the water. He seemed completely calm despite the fact that they were going to drown. Then again, Iris wasn't all that panicked.
"HOW CAN YOU BE SO DAMN CALM!?" Usopp was shouting at him, not understanding.
"THINK OF SOMETHING TO GET US OUT OF HERE!" Luffy was also shouting at him annoyed.
"How much do you know... of Crocodile's objectives?" When he had asked that both boys only looked at him confused. "That woman with Crocodile... has been wanted by the World Government for 20 years." Almost like Iris, she's been wanted for a little under 20 years since she was six. "The bounty in her is over 70,000,000." Usopp, of course, was shocked to hear that a child had gotten a bounty that high. It was almost at much as Crocodile, which had been pointed out by Nami. "With the two of them working together, this is no longer simply about taking over a country. If they aren't stopped, this will develop into a disaster that will engulf the entire world."
"The entire world? What do you mean?" Nami was asking him since none of understood how that could happen just with the two of them alone.
"Now that's just a little TOO much to take in." Usopp was right about that, but Smoker was right. As Iris was looking at Crocodile she noticed that it was a liar. However, that brought up questions about what part he was lying about. It said to say but my ability to read body language only allows her to determine feelings and not completely facts.
"What the hell are you talking about?" All attention had been pulled towards Luffy. "Since when do we need a reason like that to kick this guy's ass!?" He was right. They had no really to over think any of this, because the only reason to stop he was because he made Vivi suffer and that was the only reason any of them needed.
"Fine. Then... how are you going to get out of here?" Smoker seemed to realise the same thing and asked the next question, the water had not made it to our thighs, at least those that were on the bench like Smoker, which was only Iris.
"It already reached my thighs!!" Luffy had only just noticed and was freaking out.
"We'll die! We'll die! NOOO~!" But not as much as Usopp.
"Ah, my strength's all drained out..." Luffy began to fall due to the side effects of the Devil Fruit Which had caused Usopp to stop and save him from falling into the water completely shouting at him to hang on as that was what Vivi had told them before running off after help.
"Vivi, this must be really tough on you... you're in such a hurry, I'm sorry!" They were all feeling terrible for this and Nami was the one that took it the hardest.
"If I was a stronger swordsman... this cage would be nothing." Zoro was completely frustrated but it wasn't like Iris was any help either.
"Vivi... Sanji... Chopper..." She was so worried not just for her group but the other three that weren't with them. Why was she so weak at times like this? As of right now, Iris was the strongest member on the crew but she can't do anything due to the fact she ate a devil fruit.
"'Never make any noise while eating your meal.'" That voice...! At that moment, the sound of bones creaking caused me to look up out of the cage to see the Banana Gator's body shifting. "Anti-Manner Kick Course!" It had been because he delivered a massive vertical kick by lifting one of his legs a full 180 degrees in the air. This attack had been aimed at the very center of the torso and it sent the crocodile flying. Due to the impact of it landing, the water had came at us like a wave before settling down but they were all now drenched. "Hey there. Did I keep you waiting?"
"MR. PRINCE!" Both Luffy and Usopp were crying for joy, throwing they arms around each other cheering.
"We're saved..." Nami was sighing in relief at the sight of him.
"Stop screwing and find the key NOW!" But, of course, Zoro was the only one that was acting like that.
"NAMI~! IRIS~! D...Do you love me!?" Sanji was wiggling while asking, they did love him but...
"Yes, yes . Yes, we do. Now own the door!" Nami was telling him.
"Comiiing~! Mellorine! Mellorine!"
"His stupid has no limits..." Zoro was standing beside us saying,
"Now, now."
"VIVI! GOOD JOB!" Luffy was shouting up the to stair case to where Vivi was. But it wasn't the time for this as more Banana Gators entered the room one after another.
"Well, look at 'em all coming together." Sanji wasn't at all scared, since they were nothing but crocodiles, then there was Luffy who was cheering him on. "No matter how big a bunch you are, just try and beat me, you shitty bananas." He was also calling them bananas. "Any shitheads rude enough to attack a lady..." His leg was sticking up in the air high above him. "...needs some table manners beaten into them."
"Sanji! There's no time! Take 'em out in one second! No, in an instant!" Usopp was demanding but he was being completely unreasonable, but there was one that he should take out.
"Sanji, the crocodile that entered the room third!" Iris had gone to the front cage, making sure she wasn't touching it and pointed to the crocodile she spoke of. "You need to take it out! It's the one that ate the key!"
"What? How can you tell?" Luffy question caused me to turn to him, as he had completely forgotten about a natural born ability.
"You moron, did you forget Iris can see the smallest thing?" Nami had been the one to remind him that.
"Oh right!" All the men on the crew had just remembered causing Nami to really worry about them. But what was she expecting? With in that second, Sanji had attacked the crocodile Iris informed him about and some sort of white ball came flying out of it.
"THE KEY TO THE CAGE!" Luffy was all excited but
"I... don't think is..." It definitely didn't look like the key.
"What the hell is that?" And that was a really good question.
"That doesn't look like a key!"
"Wax Wax Ball..." The white ball had began to crake like an egg. "... Break!" That was when a dried up all man with a blue and white strip vest had shoot out. He had a pair of glasses, and one big 3 achieved through his top knot.
"WHAT!?" The others had shouted for some reason.
"W-Water! Water all around me! Truly a miracle!" The old man was trying to shout but his voice was all croaky.
"Oi! It's that guy...!?" Zoro had sweat rolling down his face. Iris seemed to be the only one out of sink
"The 3! 3!" Luffy was shouting as he was pointing at the man.
"Mr. 3!" Yeah, it appears to be the case. "Why were you inside the crocodile's stomach?!" Vivi was shouting down at him asking. But Mr. 3 was to busy drink the water at his feet and for some reason he began to look less dried out as he did before.
"I have revived! I thought I had reached the end! Crocodile, if you intend to be rid of me, you will have to do better." It seemed that he had yet to noticed the crew since he was muttering to himself. "Right as I was about to be devoured by this beast, I used all my remaining strength to make this Wax Wax Ball and..." He had stopped mid sentence and then he bent down to pick something up. "What have we here?" It was the key.
"THAT KEY! GIVE IT HERE!" Nami and Usopp were stretching out of the cage at him while they and Luffy were shouting.
"YOU AGAIN...!!" It seemed that he noticed us and his eyes literally popped out of the sockets at the sight of the group in the cage. He seemed confused at first while looking at the key in his hand but it was clear that he began to put everything together. "I have grasped the situation." He had a giant smirk in his face while saying that.
"So you're Mr. 3?" Sanji had gone up to him and it seemed to have caused him to scream.
"You gave me quite a start." But it only lasted a second.
"Are you Mr. 3?" Sanji had repeated the question and then told him to hand the key over Nice and easy. But a giant evil smirk come across his face,
"Sanji! Stop him!" Iris had shouted as she knew what he was about to do, but it was too late.
"I know... who about with a looong throw!?" Mr. 3 throw the key off into the distance.
"What!?" And it fell into the water causing the man to laugh amused.
"I know not who you are, but you appear to be one of them." He was saying to Sanji that if he wanted to key he should look of it to then say that he wasn't responsible if he couldn't find it. But what he done was really dumb. "It's gone! It's gone away!"
"That bastard..." Zoro was right about that.
"He's smart to figure that out so quickly!" It wasn't really hard if you think about it for a second though.
"We don't have any time! Sanji!" Nami was shouting over to him.
"What's this bullshit you're pulling on me..." Sanji was about to lose it, but something came to mind now that Iris saw his Devil Fruit's ability.
"Hey, wouldn't he be able to make a key out of wax?" She had asked the others since something like that was possible.
"Good idea, Iris~!" Sanji ended up saying back to her like a puppy.
"Eh?" Not long passed after Iris had suggested that idea and the the cage door had opened up up.
"Nice piece of work, Candleman." Sanji was telling Mr. 3 after beating the crap out of him. Then after a piece of paper was placed on him, he had been knocked out. "Shall we go? There's not much time left." Everyone had then began to leave the cage one after the other.
"Yeah. The tunnel they went down earlier... must lead to Alubarna." Nami was telling him as she had left the cage after the rest of us
"But there are still too many Banana Gators in that passage!" Vivi had shouted after she had joined the group but that wasn't a problem at all.
"IS THAT ALL!?" Since Luffy, Zoro and Iris pretty much finished them up in seconds. "WHERE ARE THE REST OF YOU!?" Luffy seemed to want to fight more though.
"They won't be a problem." Nami saying as Usopp and Vivi were unable to say anything, a bit surprised at the pile of crocodiles that were taken out almost instantly by the monsters.
"And after I had so much trouble fight just one of them..." the princess began to cry as she felt ashamed at that fact
"No, no. Their strength is what's really strange. It's not your fault." Usopp was trying to inform her since he was right about that.
"Damn it! I can't get serious drenched in all this seawater!" Luffy was shouting all annoyed.
"I would have to agree." Iris said and although she didn't seem like it, she was very annoyed over all this. However, her attention had turned to the walls as cracking sounds echoed in her ears all around them and in an instant everything was coming apart around them, causing more water to flow in faster then before. "We might have overdid it." Iris stated as this had been caused from the after shock of them fighting.
"THE WALLS BROKE!" Luffy was screaming in terror. Even the passage broke apart which had caused more water to flow in.
"Time to go! Let's get outta here!" As Sanji was saying that, the water had being swept away them all. They were being washed away out of the room.

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