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Peaceful days seemed to following the crew after leaving Alabasta some time ago. Today was no exception as the crew were spared out through out the ship, either on their own, like Nami that was watching the ocean or Zoro who was on top of the mast training and Sanji in the kitchen. As for the others, Luffy, Chopper and Usopp were away fishing together, as Robin was sitting reading with Iris beside her writing. It was very peaceful and relaxing, even when... "I got one!" Chopper suddenly shouted this while pulling on fishing rode that pulled up a fish on the end. "Lookit!"
"Nice!" Luffy was impressed as the doctor was holding it up to show him.
"I got one too!" That had been yelled by Usopp. "It's a bid one! He's probably the big boss in these water!" But when he was trying to wield it in he was having difficulties.
"Really?" This had exited Chopper.
"Whoa, Cool!" Along with Luffy as they watched in suspense.
"GOT IT!" At first even they all thought it was going to be a big one.
"The big boss?" About upon seeing it, they saw that it was nothing but a tiny fish.
"You can't even eat that." For the pair I was a total letdown.
"Shut up! Don't start dissing me when you haven't caught anything!" It had now turned into a contest as Usopp was angry at what had been said.
"Yeah? Just watch me!" Luffy yelled throwing out his rode again. "I'm gonna catch a huge one!"
"Will you really?" Usopp asked as they were watching and waiting.
"It'll work out somehow." Was all that had been said back.
"Nami~!" Until Sanji had came at of the kitchen with a glass. "To enhance stunning beauty such as yours with silky smooth skin, I have brought you a special tropical juice!" He had spun around before handing to Nami.
"Thank you." Nami smiled.
"Hey now!" The trio said looking up to him.
"Give me some too!" Luffy yelled to him, angry.
"Silky smooth!" Chopper shouted.
"Hold on... why would guys want silky smooth skin?" Sanji glared down at them.
"So we'll be cute." The cook couldn't help but feel anger and annoyed towards them. However, he did give them one each.
"Winds are steady. Currents are favourable. Looks like it's going to be another great day!" Nami had checked the weather to see if they were going to have smooth sailings. Which they were, although out of nowhere
"Got one!" Luffy had pulled on his rode and something big came flying out of the water, it landed on the ship with a huge thump. "What the hell is that?" He looked at it upside down.
"It's huge!" Everyone seemed to be stunned upon its appearance. That didn't include Robin though.
"Oi, Luffy! What's you reel in this time?" Sanji came running out of the kitchen as the creature came tipping and falling on its side. Soon the crew from Luffy to Chopper had gathered together where they were looking down at the creature before them.
"That's a huge turban shell!" Luffy yelled as he had thought it was a turban Shell
"I don't believe that's a turban shell." Usopp tried to corrected him.
"What do we do with this?" Nami was asking as she didn't know what could be done.
"I don't know, never seen anything like it before." Iris had come to answer her.
"Think we can eat it?" Luffy started drooling as he looked at it, thinking about what it could taste like.
"Eat it!?" Usopp couldn't believe that it was edible.
"Maybe I could grill it in its shell..." Sanji motto was that as long as it's living it can be cooked
"You too!?" Usopp yelled over him. However, all attention turned back to the shell creature that began to open up like it was some sort of hatch, needless to say that the group were looking at it in fear or surprise.
"Ah, I thought I was about to die!" That was when a man had come standing up, still inside the shell.
"Who... are you?" Luffy was surprisingly shocked while asking this to the stranger.
"Oh, forgive my rudeness! With a single call, you can count on us to deliver all your material need!" A tall, slim man with thick eyebrows, with perpetual cheek blush said. He was wearing a tangerine colored tuxedo, blue shirt with circular purple specks, and a yellow tie. He was also wearing a white banner with the words 'Super Deal!!' On it that was red. "My name is Rice-Rice from Transponder Snail Mail Order Services! Delighted to meet you." Rice-Rice bowed to the crew.
"Transponder Snail Mail Order Services? What the hell is that?" Zoro asked suspiciously.
"Oh! While I was delivering some merchandise in my Escargot, I suddenly found myself amidst a storm! It tossed me around quite viciously! This way!" He leaned to one side, and the crew followed him. "That way!" He then did it again to the other side and the crew did it as well. "And before I knew it I was lost at sea!"
"Lost at sea?" It had been repeated.
"Yes I was." The man, Rice -Rice then started laughing. Meanwhile, Chopper was away doing his thing, wiping the Escargot with the help of Iris, who had pretty much became his assistant since joining the crew.
"Here, have some water." Chopper was speaking while Iris began spraying water on the poor thing.
"I can't thank you enough for saving my life!" Rice-Rice said holding a bunch of books. "As a token of my appreciation, please take these catalogs. Anything you desire will be delivered with a single call!"
"Hey, that's pretty convenient. So you deliver all the way out at sea?" Zoro asked him amazed.
"Actually we don't." However, that wasn't the case
"Oh..." and it seemed like Zoro was a little annoyed. "...I see..." He didn't understand the point in their service.
"Yes. Out motto is: 'safety and low prices are our top priority'. And our company policy..." it was being explained.
"It's pretty spacious inside." Until Luffy and Usopp were looking inside the shell, where they had come to pull something out
"Ahh! What are you doing!?" Rice-Rice screamed up ing spotting them and ran over to grab whatever it was out of Luffy's hand. "Very well, allow me to introduce this fine product to you! This is the well-known Buru-Buru Blade. The Buru-Buru Blade happens to be our company's top product! And this one I have with me today is the very newest model!" It was then when the item was being explained. "I gather many of you must already own the older version of the Buru-Buru Blade. But that older model was not nearly as customisable. It was just no good! People were saying that it was fine for the elderly but was a little dangerous for little children. This newer model keeps going Buru-buru-buru at a steady rhythm, and..."
"I don't really understand, but it sounds fun!" Luffy's face was lighting up as he spoke.
"This is fun!" Meanwhile, Chopper seemed to be playing with something that looked like a rabbit.
"And this, I'm sure you all know, is the Ab-Ab Slider!" But it only had Rice-Rice explain the product to them. "Our company's NUMBER ONE product! It had returned, newer and better then before!"
"What's the difference between being the top and being number one?" This had been asked by Sanji, since they were the exact same thing.
"Who knows." Even Zoro and Iris didn't understand as they spoken in unison.
"And this is our best-selling product, The Golden Fish!" Usopp was being hit side to side by metal balls as it was being explained as an item. "It's perfect for people who haven't been getting enough exercise. All these dieting products you've seen are available as a set! And today only, I'll throw in 29 cartons of famous West Blue ultra-sweet Mero-Mero Juice!" He held out a box, then placed it down grabbing a stack of books. "PLUS! A 26-volume encyclopaedia which will surely come in handy! And a handy pair of binoculars. How much is all this, you ask? You might think it would cost a fortune, but have no fear! To show my gratitude for saving my life..."
"You're giving them to us!?" But then Luffy had come to cut him off.
"Just take it, you thieves! How does 23,800 berries sound?" He smiled innocently.
"You're selling it?" Zoro asked in shock.
"I WANT IT ALL!" But the trio of children seemed to not understand.
"You're buying it?" Sanji was looking at them with disapproval. It was long before the group of pirates began going through the catalogs that Rice-Rice pulled out. When he said that they sell everything, he wasn't kidding. Other then food the catalogs was filled with tool used everyday to weapons like swords, guns and what not. "Oh, you have kitchen knives too?" The cook was surprised upon falling on the kitchen utensils page.
"Yes, you must mean these!" Rice-Rice had a knife in his hand bending it. "Each one was forged meticulously by the craftsmen of High Mountain! Look at it's flexibility! It's superior sharpness will last a lifetime!" It had been placed a table located out on deck. "A dozen of these table knives, and I'll throw in the all-purpose, all-cutting kitchen Scissors, a peeling knife, and an electric sharpener! All together, it's 2,980 Berries." He laced the other items down on the table as he explained.
"You have writing kits too." Iris was looking down at the catalogs, her eyes sparkling.
"So you're a writer, Miss?" Rice-Rice seemed pleased as he pulled out a box from the shell and placed it onto the table with the knifes. "This is one of our popular items! It's got everything that a writer would need, even when their traveling! It can be placed in your bag without worrying about spilling ink!"
"How lovely." She was clearly interested as she also had to separate the ink from everything.
"It's only 1,999 Berries!" That was then when he spotted Robin. "For you, Miss, I have this Silky Smooth Skin Soap to make your skin silky smooth! You will become as silky smooth as an egg!" Rice-Rice was soon in front of Robin with a small soap in hand as he spoke.
"Oh, you seem to have everything." She had come to look up from her book.
"Yes, there is nothing we don't have! From minerals water to cannonballs!" Rice-Rice explained to her.
"Do you have food?" Luffy asked, that was going to be asked sooner or later anyway.
"No, we do not." Rice-Rice smiled as he answered.
"What, you don't?" Luffy was completely disappointed in this fact.
"We have nothing of what we don't have!" Rice-Rice laughed as if it were a joke.
"Hey, do you have any paper?" That question had come from Nami that came up to him.
"Paper?" He asked making sure he heard right.
"Yeah. Large, flexible, durable paper that won't get damaged by a little sea breeze." She gone onto explaining a type she wanted.
"If that is all, just leave it to us! We, the Transponder Snail Mail Order present our ultimate Thousand-Year Paper!" Rice-Rice announced flapping a stake of paper in his hands.
"Thousand-Year Paper?" Luffy looked over Rice-Rice's shoulder.
"Thousand-Year Paper is made from Thousand-Year Trees which grew on Eight Nine Island.It does not attract bugs, and if left out in the sun, it is said that it will note fade for a thousand years! It's perfect for documenting your family tree or for making treasure maps!" As he was explaining all this, Nami's face was lighting up.
"Paper airplanes too?" Luffy asked as if the important paper should be used for such a thing.
"What?" Rice-Rice turned to the man with confusion. "That would be wasting it..."
"How much is it?" The navigator had come to ask this looking at the paper after a few seconds.
"You're gonna buy it?" Luffy was surprised by that question.
"Of course!"
"Even if you wish to purchase it, this is a very rare item." Rice-Rice began to speak, like a scammer of some sort. "If you place an order now, it might be five- no, ten years before you can actually receive it." This had caused Nami to pause a bit thinking.
"Do you think you could sell those to me?" That had then been asked him. "Just name the price." It seemed like she really wanted the paper.
"What!?" Luffy yelled.
"Nami, who loves counting money more than eating!?" Usopp shouted grabbing his head.
"Nami, the money-fiend!?" Zoro was starting to sweat.
"WILLING TO PAY ANY PRICE!?" They were all yelling in complete and utter shock, since the Nami they knew wouldn't do such a thing.
"That's going overboard guys." Sanji told them.
"I don't know..." But it seemed that Iris was in agreement with the guys on this matter.
"Well, since you want it that badly..." Rice-Rice began speaking after think about it. "A thousand-sheet set of the Thousand Year Paper." He dropped them onto the ground in front of them. "Normally it sells for 60,000,000 Berries, But I will offer it to you for the special low price of 48,000,000 Berries!"
"48,000,000 Berries!?" Chopper couldn't believe the price.
"That mean each sheet is 48,000 Berries!" Usopp as well couldn't believe it.
"Can't you make it any cheaper?" Nami seemed to be acting like she normally did as she asked him.
"You're killing me here. How about 47,500,000 Berries?" The haggling had begun.
"2,000,000 Berries!" That was said back.
"4,800,000 Berries!" But the price when up.
"Sounds fishy." Usopp said, and it was true.
"Down a little more?" Nami grabbed onto Rice-Rice hand.
"I'll buy it!" Sanji came to shout, which had everyone turned to him confused.
"Do you have the money?" Zoro had come to ask him.
"Nope." When he said that, they hit the ground. But soon began tying Luffy up. "If you hand this guy over to the Marines, you'll have plenty of change to spare." It had been explained.
"WHAAAT!?" Luffy shouted in surprised and betrayal.
"Forgive me, Luffy. This is for Nami." He made it sound like it was a good thing but Nami didn't seem to care.
"WAIT A SECOND!" Luffy shouted again.
"Luffy?" It took Rice-Rice to figure out who Luffy was, But once he did, he was sweating buckets, "Luffy!? You mean... Monkey D. Luffy?"
"Yeah, that's me." Luffy answered honestly. "Sanji. Come on and untie me!" He looked up at Sanji ordering.
"Nope." Was all he responded with.
"You really shouldn't do that to our Captain." Iris came to tell the cook, as this was clearly out of the question.
"Now that you mention it... that's a pirate flag!" Rice-Rice screamed looking up at their flag with a smiling skull and a straw hat on it. "How could I have overlooked such an important thing!?" He was now on the floor crying while the crew were looking at him in confusion.
"Untie me already!" But Luffy was ignoring him as he was ordering Sanji again.
"I said no." That's when Rice-Rice jumped up, screaming.
"I've just remembered a very important engagement. Please excuse me!" He said running into the Escargot and jumping off the ship. "Thank you for your time!" He yelled before falling.
"Oi, you forgot you..." Zoro started saying as the crew ran to the side of the ship, watching him leave.
"What's with him?" Luffy asked confused like the rest of the crew.
"He was probably afraid of you. The wanted man, Monkey D. Luffy." Everyone had turned their heads towards Robin that had spoken. However with everything done...
"Got it? I'm going to do some work, and I don't want you guys bothering me." Nami had grabbed the paper left behind and headed for the storage door.
"What kind of work are you doing?" Usopp came to ask her, as he didn't understand what she was saying.
"It's a secret!" But that was the only thing said with a wink.
"That's not the least bit cute." He came to say annoyed that she thought it would work on him.
"Leave it to me! I won't let anyone near while you're working, Nami!" Sanji on the other hand had completely fallen.
"Are you sure it's alright? What if something changes?" Iris came to ask her, since from experience the Grand Line wasn't that simple.
"It'll be alright. Those clouds..." Nami pointed up and all followed her finger. "As long as those clouds don't move, the weather will be fine all day. Call me if you see those clouds change at all." The door then slammed, leaving the others outside the door.
"Hey guys! Let's clean this place up a bit while Nami's working." Sanji came to tell the males on the crew.
"Aye-aye!" Luffy, Chopper, and Usopp yelled with mops in their hands.
"Work hard!" Zoro told them as he was about to sleep.
"YOU'RE WORKING TOO!" Sanji snapped at him. And then the guys were yelling at swordsman.
"Then what about them?" Zoro first pointed to Robin who was reading Iris' book and the Angel that was forced to sit down, despite wanting to help.
"Don't be an idiot. They are both ladies." Sanji explained to him.
"That's stupid! What's the difference between being a man or a woman?" He then had kicked Zoro in the face,
"Just help out, you monster Moss." Sanji ordered him.
"That's funny coming from you, you love-love machine demon!" And now they were fighting.
"Just help out or I'll kick your ass!" This was band to happen.
"Why don't you try it? Think you can beat a monster?"
"You only talk like that 'cause you haven't witnessed my demonic powers." As they started fighting the ship began to shakinf as the two were fighting.
"I'll cut you to pieces!" Zoro shouted at him.
"You're askin' to be filleted!" Sanji yelled back.
"I'll mince you first!"
"Yeah! yeah!" Luffy cheered, "Go! Go!"
"Come on, stop it guys!" While Chopper was trying to stop them that was when he turned to Usopp. "Usopp! Don't just stand there! Stop them!" He tried to tell him.
"Are you kidding? What am I gonna do?" Usopp looked down to him as they continued to fight and they both watch the monsters. "Nothing can stop those two." Zoro was the first to attack, he started charging at Sanji.
"Comin' right up!" Sanji was going to do a spin kick.
"Guys, if you didn't stop, Na-" Just as Iris was about to interfere when their attacks were about to collide a large shadow had appeared over them and before anyone knew what had happened, both men were on the deck face first.
"Didn't I tell you to be quiet!?" Nami's angry voice had echoed over the ship after she had knocked them both out.
"A-A single blow!" Chopper said in surprised but Usopp wasn't at all since he knew this was what would happened.
"You guys should have learned by now." Iris came to tell them,as she was using her ability on them to heal the bumps to their heads. Afterwards, the guys were mopping away on deck but they were more like playing around as the entire deck was completely covered in soup and bubbles.
"Hey, Luffy!" Usopp was sitting on top of Chopper's head as he was in Walk Point. Using the Ab-Ab Slider, the reindeer pushed off of it sending Usopp sliding across the front deck.
"Wow! That's so cool!" Luffy shouted loudly but all of that changed when Nami had come out from below. She was clearly annoyed with all the noise the boys were making as they cleaned.
"You must be tired. Have you finished your work?" Sanji had said the moment he had seen her with joy.
"No... what's all this?" She asked after seeing all the bubbles.
"Oi, what are you guys doing?" Sanji had ended up asking as he had no idea what they were doing.
"Cleaning." Usopp told him with a serious face.
"It's kinda fun." Luffy said with the broom in hand. "Wanna try it out, Nami?" He had asked the girl.
"What's all the noise?" Zoro was asking coming down the stairs, to then pick something up in the bubbles. "What? The Silky Smooth Skin Soap?" He held the soup stick that the man, Rice-Rice had left behind.
"Hey, that's dangerous!" Nami tried to warn them but
"Don't worry! We're fine!" Usopp yelled, getting ready to go again. However, this time he ran into Luffy, who then was sent flying off the ship.
"Luffy!" Chopper called out to him, since it would be back for him to fall into the sea being a Devil Fruit user and all.
"That idiot!" Zoro had called him, Iris was about to take off after him when...
"Gum Gum..." He had pulled back his left arm and had stretched to grab Merry's head. "...Bungee!" He swung down just below the cannon and had pushed off causing him to retract backwards and over. "Look out!" He had warned the others as he was heading right for Nami and Sanji
"Nami, look out!" After Sanji had yelled he had tackled her out of the way and Luffy headed right into the Storage and Cannon deck were crashing sounds reached everyone's ears. "Are you alright, Nami?" He had asked but she just pushed him out of the way and ran to see the damage.
"My map!" Nami had screamed when she saw that Luffy landed right on the table she was using. Ink was everywhere on the papers that were also ripped.
"Oh, you were drawing maps?" Luffy didn't seem all that impressed as he sat up.
"What? A map?" The guys and Iris had all gathered in the door way.
"So that's what you were up to?" Usopp had asked but Nami was trembling due to pure anger.
"That's right." One was able to see all her work had been ruin things to the ink. "It is a one of a kind map recording our travels on the Grand Line." Nami turned back to them, with tears in her eyes. "That's all I wanted!" All of the guys had flinched as they remembered that Nami's dream was to draw her own map of the world. "Get out..."
"But..." Chopper was trying to speak.
"Just..." Nami started pushing Usopp out the door.
"Nami!" Luffy called out to her.
"What?" Of course she was annoyed when turning around to him.
"Sorry." Was all he could say with his head lowed to her,
"If sorry was all it took, the Marines wouldn't be after us! Just get out!" She yelled pushing Luffy out the room. "If you don't leave, I'll fine you 100,000 Berries!" She told them all which seemed to frightened them.
"You guys should probably be quiet for a while." Iris came to speak to them and they couldn't argue with that. "Nami needs to calm down a bit and when she has, you should all apologise."
"Yes." They didn't fight against what she was saying at all and just as she told them, they began relax after cleaning up the mess made across the deck. It took a lot out of them, plus with the nice weather the crew soon found themselves asleep. Zoro was in the crows nest with his right arm wrapped around his swords as he was sitting down asleep, while Iris was also up in the nest sleeping with her head on his shoulder. Sanji had his back leaning up again the railing, with Luffy laying flat on his back in front of him and both Usopp and Chopper were snuggling up bedside themselves. Even Robin had fallen victim to it as she sit holding the book in hand. As all of them were fast asleep, none of them had any idea where the Going Merry was sailing right for until the wind had began to blow stronger then before. Chopper's nose had twisted as he had picked up a smell. Chopper had tilted his head up slightly as he wondered why he was smelling rain, but it become quite clear why he did. The ship was heading right for a giant cyclone.
"This is bad! Luffy!" Chopper was shouting on the deck for Luffy to wake up trying to tell him that they were in trouble but nothing worked.
"Oh, a spider had ten legs." He only woke up for a sec
"No, they have eight." He had stated to him before he feel back asleep. "Wait, that's not the point! Wake up!" Chopper had remembered why he was trying to wake the guy up.
"A hundred arms..." the Captain was saying in his sleep.
"Sanji, wake up!" But there was no luck even when he ran to Sanji. "Zoro! Iris!" He shouted up to the nest only to then run down the stairs. "Flower lady! Help!" He had called out to Robin only to then head right for the door which Nami was behind. "Nami!" And Just when he was about to bang on the door.
"I'll fine you 100,000 beli!" He remember her terrifying face.
"W-What should I do?" Chopper was beginning the freak. He couldn't wake any other the others up and if he disturbed Nami he would be fined. The ship was getting closer and since no one was waking up they were just heading right for the cyclone.
"It's done!" Nami had finally finished drawing the maps of Reverse Mountain. "Perfect!" She said holding it in her hands. "Am I a genius or what?" She had hanged it up to the ink would dry. That was when the ship had spoke causing her to almost lose balance. "What was that?" Asking that, Nami had ran outside and to the front. "Hey, what's going on?!" She had shouted to Chopper that was just sitting there.
"Nami!" He was crying as he looked up at her.
"Hey, what are you doing? Why didn't you talk me about this!" She was asking him as she didn't understand, that's when it began to rain heavily.
"But, the 100,000 berries fine..." He was crying in more, Nami had placed her hand over the brim of his hat which stoped him.
"Don't be stupid." She had told him smiling and then... "Hey, you guys! How long to you plan on sleeping?" She had only needed to ask that and they were all awake.
"What the hell is that?" Luffy was shouting upon seeing the cyclone ahead.
"IT'S A CYCLONE!" Usopp cried out seeing it.
"We can tell!" Zoro yelled after arriving on the bow deck thanks to Iris flying down with him.
"IT'S A CYCLONE!" But he shouted it again.
"Luffy, Zoro, Iris! Hoist the sails!" Nami started giving instructions. They had then ran off down the stairs, while Iris flew up to the top again. "Usopp, Chopper! Tie down everything on deck with ropes!" This time the two of them ran off. "Sanji, Hard to starboard!" Just as Nami had ordered, both Usopp and Chopper were covering the crates with a large sheet, Usopp laid on it to hold it in place, while Chopper held the sides down. She had ran to the kitchen where Sanji was trying to turn the helm. "Turn the bow away from the cyclone, or else we'll be pulled in!" She had told him causing him to pull even harder. The guys were doing all of there jobs until Usopp noticed Robin sitting.
"Oi, oi!" He had tried to get their attention by failed.
"Listen up! If the map I worked so hard on falls victim to the high waves... not one of you... will escape." Nami had a really scary expression on her face.
"She really is scary!" Chopper shouted with tears in his eyes. Time had passed quickly when they are running around in a storm.
"Atmospheric pressure rising, rain's stopped... nice work! you can all take a rest now!" Nami had shouted do to the guys that were exhausted. "I'm going to continue with my maps, so keep watching the clouds, okay?"
"You're still working on it?" Chopper asked after everything that had happened.
"Of course! My goal is to draw a map of the world. I've only finished my first page. The real task is still ahead." Nami explained smiling.
"I can't wait to see it all complete!" Iris seemed completely delighted at the thought of it.
"Impressive resolve you've got." Zoro had to admit since he didn't like her personality all that much.
"I love this Nami too~!" Sanji shouted like normal.
"You think there's gonna be 100,000 fine again?" Chopper whispered.
"Yeah." Usopp answered him which only seemed to make Luffy laugh. Usopp had looked over to Robin who had been reading this entire time. "Have you been reading the whole time?"

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