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After saying that they wouldn't fight Bellamy began hitting Luffy and Zoro none stop all across the place. As this was happening the bar customers were laughing. "Look! He's still standing!"
"Wipe the floor with that worthless rookie!"
"This town ain't no place for dreamers like them!" The shouting was coming one another another, along with the swing and hitting of the two that stood by doing nothing.
"Luffy, Zoro! What the hell are you doing!? You can take these guys!" Nami was shouting at them in anger that they weren't doing anything. "Fight them! Beat them up! Just kick their asses! Anything!"
"It's no use, babe." Sarquiss had come to speak laughing. "They're too smart for that. They know when they're up against someone they can't beat. They won't fight anyone stronger then themselves. It's pretty pathetic." He knew nothing at all.
"Guess your captain doesn't have even a scrap of dignity."
The marines are practically becoming a charity. Handing out 30,000,000 beli for trash like him." And that's when Iris came to chuckle. "What?" Which had him turn his attention towards her asking.
"Oh nothing." She came to to say with a smile across her face that looked at him in pity.
"Pacifism... that must sound nice to you." Bellamy had been sitting down drinking the entire time and finally spoken. "On top of being weak, you have no pride! You won't accept any fights, and yet your heads are full of dreams! Just like worms!"
"Got that right!" The entire bar broke out into a fit of laughter once again, but not once didn't Luffy or Zoro do anything.
"Enough, enough." Bellamy had stopped the laughter upon speaking again. He grabbed a wine bottle before heading for Luffy. "The kid looked so weak, but he had that 30 million bounty on his head. I wonder what kind of man he was. and then he turned out to be a disappointment not worth my interest. I've never seen two bigger coward." He began drinking from the bottle, however, it wasn't going down his throat as his cheeks were inflating. Seconds later Bellamy had sprayed all of it out at both Luffy, further on insulting him. "Oi, get these guys outta here. They're eyesores." With that having been ordered, the one wearing the beamy had come to shame his knee into Zoro's face, sending him flying across the room towards to exist.
"Look at that wimp!" Then the one wearing a cap had grabbed Luffy, still coughing due to being drench, behind the head before slamming his face into a window, shattering it.
"Luffy! Zoro!" Nami had ran over to the two of them along with Iris.
"Hey, women." Sarquiss had called out to both of them in disrespectful. "You won't survive the coming era staying with those two. I'll buy you two off them." He was treating them like objects that can be brought. "How much do you both go for?" Needless to say, Nami was enraged by this and turned around glaring at him. But Iris didn't seem all that impressed or surprised by this as she was looking at the man, stroking Zoro's head gently.
"Now you've said it. Buy us?"
"Yeah! C'mon over here. It'll be fun." It was clear what his intentions were, anyone could see it.
"Unfortunately...we're much too good... for a team of pansies like you." Nami had stated with a smirk across her face.
"I have to agree, our talents are completely wasted on the likes of you." The angle came tell him next.
"They're pretty expensive!" But this only caused him to laugh along with everyone else,
"They've got an entire crew of idiots there!"
"There!s no hope for any of 'em!"
"Take those two and get out of my sight. While you still have your lives. Weaklings!" Bellamy told them and without a second of hesitation, Nami had grabbed both males by the back of they shirts and began dragging them out of the pub with laughing and objects being thrown at them. However...
"What's this? Did you change your mind?" Sarquiss asked this of Iris, who was standing
"You know what I call people like you?" She turned around asking and smiling all those around.
"Lucky." Iris had come to say but for some reason, despite all the laugher from before everyone had come to stop, as something was off. "If my captain hadn't ordered us to not fight, you would..." She had come to stop midway through.
"We would what?" Which had Sarquiss snort at her, thinking that there was nothing they could do.
"... All be dead." That had been stated as Iris come to look up and everyone had the hair that the back of the necks standing up. Even though Iris had changed a lot since joining Luffy and the others, she spent 20 years as an assassin. It wouldn't matter how many years will pass, she will always possess the ability to bring forwards bloodlust out of nowhere.
"IRIS!" But it had completely disappeared upon Nami's shouting from outside the pub.
"Oh dear. She's really angry, isn't she?" She was saying looking to the entrance way asking herself before heading towards it. Not before she came to a stop and looked back once again. "Well, have a nice day." She left smiling back at them before existing the building.
"What the hell was that woman?" Could only be asked, since there clearly was something wrong. However, none of it matter to Iris that followed after Nami still dragging the Captain and swordsman. It was clear that they were heading back to the Going Merry, since there was no point in staying here any long.
"Sky Island does exist." However, they had come to a stop had the voice of someone saying that. They came to a stop to turn and only found the large man from before who Luffy was ready to fight with because of difference in taste. The man was eating away at one of the Cherry pie he ordered while sitting in the middle of the street. "This cherry pie really is the best!" He was laughing.
"You're the man from before." Nami had realised and release both Luffy and Zoro that came crashing to the ground without any resistance.
"Are you two alright?" Iris asked looking down at them both.
"Why the long face, girly?" This was being asked to Nami, since she was the only one upset by all this. "Those two won that fight." When he had said that, she only looked confused. However, Iris knew exactly what happened and the reason behind not fighting. "And the tongue lashing you gave them was pretty impressive too. You've got some guys, woman!" The man was saying towards Nami before laughing and then glanced at Iris before continuing.
"Zoro!" The swordsman had been called due to the fact that he began standing up and dusting himself off like it was nothing. "Luffy!" And the Captain soon came to follow as well.
"This 'New Era' they talk about is shit. The age where pirates dream is over!? Eh?! Oi!" He sounded like a complete drunk, which was possible due to the large bottle of alcohol he had in hand before slamming it on the ground before him. "PEOPLE'S DREAMS... NEVER END! AM I RIGHT?"
"Oi, Oi! Hey nutcase, what the hell are ya screamin' about?" Those on the street had come to as stop and laughing while pointing to the man.
"What was that about people"s dreams?" These people were no different then those from the bar.
"It ain't easy to surpass a person!" The large man bursted into laugher, only caused everyone else to laugh louder. Meanwhile, inside the pub Bellamy and his crew were drink like nothing had happened.
"What now? It's getting noisy outside." However, they could hear laugher from outside, causing Sarquiss to ask this.
"Forget it. Those losers are probably taking their frustration out on the townsfolk." Bellamy thought that.
"Yeah!" Which had Lily laughing thinking that this were true. However...
"Let them laugh. If you see, of Summits, you'll find fights your fists alone could never take you to! Follow it!" The man was still speaking to Luffy, who stood there.
"Let's go." Zoro had began walking away, with Iris on his arms, heading towards the harbour again.
"Okay..." Nami was still a bit surprised but agreed. "Luffy." She called to the Captain so he would follow, however, he didn't as he continued to stare back at the man looking at him. "Luffy!" She called him again.
"Oh, looks like I've held you up." The one to break the eye contact had been the dishevelled man who stood up, with everything packed up again. "I see you're in a hurry. I hope you make it there. To Sky Island!" And with that being said he took off drinking and laughing. Then it was Luffy who had taken off.
"Hey, he might have know something about Sky Island." Nami was saying looking back at the man as they were walking. "Who was that guy?"
"Dunno. And it wasn't 'that guy'." Luffy had come to say.
"Huh? Wasn't 'that guy'?" which was a bit confusing to her. "Then... what?"
"It was 'those guys'. Probably." Zoro came to answer, glancing back to her.
"Quite an strange bunch." Iris had then stated.
"What do you mean?" However, it was something that Nami didn't seem to notice. "You mean that guy had others with him? Where were they? Hey, tell me!" While she was shouting that asking.
"The rum tastes particularly great today!" The man had shouted this before
"You sure are loud, Tech." A voice caused the drunk to turn his head, where had came to man that Luffy and the others had come across when they first came to town, Diabolos.
"Diabolos, you were here?" The man, Tech asked a bit surprised.
"Yeah I was. Would you stop going on drunk ramps like that in public? It's embarrassing." Diabolos had stated to him.
"Couldn' help it. Met interesting folks." Tech went on saying laughing.
"Yeah I saw." However, the other man didn't seem all that surprised as they walked.
"That means you saw her, right?" This had been asked then.
"I saw her, I while ago."
"I see. So how does it feel meeting you polar opposite, Diabolos?" The large tanned man glanced down to the smallest one among them.
"I was expecting more..." The man had said, looking down at a piece of paper in his hand

" The man had said, looking down at a piece of paper in his hand

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which was Iris' first wanted Poster. "'Angel of Death' Michell D. Iris

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