Sudden Darkness!?

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Needless to say that the sight before those felt on the surface was quite shocking, especially since it was a giant Island Turtle which had emerged. "WHAT IS THAT!? WHAT IS IT!?"
"Calm down, Nami." Iris was trying to calm down the girl that was screaming none stop in a panic.
"BOSS!" The crew which belonged to the monkey started freaking out, calling out to him.
"What is that thing!? What is it!? A continent!?" But the navigator was continuing, there was Usopp...
"I don't care! I don't care! I don't see a thing! Not one thing! This is a dream!" Who was completely denying reality that stood, or floated before them.
"A dream!? Really!?" And it appeared that Chopper was doing the same.
"Ah... thank goodness it's only a dream." And Nami had joined in with them as they wiped their foreheads before turning their backs to the turtle.
"Oh my." That had been until Robin came to speak. "The boys were... all just eaten along with the ship." She had come to state this while looking at the mouth of the created.
"DON'T SAY IT!" Usopp had ran over with tears running all over.
"But Robin's right."Iris came to speak as well, looking ahead and not denying anything. "I see the air hoses in its mouth." She had pointed it out to them.
"LUFFY AND THE OTHERS GOT EATEN!!" This had caused Chopper to start crying and running around the ship in a panic.
"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" While Usopp was placing all the blame Nami. "You made them go to the bottom of the GRAND LINE!" While he was shouting Iris tried to calm him down. You said it would be OKAY even though you had NO PROOF and now they're...!" Although, he only seemed to be getting worse.
"You're right..." that had caused everyone to turn to the girl that surprising agreed to this. "Sorry!" However, this was Nami so that was all that was going to be said.
"That's almost it... but not quite right." Which only had Usopp crying once again.
"Guys, the turtle is moving." Iris had pointed this out as the Merry had been pulled by the air horse which were in the mouth of the turtle.
"We'll be helpless unless we cut the air hoses. It's going to drag the ship underwater." It was getting ready to submerge back into the water once again and because of the hoses the Merry was going to be dragged underneath as well.
"Iris, you're strong right!? Please do something!" Usopp shouted at us.
"I could, however... " it was understandable since she did take a Sandora Lizard... twice. "... I have to refuse."
"SAY WHAT?!" Nami, Usopp and Chopper had all came to snap in shock. "WHY!?" With tears now rolling down their faces in desperation.
"Because it's not trying to hurt us on purpose." She had come to inform them, since leaving her home as a pirate Iris made a promise to not harm anyone or anything that didn't many and harm. The Sandora Lizard had tried to eat them so she killed them. The turtle on the other hand his merely returning back under water and probably didn't even notice the Going Merry and such. So even if the Merry was being dragged by the hoes from they guys in its mouth she wasn't going to do anything to harm it.
"Fine!" And it appeared that Usopp or the others were going to force her. "Robin, you do something!" The snipper thoughts and hopes turned to the archaeologist.
"I can't. It's too big." But they were destroyed by her saying that.
"Okay, boys! Reel in the ropes and save the boss!" Meanwhile, it appeared that the men of the Marisa were going heads first into danger to save their boss. "The pride and honour of the Masira Pirates depend on it! The boss is still alive!"
"That's right!" It appeared the Usopp came to realise something. "This is a time when the crew's loyalty is put to the test!" Which was something unlike him.
"Usopp!" Then Nami had shouted out his name.
"Yeah!" Which he responded to, ready to do anything.
"Cut the lines and take us to safety!" However, it appeared that this
"You're a devil!" wasn't what he was hoping for as he was once again crying.
"A devil!" Chopper was in a complete agreement as he repeated after him. However, everyone came to completely change upon everything around them going dark.
"What? What's going on!?" This had been shouted by Usopp while everyone began looking around completely confused.
"It turned to night!" Chopper shouted in disbelief after rubbing his eyes to make sure that he wasn't seeing things.
"Amazing." Iris appeared to a bit fascinated by this strange event and pulled out her note book where she was speed writing.
"That's impossible... it's not even close to evening." Then Nami was looking at her clock.
"THEN WHAT IS IT!? LUFFY! ZORO! SANJI!" Usopp cried out to them.
"A bad omen! Sudden nightfall is a sign that and monsters will appear, captain!" Robin came to notice the Masira crew freaking out.
The ships gone sink! Hurry and reel in the boss!" However, soon the sound of water splashing and seeing something being throw on to deck, caught everyone's attention.
"LUFFY!" Usopp had shouted as whatever it was landing on the deck. It had been their Captain and Nami ran over to him.
"Luffy, what's wrong!?" Before she began slapping his face "Are you dead!?" She was asking since there wasn't a response. But soon later two figures had landed on the deck.
"Zoro! Sanji!" Of course it were to last two members of the under water team and they were both caring sacks on their backs.
"Set sail! We gotta get away from here!" Zoro was breathing heavily while panicking a bit.
"That Guys trouble!" Sanji appeared to be in the same mood.
"I'm so glad you're all alive! Oh, right! Let's get away from that turtle!" Usopp was crying tears of relief, along side Chopper as he spoke.
"Turtle?" The pirate Hunter seemed confused about what Usopp meant. "No, there was a monkey in the ocean!" Then onto explaining why they needed to get away.
"Must be some kinda sea monster!" The Sanji had continued it.
"He and Luffy became friends really fast..."
"They're both monkeys!" But nothing they were saying made any sense.
"After we picked up this stuff from the ship, he started rampaging!" Exclamation was continuing.
"Started rampaging like a gorilla!" Until it came to an end with Sanji saying that.
"That weirdo's Masira, a salvager!" Usopp had explained still crying. "But it's amazing you escape from that turtle's mouth!" He had then told them in amazed.
"Turtle? What Turtle?" Zoro asked because they were both confused at what he meant.
"The one right behind you with its mouth open wide." Iris had spoken looking to the turtle.
"That's how you guys escaped!" Usopp had decided, after seeing the giant turtle's mouth wide open as it was looking at the sky.
"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!?" Both Zoro and Sanji stood up yelling once they saw the turtle.
"NOTICE THESE THINGS!" Usopp shouted to them. "That thing ate you along with the whole ship!" Because of that the guys had then began running around, getting ready to set sail, away from the Island Turtle.
"Huh? How come it's nighttime?" Luffy who had just come to stood up asking.
"Luffy! Come help! We're getting outta here!" Zoro shouted at him, pulling on the ropes of the sails.
"HOLD IT!" That's when Masira had arrived on the ship from the water. "YOU GUYS!" He landed on the Merry, "You guys better not think you'll get away with barging onto Lord Masira's turf and stealing treasure!"
"Treasure? You found treasure?" Nami asked all excited.
"Yeah, There was tons!" Luffy chuckling, however...
"That is quite interesting." Iris was speaking still writing notes.
"What is?" The navigator turned to the woman that she found looking up at the sky.
"Well, I think I understand why the turtle is acting weird." She answered pointing her pencil to the black sky, which had caused everyone else looked up in front of them. It was so tall, it reached the top of the sky practically. It looked like a giant, but a giant wasn't that tall, nor were they completely black. Everyone one remained frozen in shock looking up at it. There wasn't just one too, there were three of this thing. That's when more showed up. Even the turtle was scared out of its wits. One of the things raised its arm that had a spare in it.
"MONSTERS!!" The crew had all panicked at the sight of the large monsters in the sky, there was no need for anyone to throw orders because the guys had started rowing the Going Merry across the sea, as fast as they possibly. It wasn't long before the sky was back to the way it should be for this time of day and once that happened everyone was sitting down together on deck.
"That couldn't have been real..." Zoro was saying while trying to catch his breath.
"Those things... were too huge to be real..." Usopp was in the same position as he spoke.
"Man, the Grand Line is just a big parade of one mysterious thing after another... just today..." Sanji was speaking after lighting himself a cigarette in his mouth.
"We had a large galleon fall from the sky.." Iris had began by said.
"The Log Pose's needle points up into the sky..." followed by Nami...
"Some weird monkey comes and raises the ship..." then Usopp...
"But then a giant turtle comes and gobble it up the ship..." soon Chopper followed...
"Night falls..." Robin had come to say...
"And then giant monsters a hundred times bigger than the giants appear!" And Luffy finally finished the list. None them could believe what they witnessed.
"Yeah, That sure was scary, I can tell you." A new, but familiar voice had joined the conversation, which had everyone stop and turn towards. Who they found was Masira and it took a bit for the crew to realise he was sitting down on the deck with them.

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