Following the Call!

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The forest was dark and cold, with the sounds of the wild coming from all over. "Oh, it's pitch black!" Though, someone seemed to be enjoying it, despite that.
"Get off of me, you idiot!" Then there was someone that was annoyed at the fact another was clinging to him.
"Y-Yeah, I know, but... my hands... won't let go..." Usopp's hand were gripping hard onto Sanji's coat, even then the cook was trying to push him away with his elbow.
"My stomach's so full that I can't walk." Saying this, Chopper was leaning his hoof against the roots of a tree. "I might not be able to catch the bird."
"If you want, I can carry you." He turned around to Iris that was bent down towards him, smiling. "And Usopp, if you're scared of the dark..." Small spheres of light began flowing around the group like fireflies. "I can just create light to help." It had made it far less darker then before.
"Pretty..." While also looking beautiful.
"Where's that weird bird? Weird bird..." Luffy was looking around asking.
"Let's hurry up and catch one so we can get back to drinking." Though it appeared that Zoro didn't care all that much, only because it interrupted his drinking.
"How did things get so out of hand?" Nami was hugging herself, asking this this with Robin and Iris, carrying Chopper, beside her.
"Hands off!" Then Sanji finally managed to remove Usopp from him.
"Damn, couldn't we do this in daylight?" The sniper was asking through his tears.
"If we did we wouldn't make it in time." Iris was looking back to him as she answered.
"Oi, where's the bird?" The captain came to a stop, turned around to ask this of the others.
"If we knew where it was, we wouldn't all have had to come out here!" Which only got him shouted at for.
"The only clue we have is that it's got a weird call." The guys had all gathered together in a circle speaking. All but Chopper, who was still in Iris' arms.
"And it looks like that gold statue we saw." They were pulling out all the information that possessed about the bird.
"Are there really birds that look that screwy?" Though there wasn't much and seemed quite sceptical about it.
"And saying it has a weird call is too vague! How are we supposed to tell?" Usopp had been the only to state this, since it didn't clarify much.
"Well, he said once we got into the forest, we'd be able to tell... That old geezer..." but not even a second after saying that, a large call echoed through the forest.
"WHOA! What a weird call!" This had been shouted by all the guys after hearing it.
"That must be it." Iris stated as this could only belong to the Southbird.
"Yosh!" Luffy was getting all excited, now they know the bird was here.
"Now that we're here, I guess we gotta do it." Zoro said since they didn't have much of a choice now.
"We got three nets. Let's split up into three teams and search." The plan was suggested by Sanji.
"RIGHT!" And no one disagreed with it.
"Let's go! We're gonna kick that weird bird's ass!" This was being shouted by the captain, as he took off in one direction, with Chopper following after him.
"No, we just want to catch it!" But hearing the plans of Luffy caused the snipper to shout that after him. Then he had took off after Sanji and Nami that took off in another direction. Leaving Zoro, Iris and Robin in the last group, the three of them had taken off in silence. It wasn't long before Iris took to the sky above in order to get a better view. However, even with the lights to created, she was unable to see any signs of the bird.
"Did you find another, Miss Angel?" This question had been asked by Robin as the young woman had landed on the ground.
"No, it's still a little hard to see and theres to much area to cover." Iris explained to her but then out of no where screams echoed loudly through the tree tops. "Was that screaming just now?" Which had caused the woman to look around.
"I heard it as well." She hadn't been the only one to hear it, as Robin looked ahead after jumping over some mud to join Iris.
"Leave 'em." Zoro stated as he didn't seem all that worried before he suddenly pulled out his sword and swung it. After he had sheafed it, something came falling out from the tree above. "A centipede. It's freakin' huge." The swordsman picked it up by its antenna.
"You really shouldn't go around killing everyone we come across." He had been told by the archaeologist since he had been killing everything that came close to them since entering the forest.
"Yeah, I pity the poor creatures." And she had been agreed upon by the Angel.
"It's his fault for coming after me." Had been his statement to the pair of women before he took off walking once again.
"Zoro..." though he came to a stop upon Iris calling out to him.
"What?" He seemed a bit annoyed, not towards her but the situation.
"We just come from that way." His face turned blue the moment she had said that, since he was shocked and embarrassed. It was in the moment that the strange call of the bird appeared once again, pulling their attention in it's direction. The very direction they had been heading in a moment ago.
"The bird's call." Robin turned around in the direction she heard it from. "This way!" And then had jumped onto the tall root Iris was standing on. "Watch out for that quagmire." She turned back to warn Zoro before she moved forwards.
"Oi! Hold o—!" However, he did not listen to her words and ended up stepping in the much she avoided earlier.
"Zoro!" Needless to say that Iris had to fly him out from it.

The hunt for the Southbird had continued on for so long that hours began to pass, but not once did Zoro, Iris or Robin were able to spot a single bird. However... "There's no end to this... Why did you keep popping up, you oversized cricket army!?" The trio continued to be surrounded by armies of bugs, which was starting to annoy Zoro since he was the one knocking them out one by one. "Stop getting in my way! Do you think you cant beat me!? Eh!?"
"But isn't this strange?" Iris asked turning to Robin beside her, as they were both standing off to the side of the swordsman and crickets. "We didn't enter their nest, right? So why do they continue to appear?"
"I do not know. But you're right, it is strange." The archaeologist agreed with her on this matter, but she did not know the answer either. It wasn't long before the weird call echoed throughout the forest once again.
"Its the Southbird again." Once again, the angel began looking around in the tree tops, the lights following her sight so she could see into the dark trees.
"We can hear, but we can't see it." However, to no avail.

After more time had come to pass the crew had reunited once again. However, some of them seemed to be exhausted from it all. "No luck. We didn't see a single one." And not one of them was able to catch a single bird despite it all.
"We saw one, but... there were bugs all over the place, so we couldn't get close!" This was being explained by Luffy, he was sitting down as it appeared that he was one of the most exhausted out of the group running the entire time.
"We ran the whole time." Chopper was beside him, laying down while trying to catch his breath.
"Damn, eight of us and we pull a big zero? Get it together, guys!" They were being told by Usopp.
"You too." But that statement also included him as well.
"I can't run anymore!" Nami had shouted after collapsing to knees. But then the sudden call caught that the attention of Usopp, causing him to look up and spot something in the tree above them. It was the bird they had been looking for and it appeared to be laughing at them as it was jumping side to side on the branch it was on.
"'You'll never catch me! STUUUPID!'" Chopper had began to translate it's words to them.
"What was that!? You came here just to gloat!? Damn it..." Hearing this upset the sniper as he soon pulled out his slingshot. "I'm gonna shoot you down!" But this only seemed to cause the bird to laugh, until out of nowhere an a pair of arms had sprouted and wrapped themselves around the birds wings, preventing it from flying away. Then another had sprouted from the branch it was on where it grabbed and throw the bird down to the ground as if it were nothing.
"Ah!" Everyone appeared to be stunned upon seeing this.
"If I can see it..."

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