Reason for Take the Merry!?

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The Straw Hats had left the palace far being them as they were running across the desert on a group of riding ducks. All but Iris that was flying above them. "I like this!" Zoro stated with his arms crossed and sitting like a boss.
"Farewell, oh Country of sand!" Usopp seemed to be in tears. "Oi, Luffy, you still eating?" Until he spotted Luffy eating away again.
"Alabasta food is the best!" The Captain was saying, his teeth bitting into some meat. "Sanji, make some of this tomorrow!"
"Sure, I was interested in it too. I got some recipes of Terracotta. And I picked up some spices too." It had been informed.
"Are you alright, Nami?" Iris came to ask, looking down at the navigator that appeared to be a bit down.
"Nami, want a piece of meat?" Luffy came to ask her, since he thought that would cheer her up. "But only one." Although, he was being a little selfish. However, Nami didn't didn't reply as she was sitting in silence.
"Nami, it's about Vivi, isn't it?" Sanji suspected she's thinking about Vivi. I understand how you feel... But... If you keep thinking so much, you'll never get over it. You two and Iris were good friends for so long... but c'mon, look up." The crew remained silent as they were waiting for a response.
"I' it up. For Vivi." However... "My 1,000,000,000 Beli." It wasn't exactly what they were expecting.
"OF COURSE YOU ARE!!" Needless to say, all the guys were in shocked upon hearing this.
"YOU WERE TALKING ABOUT MONEY!!?" Even Sanji seemed to be unable to hold back shouting at her.
"USOPP FELL OFF!" Chopper shouted as the long nose fell off his duck in shock.
"NAMI! Quit being so damn misleading!" This was being shouted by Zoro.
"Huh? What's your problem? There's no point worrying about Vivi!"
"Oi! Usopp has FALLEN OFF!" Chopper shouted again, thinking no one heard him.
"That's his problem!" Nami came to shout back at him.
"IT'S YOUR FAULT!" But the guys were shouting at her since she was the reason he fell.
"I'll get him." Iris had did a 180 a flew back to Usopp to pick him before placing him back on the duck he had been on. The time had flown by and it didn't take long before the crew arrived where Bon Clay had said he would be with the Going Merry.
"I WAS WAAAITING FOR YOU GUYS~!" Where they had been greeted by Bon Clay, who was standing up on top of the Going Merry's nest. "HOW LOVELY TO SEE YOU AGAIN~!"
"Alright, we made it."
"Unload our stuff!" But it seemed that none of them were paying him any attention as they were grabbing the supplies off the ducks. "Thanks a lot, guys."
"This is farewell to you all as well!" Usopp seemed like he was about to cry again.
"Take care going home!" Zoro had told them.
"Thank you all for the help." Iris was smiling.
"Send our regards to the King and the Old Tube Guy!"
"Stay well!" The crew was sending them all off as they began heading back to the city.
"Some day... Some day, let us meet again!" And for some reason Bon Clay was crying as waving them farewell. "WAIT A BIG MINUTE!" But it seemed he came to realise something as he was shouting at the crew.
"What is it now?" Sanji asked him all annoyed.
"What do you mean, 'What is it now'!?" The ballerina will stomp on his feet in anger. "What kind of attitude is that towards your friend!?"
"What do you mean 'friend'? You're our enemy! You tricked us." Luffy was leery of Bon Clay's help, since he lied earlier about helping them.
"I did NOT trick you! I didn't know either! But, really.... That's all in the past now... Baroque Works has crumbled. We're not enemies any more." But there's no longer a point to Bon Clay for them to be enemies since Baroque Works is history. He had taken a seat on the side of the Merry as the others began to load her up from their Journey ahead.
"Shift over." But the man was in the way and was told off.
"Oh, sorry." And he moved over.
If you're not our enemy, why the hell are you on our ship!?" Luffy was asking this as it didn't make sense for him to be stealing the Merry.
"You silly, silly man!" But that had been said back.
"WHAT WAS THAT!?" Which seemed to have pissed off the Captain.
"Look! If I wasn't on this ship right now, what do you think would have happened to it!?" Bon Clay was asking while shouting.
"The Marines might have taken it." Nami seemed to understand this.
"Not 'MIGHT' have! It would have definitely been taken!" But it had been corrected and Luffy seemed shocked up this. "Do you knooow what's happening to this island right now!? It's entirely blockaded by Marines ships! Blockaded!" This information has been given to them, which was shocking to the idiot trio.
"So then... you protected the Going Merry from the Marines!?" Luffy seemed to understand little more then before.
"Why!?" Usopp then asked.
"What for!?" Followed by Chopper as it wasn't make sense to them.
"Because we're friends!" Bon Clay cried with a smile as he answered the three of them. Then like nothing had happened with Baroque Works, the four of them began dancing on deck. "Stop joooking around~!"
"Is there any more to bring on?" Nami was asking the others, ignoring the four idiots.
"Nope! This is the last of it." Sanji responded to her.
"You say that you helped us because we're friends, but the truth is that the blockade is a problem for you as well." Iris had come to say that as she was help putting away the supplies. "You're trapped like us. In other words you're trying to use us to help you escape safely, correct?" She had hit the nail on the head as Bon Clay seemed shocked up her speaking out what he was thinking.
"BON!" The three idiots were looking at the man in shock now.
"Yes! Because we need each other! Because of the times in which we live! IN THE NAME OF SACRED FRIENDSHIP, LET US COMBINE OUR FORCES AND FIGHT TOGETHER AS ONE!" That was then shouting in tears by Bon Clay, as his face was blue.
"YEEEAAAHHH!!" And it seemed that the three on his level were all shouting in tears with him.
"Man..." Nami seemed to have completely lost hope in them.
"YEEEAAAHHH!!" Out of nowhere Bon Clay's ship appeared with his men shouting in agreement. "Thanks for helping us out!"

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