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The sun was high in the sky as it was clear as the Going Merry was sailing quietly. It made sense as it had left Drum Kingdom far behind. And currently at the front of the ship..."This is so cool!" Chopper was excited as he was sitting on the rails trying to look off into the distance. "The ocean is huge!"
"Of course it is!" Luffy was doing the same thing but on Merry's head instead. "Having adventures in a huge ocean is what being a pirate's all about!"
"I see! Being a pirate really is amazing!" The Reindeer's eyes were shining bright until a giant shadow lingered over the entire ship. "Oh! What's that!?" He was asking looking up at a giant bird flying above them.
"It's a seagull!" Luffy had told him.
"How can something as big as that be a seagull?" Nami who has been there the whole time asked.
"Oi, Seagull!" But he was calling out to it waving, which had pulled its attention but not in a good way as it had nose dived down and was soaring just above the sea heading their way,
"IT'S COMING!" Nami had began to freak out.
"How about that? It is a seagull." Luffy was missing the point like always.
"That's not the point right now! You called it and now it's coming towards us!" The navigator was flipping out,
'Wow! A great adventure!" Chopper was enjoying himself. Just as the bird had gotten closer it had flew back up to the sky when Nami noticed something missing.
"Wait, where's Luffy?" She asked and then looked up hearing the sounds of Luffy's cheers. "WAIT! Don't get yourself eaten!" She had shouted up at him panicking. Chopper had then jumped down onto the deck and ran off to go get to others.
"Emergency! Luffy got eaten!" He climbed up to the Aft deck where Zoro, Usopp, Iris

"Emergency! Luffy got eaten!" He climbed up to the Aft deck where Zoro, Usopp, Iris

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and Sanji were playing cards as if nothing was happening. "This is no time to be playing cards!" Chopper was running around them shouting all panicked. "Luffy for eaten!"
"Did he ask for help?" Zoro had asked causing him to stop.
"No, he didn't." Which was the response given.
"You don't need to worry." Iris had told him as she was looking down at her cards closely. "Luffy can handle it himself."
"Gum Gum..." Just then Luffy's arms stretched out and had began wrapping over one about and then had gripped the bird's beak. "...Propeller!" The bird was beginning to be spun rapidly around and around until both it and him fell onto the ship again.
"Oi, Sanji! I hit us some meat. Whats with you guys? Are you sleeping?" Luffy had asked noticing all of them on the Aft deck laying face first on deck.
"BECAUSE OF YOU!" It was only the  guys that had snapped at him as they were getting up.
"How are you gonna repay me!? I had a good hand that time and I was finally going to win against Iris!" Usopp was shouted holding up his his.
"Oh I see. Sorry!" Luffy didn't really understand but apologised.
"That's a nice catch, Luffy." Iris had said looking over to the bird, while patting herself down.
"We can finally have a decent meal." Zoro had said.
"We can eat this?" Usopp asked as if it was a question.
"Huh? Chopper, what's wrong?" Luffy had asked, noting that he was just staring.
"Well... I think... being a pirate is... a pirate is... so awesome!" Chopper had a giant grin across his face.
"That so? We're awesome!" They had all began to laugh.
"You guys! Iris!" Nami had called out to them, so they turned they heads to see her. "The ship's about to land at Alabasta! We don't have time to be play around! Come on." She jested them to follow her.
"Yes ma'am." They all had followed after her down the stairs to join Vivi.
"Hey, what's Alabasta?" Chopper and asked the others being the first one on the last step.
"A country Vivi's father rules." Nami told him.
"You see, there is a member of the Seven War Lords of the Sea named Crocodile trying to take over." Iris had sat down beside Vivi.
"The War Lords of the sea?" Chopper clearly didn't know anything about them being only studying to be come a doctor his whole life.
"They're pirates who work for the World Government." Nami told him.
"A pirate that works for the government?" Chopper was surprised to hear that.
"Yeah, and they're REALLY powerful! They go around defeating other pirates. Therefore the rulers of countries give them free reign in exchange for their pirate-crushed skills." Usopp had explained it really simply.
"Crocodile, Eh? I wanna hurry and meet him!" Luffy was getting excited just thinking about it.
"Crocodile is considered a hero in Alabasta. He shows up defeating pirates who attack the towns, but that's just a front Crocodile puts up. From the shadows, he is inciting a rebellion in Alabasta. He wants to take the Alabasta throne. No one knows about this yet... not the people... not even my father." Vivi was not just upset, she was frustrated and angry.
"Yosh! I just need to kick this Crocodile guy's ass, right?" Luffy had pushed his Palm excited.
"Yes. If we're able to drop the rebellion we can then drive Baroque Works out." She had told him.
"Baroque Works..." Chopper didn't know what that was either.
"That's right, you weren't with us so you wouldn't know. Then again, I don't think we know much either." Iris had said to him
"The Baroque Works system is way to complicated." Usopp had told him.
"Their system is pretty simple." Vivi had corrected him and then began to explain the whole system, "At the top the Boss, Crocodiles. He is 'Mr.0'. Below home are fourteen 'Agents' who take orders directly from the Boss. Thirteen men and one animal. They are paired with female agents who complement their abilities. Mr. 1 and Miss Doublefinger. Mr. 2 is one of the Agent that doesn't have a pair. The other is Miss Halloween."
"Halloween, that's a weird name." Iris had stated.
"Mr. 3 is the candle guy we met back in Little Garden, right?" Zoro asked making sure he had it right.
"Yes, and he was paired with Miss Goldenweek."
"Ah, that kid." Nami said remembering the little girl.
"Mr. 4 is paired with Miss Merrychristmas. To be honest, I don't know much about these two." Vivi honestly told the others.
"And then there's that booger guy, Mr.5." Usopp said after her.
"Booger?" Chopper was still a bit out of the lope.
"Yeah, his boogers are like bombs." He had explained simply.
"Mr. 5's entire body is a weapon." Vivi stated.
"And then his partner, Miss Valentine, ate the Kilo Kilo Fruit." Iris said to the crew.
"That woman who's able to change her weight at will?" Zoro questioned her which she nodded to him answering.
"All the agents from Mr. 5 up are called 'Officer Agents'. They all have Devil's Fruit abilities. They don't act unless a mission is extremely important. Then we have Mr. 6 down to Mr. 13. Their job is to lead the employees and raise company funds at the entrance to the Grand Line." Vivi had said, it kind of reminded Iris of her old group a little.
"Now that I think of it, Iris and I met up with this weird monkey and chicken." Sanji stared remembering what happened on Little Garden.
"Those were an otter and voucher, Sanji." But Iris had to corrected him.
"You must mean Mr. 13 and Miss Friday. They are the punishers. They deal with those who fail to complete their orders." Vivi told them both. "Also, the Officer Agents have 200 subordinates called the 'Billions'. And the Frontier Agents have 1,800 subordinates called the 'Millions'. This is the underground criminal organisation 'Baroque Works'." Vivi finished.
"So 1,800 and 200 equals..." Usopp was trying to do the maths on his fingers.
"They have 2,000 people!?" But Chopper only needed to think about it in his head.
"2,000!?" Usopp had echoed completely sweating.
"Yosh! I get it now. I just need to kick this Crocodile guy's ass, right?" Luffy wasn't even listening.
"You didn't understand a word she said, did you?" Usopp had asked a rhetorically question since the captain never listens.
"If the takeover of Alabaster is Baroque Works' final plan..." Zoro had began to say smirking.
"...Then the rest of the Officer Agents must all be..." Sanji had began to continue.
"...Heading for Alabaster." Iris had finished and it had gotten real serious.
"Yes." Vivi had nodded with a hard expression across her face. It was all serious and tense
"I get it! So I just need to kick that Crocodile's..." if Luffy understood what was going on.
"Enough already, you can be quiet now." Sanji had cut him off.
"Really?" After then a few days had passed traveling to Alabaster.
"There's no doubt about it. The ship's headed straight for Alabaster." Nami was smiling happily as she looked down at the map and Entire Pose.
"This is good!" Iris had shouted delighted to hear as she looked at the map, not that she could read it though, with Vivi by her side also smiling happily at the thought of soon arriving home, however, it was soon cut short.
"Luffy! Don't lie to me!" Sanji was yelling down below them on the deck, with Luffy sitting on his knees. "Tell me what you know." And the man was extremely pissed off with his cigarette out of his mouth in between his fingers. "Oi. What's with you turning your face away? Look at me!" He had kneeled down and grabbed the sweating face of Luffy, who was trying to not look him in the eye.
"No, no. I really don't know what you're talking about." The captain was really bad at lying as his face was showing it clearly.
"Okay, then I'll ask you straight. How is it that the rations I prepared to last the nine of us until we reached Alabaster... suddenly disappeared in the middle of the night?" Sanji was asking him as he was moving his eyes side of side avoiding Sanji's glare. "Don't give me that attitude!" He had then grabbed Luffy's face again. "You'd be terrible at poker!" But the boy was still trying to avoid looking at him when. "Oi, there's something around your mouth." Sanji had then stated surprised.
"Ah, crap!" But Luffy was the most shocked one. "Leftovers!" He completely admitted it out loud completely falling for Sanji's acting.
"SO IT WAS YOU!!!" Sanji had snapped only to send him flying to the other side of the ship. "Jerk." He had said and then turned around up to Nami, Iris and Vivi. "Ahh, Nami. Did you see that? My giant mouse trap isn't enough anymore! You gotta buy me a refrigerator with a lock!" He was telling her speaking like a baby.
"He does have a point, you should think about it..." Iris was saying, slowly looking over to the three that were fishing. "...I mean, our lives would be saved by it." Nami, Sanji and Vivi's glanced followed where she was looking.
"Well then! We have to catch some fish for Sanji." Usopp was saying.
"Oh, is it going well?" Sanji had asked walking over to them making them all nervous. Why was it that they were so nervous? The answer was really simple you see.
"Of course!" Usopp had answered turning his head away with the other two and then slowly turned back around. Sanji Who was still smiling placed one hand on Usopp's and the other in Carue's and before they knew it, the three of them had their heads smashed together. "Feels good~!" It was because the three of them were just as bad as Luffy.
"Jeez, I can't take my eyes off you for a second." After that little incident, not that much time had passed. Along with Nami, Iris and Chopper were sitting in the kitchen table. Nami was drawing her sea charts while Chopper was reading a medical book with Iris beside him, looking from her note book to writing in her other book. Since it was one thing after another since they left Reverse Mountain, she hadn't had much time to finish placing the information from her note book into her story and since the water was calm and nothing was wrong, it was the perfect time to finish the parts that had happened since then. Of course the three of them weren't the only ones in the kitchen but Sanji as well, he was trying to find some food but of course Luffy, Usopp, Chopper, and Carue had cleared it out. It was pretty peaceful since Luffy was out on deck fishing with Usopp.
"Ahh, I'm hungry." Luffy was whining after his stomach began to growl. "We can't seem to catch any fish, can we?"
"Luffy! The reason we're no getting anywhere is 'cause you ate the bait! If we don't have any bait, we won't catch anything!" Usopp had snapped right at him, completely losing his patients with him.
"You ate it too!" Luffy had reminded him.
"Well only what was stuck to the lid..." He had admitted while muttering. As that was happening, Vivi had walked down from the aft deck to them.
"Luffy, Usopp. Have you caught anythi-" She had been cut off by the familiar sounding duck in distress. She had grabbed the two shoulder of them men that were fishing and pushed them aside so she could look to see where that sound was coming from. And then when she saw Carue as the end of their rodes she screamed. "CARUE!!"
"I wonder if we'll catch a shark." Luffy was saying as if their was no problem with using the duck as bait.
"I wanna catch a Sea King!" Even Usopp was the same, however
"You guys... WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO CARUE!?"Vivi didn't like it at all and ended up smashing their heads together. Sanji and Nami were a bad influence on her. She was satisfied when she saw them both on the deck and was about to help Carue but she attention was pulled to the front of the ship. "What is that?" She was asking herself seeing steam raising from the sea.
"What's that?" Usopp was asking completely on edge seeing the same thing.
"Maybe it's Cotten Candy." Luffy's was saying his tongue sticking out as he looked like he had enough.
"I'll go get Nami." Vivi had told them before running up the stairs to open the door to the kitchen. "Nami, there's something wrong! Come quick!" She had told the navigator but everyone had followed the princess out into the deck to see what she was panicking about.
"Ah, don't worry. It's nothing." Nami had told her with a smile.
"Steam coming from the ocean?" But she didn't seem to understand what she meant.
"Yeah, it's a hotspot." Nami stated.
"What's that?" Luffy now was asking, not that he would understand what it was, but that was the cute side of him.
"It's a place where magma rises. There's an underwater volcano over there." Nami explanation was simple.
"There are volcanoes even on the ocean floor?" Chopper was asking the woman, never knowing this.
"That's right. There's actually more volcanoes on the ocean floor than on land." She had told him, Usopp was impressive but Luffy on the other hand
"Who cares! We can't eat 'em." Had lost interest.
"If it stays like this, in another few thousand, or few ten thousand years there will be a new island here." Nami finished her explanation.
"You're wonderful, Nami~!" Of course Sanji wasn't really interested.
"Ten thousand years... I wonder if I'll still be alive then." Luffy was forgetting he was human.
"No, you'll be dead. You're human." Usopp reminded him of that though but then all heard and saw Carue crying at the end of the fishing rods.
"Catch anything yet?" Sanji was completely ignoring the fact that they were using Carue as bait,
"Oh, Sanji! I'm hungry. Go make me something." Luffy really was forgetful but really that's what makes him him.
"There's nothing I can do about you, is there?" The cook began pulling up his sleeves and walking to the door leading to galley. "I'll search the galley top to bottom and see if there's anything left."
"Would you like some help?" Iris had asked leaning over the rails.
"Nah, its all good." He responded before heading inside, closing the door behind him. That was when they entered the steam but they had all began to cough uncontrollably
"It stinks of Sulfur!" Usopp had shouted
"Yeah but it feels good on the skin." Iris had spoken after him feeling her cheeks starting to feel different.
"I can't see a thing! Nothing but steam!" Luffy then shouted complaining.
"Hang on! We'll be through it soon!" Nami had told him before coughing again. That was when a scream echoed in Iris' ears.
"Hey, did you hear that?" She had asked the others.
"Hear what?" But Nami had answered not hearing the same thing she did.
"I must have imagined it." She had stated as they existed the steam, however, everyone's eyes had went straight to Carue as a man was holding onto him.
"Oh no! Why am I grabbing a spot-billed duck I only just met!?" He made it sound like he grabbed a lot of ducks.
"A-A mermaid?" Luffy was making it sound like it was possible.
"Dunno.." was Usopp respond, that was when the man's arms had unwrapped itself
"Uh-oh!" He was shouting as he feel into the sea. "Help me! PLEASE!" he pleaded, which meant either two things, he was a Devil Fruit eater or just never learned to swim. "I'm a hammer and I can't swim-!" He went under. The man had been fished out of the water by Iris who had flew down to the water to grab his arms. It was a given that he was breathing heavily. Nami, Usopp and Chopper stood in front of the man, Luffy was Crouch down in front of him. Zoro and Iris were sat down beside Nami. "Oh... I thought it was all over." He said. "No, really! Swan, swan." His face was completely covered in makeup. "My life has been saved by pirates that I do not even know." He then lowed his head in gratitude. "I will never forget your kindness! Oh, but I was wondering if I might have a bowl of warm soup?" He asked.
"WE DON'T HAVE ANY!" Everyone, but Iris, had all snapped at the man.
"WE'RE STARVING TOO!" Zoro had shouted at him explaining. That was when the man look up at Vivi and the winked and throw a kiss at her, after telling her she was a cutie and saying that he wanted to eat her.
"You can't swim, huh?" Luffy asked.
"Does that means you're a Devil's Fruit user?" Iris had asked.
"Yes sweetie!" He then winked at her, but Zoro had glared at the man seeing this. "I ate a Devil's Fruit." But he didn't seem to care as he explained
"Ah, which one?" Usopp asked. The man got up.
"Yes, Well... I suppose there's no need to rush while I wait for my ship to come get me." He said placing a hand on his hip and the other out like Nami would normally to when she was explained something standing up. "I might as well put on a show!" Luffy was getting excited, "Prepare to witness my abilities!" His hand then face planet Luffy's face, sending him into the ship's wall. Everyone was shocked. Zoro grabbed one of his swords, ready for a fight. Iris was also ready to fight. Usopp, Nami and Chopper were still in shock.
"What the-!?" Zoro pulled out two of his swords.
"Waaait! Waaait! Waaait~!" They all looked shocked at the man, his voice had change into someone else's voice. "I said I was putting on a show!" And his face! "Stop joooking around!" It was their captain's face, but just a lot more creepy.
"It's me!" Luffy had recovered and was even more excited then before.
"Surprised you! Surprised you! Surprised you!" He started laughing and laughing. "When I touch myself with my left hand..." his face changed back, "See! Back to normal~! This is the ability I gained from eating the Clone Clone Fruit!" He explained.
"His voice..."
"And even his physique were the same!" Nami and Usopp said.
"C-COOL~!" As Luffy was in amazement, the man then tapped the rest of the crew that was on the lower deck on the cheek.
"Well, there really is no need to hit anybody though." He pulled out his right hand and placed it over his face, "Hi! Look at me~!" He changed to Usopp. And the did the same thing again, "If I touch my face..." He changed to Zoro. "...with my right hand..." then Chopper. "I can imitate aaanyone..." And then changed to Nami. "Just like this! Even the body!" He was still Nami as he opened up his close and then he changed to Iris, showing the difference between the two. The guys got all flustered, even Zoro when he saw Iris' body, but then he got angry along with Nami. The girl had punched him while Zoro had ended up hit him with one of his swords, both in the face.
"Knock it off!" Nami had snapped
"And don't going show a woman's body off to everyone!" Zoro had shouted at him.
"Oh dear, are you alright?" Iris didn't seem to mind all that much as she bent down to see if the man was okay.
"Don't get close to him!" Zoro had grabbed her wrist, pulling her away from the man.
"Well, now..." He slowly got up. "I'm sorry to say that I shouldn't show you any more of my ability than..."
"You're Awesome! Do some more!" The three idiots cheered him on.
"Ah! Really, I guess I have no choice! Wanna see some more?" He started dancing around like a Bellarina. The guys were cheering him on. Zoro, sat arms cross on the floor with both Nami Iris leaning on the side of the Merry.
"He's going right along with them." Nami said.
"They got along fast." Iris was smiling happily watching.
"Yeah, because their all idiots." Zoro had told her.
"Very well! I'm gonna show you something!" The man was spinning around on his tiptoe. "My memory ability! Hi~!" He then started changing faces, on one of the faces Vivi had gone completely pale.
"This is bullshit." Zoro said.
"So how was my performance? I don't usually show this to people." The man had asked.
"So cool! So cool!" The boys started dancing. They were extremely excited kicking their legs up high as they were singing loudly.
"Do what you want." Nami was so fed up with all of it.
"There's my ship." The man had caused everyone to turn and see a giant swan coming towards the Going Merry. The man jumped to the side of the ship. "My. The time has come for us to part. How tragic." The guys started crying.
"Please don't go!" Usopp told him.
"Do not be sad! Journeys and parting go hand in hand. But, remember this: to true friendship..." He was crying as well as he put his thumb up. " long you've known each other means nothing!" And then he leaped. "Don't cry for me!" Back onto his ship.
"WE'LL SEE YOU AGAIN!" Luffy shouted across to the other ship.
"Now, let's go men!" He had shouted to his man had they were sailing off.
"Aye! Mr. 2, Bon Clay, Sir!" The men had all called him.
"WHAT!?" The crew was shocked, "MR. 2!?"
"That was... Mr. 2, Bon Clay!" Vivi shouted.
"Vivi! Didn't you recognize him!?" Luffy asked.
"No... I've never met Mr. 2 or the Mr.1 pair nor Miss Halloween before... I don't even know their abilities!" Vivi backed away and fell to the floor. "But I did hear rumors...Mr. 2... they said he is a flamboyant ballerina with a loud voice... who wears a swan coat... with the words 'Bon Clay' written on the back."
"You should have notice." Luffy, Zoro, and Usopp had all told her since it was so obvious.
"But how didn't you noticed?" Nami had turned to Iris asking.
"Well, he didn't seem bad at all." She had stated a bit surprised herself. That was when Vivi had fallen to the floor.
"What's wrong, Vivi?" Luffy had asked seeing her distress face,
"Just then... among those faces he showed from memory... my father's face was in his memory! The face of the King if Alabasta, Cobra Nefertari..." She had explained, almost sounding like she was crying.
"If you could impersonate the king... you could pull off some pretty nasty things." Zoro answered.
"We just let a really dangerous guy get away." Usopp pointed out.
"He was our enemy?" Chopper asked.
"He certainly will be a lot of trouble if he turns out to be our enemy." Nami was right. "After he discovers that we are his enemies..." She had stated to them all.
"I won't have any trouble." Iris had raised her hand saying.
"What do you mean?" She had asked her.
"Well, no matter how good his cloning was there are two things he can't copy." She had explained to them.
"And what are they?" Chopper had looked up asking.
"One is their memories, that was clear when he became Cobra Nefertari." Iris had stated to them.
"Yes, if he did clone their memories too, then he would know who Vivi was." Usopp had realised that she was right.
"What is the other?" Zoro asked.
"Our abilities." She pointed out to them, which was quite a good thing, however...
"Yes but if he can use that memory of his to impersonate any one of us. We won't be able to trust our own friends." Nami had stated this to them then.
"Really?" Luffy didn't understand a single thing they just said.
"Listen, Luffy..."
"Well, wait a second." Zoro cut he off, and grabbed Luffy's shoulders. "While this guy may not have any basis for his opinion, he's right in saying we don't have to be afraid of that guy." The man said. "I think we're lucky that we met him. Now we take countermeasures." He had an evil grin on his face. Some days passed after that, and with everything peaceful had stopped when the ship began to rock wildly ceasing the crew to scream and hold onto tight to anything they could. But when they found the reason behind the sea going wide it was huge.
"That things HUGE!" Luffy was shouting out the obvious as a giant sea cat had raised out of the water at the back of the ship.
"A Sea Cat!" Vivi had shouted knowing the species.
"A SEA MONSTER!" Usopp and Choppers were in tears looking up at the thing.
"OUR FIRST MEAL IN FOUR DAYS!" But Zoro was more interested in the meat.
"FOOD!" Not that Luffy could say anything more.
"Our course is steady. I wish we'd get there already." Nami on the other hand was at the front not caring what was happening behind her,
"FOOD." Luffy's eyes were that of a crazy beast and the Sea Cat saw that fearing for its life, it began to back away from the Going Merry.
"Ah! It pulled back!" Zoro shouted.
"Reverse ship! Back! BACK!" Luffy was yelling like the ship could actually do that.
"L-L-L-Like I can do that!" Usopp had shouted back to him and the Sea Cat was backing away even faster than before.
"Don't let it get away!" Sanji was shouting as he was running to join them on the aft deck. "Make sure you kill it!"
"Is that really necessary?" She Iris asked him but he had already joined the other two with there crazy eyes.
"You'd better make some damn good cooking, you monster cat!" He had lost it like the other two but before they knew it
"NO!" They had been sent head first into the rails by a broom being swung by Vivi giving the Sea Cat to run away.
"Vivi! You jerk," Luffy had snapped, "What the hell do you think you're doing!?"
"W-Why? Vivi..." Sanji just shocked, as for Zoro...
"Zoro, you alive?" Iris was poking him as he just laid there not moving.
"You can't eat it!" Vivi had yelled then began to explain how Sea Cat were sacred in Alabasta Kingdom.
"Why didn't you say so!?" Luffy had asked her
"There sure are a lot of things in the ocean, huh?" Chopper was asking slightly shocked.
"You still have a long way to go if that scared you." Usopp was saying will hinting and shaking behind the cannon.
"You do know that his less shaken then you are, right?" Iris had looked over to him asking. But when Chopper looked over to him he was standing proud.
"Yosh, how about I tell you of the time I fought off Sea Kings on the Calm Belt." He was going to tell Chopper a half truth tail again.
"Sea Kings!" And he he was falling it hook, line and sinker.
"The big kind. And there were THIS many!" As this was happening Luffy was in tears chopping away on the rails.
"My food got away..." he was really upset.
"Don't worry. You'll be able to eat all you want soon." Vivi was telling trying to cheer him up
"REALLY!" It worked but... "What kind of cat will it be this time!?" He completely mistaken what she meant.
"Vivi, it looks like the wind and climate have began to stabilise." Nami had joined the rest on the aft.
"Yes, we've entered Alabasta's climate zone." Vivi had stated to her, saying that the Sea Cat was proof of that.
"Not to mention those ships behind us..." Iris looked of in the distance smiling, "...there's a lot of them heading to Alabasta." The others didn't know what she meant until they saw it. There were a bunch of Baroque Works' ships behind them in all shapes and sizes.
"Look at all those ships! When did they...?" Luffy was really impressed.
"Oi! They all have Baroque Works mark on them!" Usopp was getting scared as he used his binoculars to get a closer look.
"The employees have started to gather. Those are probably the Billions. The subordinates of the Officer Agents." Vivi had informed the crew.
"200 of them will be tough..." Nami was saying as if she was going to fight them.
"Moreover, these 200 are Baroque Works' elite. They are on a different level from the bounty hunters at Whiskey Peak." That only seem to make a certain person panic.
"Okay, let's open fire while we still have the chance!" Usopp had loaded the cannon on deck and began to aim it. "LET'S FINISH 'EM OFF QUICK! C'MON!"
"No, it's faster to just go over and kick their asses!" Luffy was less sane then Usopp was, but then his stomach began to growl loudly, "No wait, I need to eat first!"
"Idiots, don't worry about them!" Zoro was conscious agin.
"Oh, you're alive." Iris sounded shocked as she turned to look to him.
"They're small fry."
"Exactly. If we lose sight if our true objective, that's it." Sanji had agreed with him, which was rare at best.
"Yep, after all, there's nine of us here."

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