Despite Everything!

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It was decided that they would leave, however, Luffy seemed to being throwing A few complaints while pouting about it being too hot."Alright, let's hurry up and make our escape. We have to catch up with the others." Of course, this was before Zoro ended whacking him across the head. "There's the hole Zoro made when he fell over laughing." Luffy was looking Ho to the hole they came through.
"It's too small for me to take everyone up." Iris came to say since she would need to be able to fly right out. However, the hole was only big enough for one person to fit in.
"YOSH!" Luffy seemed to being rolling up his arm. "Gum Gum..." it was clear that he was going to send his fist flying. "...Pistol!" He swung his arm trying to get up and out of the underground dome, but missed making it slowly collapse onto him.
"What are you doing?" Zoro had to wonder this as they were watching.
"Dammit, I missed because the hole's so small." He had tried it once again, but this time it made it out and gripped onto the side. "Yosh, I got it-!" Only to have it break and fall onto of him again.
"What the hell are you doing?!" Zoro repeated the question again. "Just grab onto that big rock near the hole!"
"I don't think there's a need now." Iris came to say, as she was looking up at the now larger hole. "It should be big enough for me to-"
"Damn, now I'm pissed!" However, it seemed that Luffy had other plans. "Gum Gum..." it was clear that he was pissed off. "...Gatling!" As he sent a barrage of punches up to the ceiling of the dome, breaking it apart the ceiling above and having it caving in on them. Zoro and Chopper jumped out of the way of the debris as Iris took to the sky with her wings. "Yosh, I feel better!"
"DON'T BE SO RECKLESS!" Needless to say that Zoro was pissed off again. "Now that yiu broke the rock, what are you going to grab onto?!"
"Guys, it's fine." Iris was telling them since there really wasn't any problem with carrying them.
"It's cool. I've got a plan." Although, it appeared that Luffy wasn't going to listen as he was walking towards a pillar. "Chopper, you're probably better off getting small." It seemed that it didn't matter. "Gum Gum..." As the Captain's arm were wrapping around the puller.
"Oh, so that's his plan." Zoro came to realise what it was Luffy was planing as Chopper gotten smaller.
"Grab hold!"
"G-Guys..." Iris tried to call out to them.
"Just give up. That's the only way." But it had all been decided and there was nothing they could do.
"Let's GOOO!" The guys were springing around and around while holding onto Luffy. "...Spring!" Before they had sent flying into the sky. Leaving Iris a little stomped by all of this.
"W...Wait for me!" She seemed to have snapped out of it as she had taken off flying after them. Despite everything that had happened to them, she couldn't help but laugh at the sight of Nami and the rest. Since losing everything, Iris trusted no one. She never relied on them and would often suffer for it. But it was after meeting the others that she was able to see the world in a new way. It didn't matter to Iris if the world hated her, all she needed were the ones she love to love her as they alway do. She understood what her mother had meet when she use to tell her that no one in this world can live alone. She told her that no mater how much people might curse ones existence there will always be someone that treats them kindly. Even if Luffy often got them into trouble, it doesn't matter because they rely and trust each other even if they didn't realise it. The proof of all that is no mater where they are, they will always end up together again just as Luffy had appeared on a dome jumping up and down in excitement when he saw them. Of course Zoro and Chopper looked like they were about to fall over and die as Iris flew after Luffy. After Luffy and that had rejoined the others, Vivi and Nami had gotten down from Eyelashes and then had forced Iris to get on him. Vivi was still worried about that time she collapsed.
"Oh yeah, Luffy." Usopp had pulled her out of her thoughts, causing her to turn the half dead young man, dragging himself with a branch. "What was that thing your brother gave you?" He had asked him.
"Well, I dunno. I just a scrap of paper." Luffy was saying as he was poking down at the paper in his hand.
"A scrap of paper?" Chopper had echoed after him.
"Let me see that." Sanji had pulled it out of his hand to get a closer look. "It really is just a scrap of paper. It's not a memo or anything." He was saying, holding it up to the sky.
"What's with that?" Usopp was about to collapse.
"I'm not really sure either..." the wind had blow and the piece of paper had fly off into Eyelashes mouth, who had then began to eat it. "HEY! DON'T EAT IT!" Until Luffy had struck him from behind. "Jerk."
"Luffy, give me your hat." Nami had come up to him, holding out her hand.
"This?" He had pointed to his hat confused.
"If it's that important, I'll sew it into the back of the ribbon." Nami had explain as she was doing it.
"Oh, Thanks! Make sure it's in there good." He had told her,
"Sure, sure." It only took her a few seconds to have sew it to the inside of red ribbon. "Alright, finished." She bit the thread and then held it towards Luffy. "Here you go."
"Thanks! Now I won't have to worry about it." He had placed it back on his head all happy with it.
"There's not even anything written on it. Does it really matter if you lose it or not?" Zoro was looking back to him asking.
"I don't know, I think it's more then just a piece of paper." Iris had stated, looking down to him from Eyelashes. She didn't know why but it felt different somehow.
"Yeah and Ace said to keep it with me, so I'm keeping it!" Luffy had shouted back to him.
"Your confidence is groundless." Sanji was looking at him with doubt.
"Don't sweat it! Things alway turn out well for me." He was right about that, but the rest of the crew had to question it. Although, Iris understood what he meant by that.
"Zoro, carry me." Usopp had told him.
"Everyone, once we pass that large rock, we'll almost be to Yuba." Vivi had pulled everyone's attention to her. "Let's keep going just a little more."
"Yeah!" Luffy and Chopper both cheered for joy.
"Yuba!" Luffy had ran ahead jumping up in excitement,
"Yep, Yuba." Nami was right behind him.
"Yuba!" With Chopper dashing after her.
"Ah, Zoro, carry me." Usopp had once again told him as he was still dragging himself.
"You wuss." Was what he had replied, basically agreeing to it, as they both walked passed Vivi, with Sanji beside them.
"Don't be like that." Iris was right behind them on Eyelashes still.
"Can we? Carry me too, Zoro!" Luffy had shouted to him wanting to be carried because it sounded fun.
"We'll do Rock Paper Scissors."

Angel's True Face (One Piece)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora