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At the execution platform, Buggy had a sword pointed down at Luffy, who was stuck under a holder for prisoners. "I'm sorry. I won't do it again. Please spare me." Luffy was saying emotionlessly to Buggy, Because he didn't mean any of it.
"I'M NOT SAVING YOU, YOU NINNY!" Buggy snapped down at the rubber boy.
"This is the price you pay for making enemies of us." One of the main fighters, Cabaji said.
"So this is the end of the man I searched so long for." The new and more beautiful Alvida sounded extremely disappointed.
"Any last words then?" Buggy had asked Luffy. "We've got quite a crowd here. Well, well, looks like you're speechless. You are about to die after all!" He was completely and utterly amused by the whole thing.
"I AM THE MAN WHO WILL BECOME THE KING OF THE PIRATES!" Luffy's shouting echoed over and over again off the buildings.
"T-The Pirate King, he said?" The crowd was completely stunned by his statement, "In this town of all places..."
"What a bold statement..."
"It's about time to end this, don't you think? Shitty rubber kid." Luffy was still trying to break free, as Buggy was raising up his sword.
"THIS EXECUTION... IS CANCELED!" Everyone's attention turned behind that, to see three people standing there.
"Zoro! Iris! Sanji!" Luffy was happy to see them, unlike everyone else.
"You really know how to make a ruckus." Zoro was ready for a fight. "Aren't you taking this joke a bit too far, Luffy?" He had asked.
"If it's time for the sideshow, I guess I'll debut as well." Sanji had stated. "It looks likes we just have to get part these shitty pirates."
"I'm already wanted by the government." Iris was looking over to him, "Although, I will find it more fun if they know how I look now."
"P-Pirate Hunter... Z-Zoro!" The crowd was running, out of the way of the three that stood ready.
"IRIS! SANJI! ZORO!" Luffy was sweating but was still glad they came to save him.
"Here at last, Zoro? Pity you're just a tad too late!" Buggy raised up the sword, causing the three to have a terrified look on their faces.
"The execution platform!"
"...We need to!"
"...Destroy it!" The three of them started charging for the platform.
"If you would so please, my dears!" Alvida shouted with her hand forwards.
"And so we shall, Lady Alvida!" The pirates were charging for Zoro, Iris and Sanji.
"We'll leave it to you, Iris!" Both Zoro and Sanji shouted to her.
"Got it!" Iris leaped up and wings started sprouting from her back and she was flying over the Pirates.
"Outta the way!" Zoro was cutting down the pirates that were coming at him, and Sanji was kicking them unconscious.
"Try all you want, you can't stop me now! This is the end of your Captain!"
"You goddamn bastard...!" Sanji was yelling. Iris was going to make it, at least that was until something wrapped around her legs and pulled her to the ground. Lucky for her, she used her arms as a booster as she came to the ground.
"Aren't you cute." It was Alvida that had the other end of the rope that was around Iris legs. "Too bad I'm beautiful!"
"Yeah, for an ugly fat woman." Iris had stated as she heard her being Avida and knew of of Iron Club Avida.
"How dare you!" She held up her iron club and then brought it down, although Iris did leap back, "The only reason you're cute is because of your Devil's Fruit."
"Sorry but unlike you, I have always looked the same since I was little." Iris told her right back. The sword was raised high above Buggy's head as he was laughing loudly.
"ZORO! IRIS! SANJI! USOPP! NAMI!" Luffy had called out their names, causing them to looked his way, "Sorry. I'm...DEAD." Luffy was grinning widely.
"N-!" Zoro started shouting.
"Don't say that, bastard!" Sanji was running.
"Lu!" Iris shouted as the sword was coming down, this could be the end! It was only the beginning for her! As the sword was about to reach Luffy's neck, lightning strike down on the platform. The platform was coming apart and was golfed in blue flames as rain was pouring down. The straw hat that belonged to Luffy fell down onto the ground which was then picked up and place in the head of a laughing rubber head.
"Hey, I'm alive! I'm OK!" He was totally fine, not even a little bit burned, only had ash on him.
"Hey, you believe in God?" Sanji had asked shocked at what had happened.
"I don't know. I didn't before, but with Luffy anything possible." Iris had landed beside them.
"This isn't the time to ask about that. We're blowing this town." Zoro told the two of them as Luffy was walking towards them. "Looks like the danger's not over yet." As if right on cue Marines had charged in.
"Why them?!" Sanji asked the Marines we're attacking.
"Awesome! What a huge fight!" Luffy was dodging the pirates that were noticed out by the Marines. "Cool! Super cool!"
"Luffy!" Zoro had grabbed a hold of him from behind, which freaked Luffy out a bit.
"O-oh, Zoro!"
"Quit standing there watching! We're leaving!" Zoro had told him.
"If we don't get back to the ship in time, we won't be able to leave the island!" Sanji had told Luffy.
"And if we don't leave the Island, we won't make it to the Grand Line!" Iris had then said causing Luffy to shout.
"What!? We better go then!" And started running with the others.
"The Straw Hat Crew is retreating!" One of the soldiers shouted.
"Stop them!" Having now chasing after the crew and trying to get in their way. Which wasn't the smart idea. Sanji kicked them in the faces. Zoro sliced them as he ran passed. Iris sent balls of light flying at the ones getting in her way. And Luffy, he was stretching and punching them. No of them were a match for these four monsters. The four of them were running, or more like three, Iris was Running. They got away, then again, they were still being chased.
"Which way is the damn harbour!?" Zoro was asking as they were just running.
"It's raining so hard, I can't tell which direction!" Luffy was still having fun.
"I don't think you would know even if it wasn't raining!" Iris shouted laughing, since this was Luffy.
"There they are!" Why was it Marines were so persistent unless they kill them.
"Damn they're persistent." Zoro seemed frustrated. "Wanna Stop and fight 'em?"
"No, there's no time..." Sanji was saying until, "WHY IS THAT LADY?" He went lady crazy. The was a blue hair woman wearing the most ridiculous outfit.
"So you're Roronoa Zoro, a Pirate." She was standing in the groups way. "I... you lied to me!" She had suddenly out burst.
"WHAT!?" We had stopped and Sanji was pissed off at Zoro, "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO HER!?"
"You never asked my name, that's all." He moved in front of them, "I never lied to you."
"A scoundrel like you wielding such a magnificent sword... unforgivable!" She was yelling. "Your Meitou, The Wadou Ichimonji... shall be confirmed!"
"And what makes you have the rights to say that?" Iris asked looking at her.
"Because Pirates are not swordsmen!" She kinda was pissing me off.
"I'm sorry to break it to you, girl. But the only ones that aren't swordsmen are those who don't devote their lives to mastering a sword. Making Zoro a perfect swordsmen." She had stated to her and as she was about to give her a lesson, Zoro got in her way.
"Just try it." Zoro was smirking at her, and the two of them clashed swords.
"You bastard! How dare you attack a woman!" Sanji was yelling.
"Stay out of this, please!" She had shouted back. "This is a match between Roronoa and myself. Leave us alone!"
"You heard her. Go on ahead." Zoro said with his back to us.
"Let's go." Luffy said, now running off.
"Zoro! If you hurt her, you're a dead mean!"
"See you on the ship, Zoro!" Iris shouted flying pass.
"Yeah!" He shouted back. This left the other three to hurry with the rain pouring down heavily.
"There's the end of the street!" Luffy shouted looking ahead of them saying that the harbour was most over there. The closer they ran to the end of the street, where they had first started their visit, Iris spotted something or someone ahead of them.
"There's someone ahead of us!" She had informed the other two. There ahead of them was a muscular, light blue-green hair and brown-eyed man. For one reason or another he was smoking two cigars at once. He wore a large thick white and blue specialist marine jacket which he keeps open, with greenish fur lining the neck, wrists, and hem. Many cigars are strapped to the jacket. He also wore brown leather gloves, blue jeans with a brown belt, and large military-issue brown leather boots. He had a custom made motorbike gives off the impression of a delinquent..
"Here at last? Straw Hat Luffy." The man said as they came to a stop. "I told you, if you can't beat me... you will never get to the Grand Line."
"Oh yeah, I forgot about that!" Luffy was smiling as he came to remember.
"You enjoy playing dumb." But the man thought he was playing dumb when he was quick serious.
"Hey, Luffy." Sanji called to him.
"Iris, Sanji. Go on ahead. I'll be there." He told both his friends
"I wouldn't bet on that. This is the end for you." There was a long pause as all eyes were on Luffy before thunder echoed loudly.
"GO!" Iris had grabbed onto Sanji and flew off. Around the same time as all that was happening, both Nami and Usopp had made it to the Merry but they were being bombarded with bullets belonging to the marines. Along with cannon fire and with no other chose, Nami began getting ready to set sail.
"You're setting off!?" Usopp shouted at her shocked, saying that Luffy and the others aren't back yet.
"We have to go! We cant let the ship be sunk!" She told him as they began to move and released the sails.
"But what about Luffy and the others?" Usopp had then asked her which she responded with picking them up somehow.
"Don't let them escape! After them!"
"NAMI SWAN!" Two separate voices called out.
"Iris! Sanji!" Nami saw the two of them. Iris was flying with Sanji in her arms.
"Sanji! Iris!" Usopp alsoed called out to them.
"Nami, I'm baaack~!" They were flying right for them.
"What about Luffy and Zoro?" Nami had asked them both.
"Those two louts can take care of themselves!" Sanji shouted back to her, not in the rude way but to inform her. That was when the Marines running after the flying pair, began to fire at them, or more like airis.
"Iris!" Nami called out to the woman that had flew around to dodge the bullets.
"Drop me, Iris!" Sanji had told her, which she released him so that he could kick them all over the place. Iris had throw a few Ierá Sfaíres (Holy Bullets, Greek), balls of light at the marines that came attacking but no matter how many they took down, more just continued to come. "Shit! They just keep coming!"
"That's true." Iris sent a few more lights flying.
"I'll cover them, you bring the ship in." Usopp had told Nami But she couldn't as the tide current is already too sponge. They couldn't get back to the shore. "Dammit!" Hearing that, he leaped off the side of the Merry into the sea, which was then end he pulled out his sling shout to fire at the marines. Sanji then did a spinning kick knocking out the rest of the Marines that surrounded him, but once again more soldiers were coming.
"Iris! Usopp! Sanji!" Nami cried out to them as she was still move away. They continued to fight of the marines one after another but they weren't getting anywhere, until Iris noticed that the ran suddenly stopped. She looked up to the sky and noticed it had turned green for some reason. However, she soon found out why it had stopped when a strong pressure began pushing all off their feet and they were flying off all over. The rain had came back once the wind had calm down and disappeared but now Iris found herself on top of a pile of marines, that pretty much become her cushions. "What in the name of Heaven was that?" She was rubbing her head as everything was slightly spinning. She took to her feet, and began looking around seeing roofs of buildings off and glass broken. Not to mention all the Marines laying on the ground.
"T-this is..." Zoro came out from under some rubble, completely fine.
"Zoro!" And she ran over to him.
"Are you Okay?" He had asked her, which she was and told him so.
"What happened?" Luffy was here as well, along with Sanji and Usopp. It seemed that the only person not here was Nami.
"LUFFY!" Because she was on the Merry that was sailing off. "LUFFY!!"
"We have to do something fast, or she'll drifted out too far." Sanji said and they all started running off in the same direction, or at least most of them did, until they stopped and saw Luffy going the other way.
"I got it...!" He was running, "Gum Gum..." he had grabbed onto a rail of a flight of stairs and was stretching as he was facing the small group.
"Oh no." And they all knew what was about to happen.
"He wouldn't..." And they weren't going to like it.
"Aw shit."
"Run!" Iris shouted taking out her wings.
"...Rocket!" And the guys were trying to run away from him, not that it worked as they were sent off towards the Merry screaming. Even Iris had been caught up in it. Everything was spinning once they landed on deck after hitting the back sail.
"Guys!" Nami was relieved to see them all safe and sound. Everything had finally stopped spinning and after lecturing Luffy they were all standing at the front of Merry.
"It feels like the ship's gonna turn over!" Luffy was shouting In joying himself.
"Look at that light!" Nami shouted, pulling everyone to look at the light house.
"The island's lighthouse?" Usopp was asking as he clinging to the mast leveled with the deck.
"That's our 'guiding light.'" Nami had told them. "The light that points to the entrance of the Grand Line!"
"The Grand Line is over there?" Luffy had asked.
"What now?" She asked him, knowing the answer.
"But are you really gonna go in a storm like this?" Usopp was scared.
"Isn't that more fun?" Iris shouted in excitement, no one was disagreeing with her on that note.
"Alright! Let's have a little launching ceremony to mark the importance of our voyage!" Sanji had suggested walking down the starts to the store room.
"Hey!" Usopp was against it.
"Yeah, great!" Luffy was all for it.
"Let's do it!" Nami was as well. Sanji brought up a barrel filled and then placed his foot on it,
"To find the All Blue!" He said.
"To become the Pirate King!" Luffy shouted placing his foot on.
"To be the greatest swordsman!" Zoro grinned as he also placed his foot down.
"To draw a map of the world!" Nami shouted.
"To write the greatest adventure!" Iris place her foot on the barrel along side Zoro and Sanji.
"I-I'm..." Usopp was hesitating but finally placed his foot down, "to become a brave warrior of the sea!!" These were their dreams, and they were going to come true no matter what!
"LET'S GO TO THE GRAND LINE!" All six of them had all lifted up their legs, high in the air as Luffy was shouting.
"AYE!" And they brought them down, smashing the barrel to pieces. This was the start of everything... the start of the great adventure the world will ever see. To the Grand Line!

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