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After defeating Mr. 3, Miss Goldenweek, Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine, the group that had gathered together. Although that didn't include Iris and Sanji. It was at that moment that a giant who wore a Viking costume, which consists of red overalls with golden button straps, fur linings, a leather strap around his right shoulder and another as a belt, yellow pants with black stripes and fur linings at the bottom, yellow shoes, and a red helmet with two horns. The giant had a blond beard shaped like an axe's blade, beady eyes, a wide grin, and a pig-like nose. And he was crying loudly as the giant, Dorry was laying on the ground. "He's even hearty when he cries!" Nami was shouting as all of them
"It's like being under a water fall." besides Zoro, that their ears cover as they were being showed in tears.
"I understand... Master Brogy..." Usopp was also crying. However, all stopped when they saw the supposed to be dead giant sit up with the help of his sword. All eyes had basically shot from their heads seeing this as they were shocked.
"Dorry... you... how..." the giant, Brogy was completely shocked to see him alive.
"I guess I was unconscious. It was probably... because of your weapon." Dorry was struggling to say. But all were quite please to see the giant was okay.
"Weapon...?" Usopp was a little confused to what he meant. "Of course! After 100 years of being used in the Giants' warfare, even weapons from Elbaf wouldn't be able to cut anymore!" He had come to realise this fact. "There's no reason... it's a spectacular miracle!"
"Oi, Brogy. You're hurting my wounds." Dorry told him as he was laughing as he was embracing his friend in delight.
"I'm so glad you're alive, my dear friend!" But it didn't matter since he was so over come with joy. But Dorry was the same as he was crying tears of joy.
"No miracle here. It's natural. It's strange that those weapons are still intact after taking a beating the last hundred years." Zoro had stated the truth speaking. "And that goes for their owners, too."
"Today is truly a wonderful day! I thank our god, Elbaf!" Brogy shouted up to the sky.
"Oh, Brogy. You sure seem happy you've got a chance to slicing me up and knock me unconscious." Dorry had reminded him of the event which was their battle.
"Idiot! Don't talk about it like that!" It was then he had been hit at in back which caused a lot of pain.
"Don't hit my wounds." Laughing Dorry had then punched the giant in the chest. And it seemed to caused another fight to start as they were taking turned punching each other. "You lookin' for a fight, dog!?"
"Yeah!" They were just like Zoro and Sanji. "I'll crush you into the ground!" They took a stand with their heads butting together.
"Cool!" Luffy was getting all excited seeing this. While the others were a little worried.
"Why the hell are you fighting again!?" Nami snapped at them both and after being treated it was found out why Mr. 3 was after their heads, which was their wanted poster.
"So this was about the bounty on our heads!" Dorry seemed completely amused by that fact since he had completely forgot about them having one.
"But the reason they initially came to this island was because of me..." Vivi felt bad as she felt this was all of her fault. But it was then when she had her cheek pulled, causing pain.
"Would you cut that out?" Nami had been the one pulling it.
"She's right, Vivi!" Luffy was completely laid back as he was laying across the grass eating rice crackers, along with Usopp and Carue who were sitting. "What are you so down about? Wanna rice cracker?" He held out a cracker that he had pulled out from the packet.
"Where did you guys get those?" Nami asked as sweat rolled down her face along with Vivi looking at them.
"Yosh! Time for a Rice Cracker Party!" But he didn't answer as he was all excited.
"But it won't be much of a party if we only have rice crackers." Usopp told him while the packet was in his hand.
"Really? Well we can still cheer with them, right?!" Luffy had asked thinking that was fine.
"Is there anyone who has a grudge against you?" Nami turned to the girl beside her asking
"Cheers!" Luffy shouted as he hit the crackers together like they were cups.
"Helm you're wasting them." Usopp picked up the broken crackers from the ground before dusting them off. Before he began to eat them.
"Idiot, What are you doing!? Who said I wasn't gonna eat it!?" Luffy jumped onto him as they were now fighting over the broken rice cracker which caused Vivi to smile, as it was clear no one seemed to care about this mess. Nami was smiling at her, in relief but something seemed to have bitten her.
"What's that?" Zoro asked, noticing a large red circle on her stomach.
"It's nothing, just a bug bite." She told him scratching it, which was why he turned ahead of him all serious
"Man, having to wait another year for the log to set to the next island is pretty serious..." Zoro said as for some reason the log would need a year on Little Garden to set before they could set off.
"You're right. This is no laughing matter!" Nami shouted over to Luffy and Usopp who were still fighting over the cracker, before the rubber captain ate it.
"We are in your debt. There must be some way we can express our gratitude." Brogy was saying looking down at the humans.
"Okay, then old giant guys, do something about our log!" Luffy shouted up to them as he jumped onto a boulder.
"The Log is the one thing we can do nothing about." Dorry stated to him, since it was something that couldn't be controlled by anyone.
"Nami~! Vivi~! ...and the rest of you jerks!" All eyes had been pulled to the forest location behind them where their eyes fell on the two missing crew mates of theirs.
"Hey guys!" Iris called out to them as she approached.
"Yo, Iris! Yo, Sanji!" Luffy was glad to see them but for some reason both Usopp and Carue were glaring.
"Is everyone okay, right?" Iris asked.
"Those dorks never showed up to help us... and they have the gall to show up now!?" Usopp was muttering in anger since they were in danger but neither Iris or Sanji came to help. Sanji was all smiles until he saw what was behind the others.
"WHAT THE HELL! ARE YOU MR. 3!?" He was jumping to conclusions.
"Hey, how do you know about Mr. 3?" Nami was asking Sanji confused since wasn't any reason for them to know of Mr. 3 as they were not involved in the battle.
"WHOA!! Nami!" He lost it again seeing her in nothing but a skirt and bra. "You're as stimulating as ever!"
"You wanna die!" She asked him holding up her fist.
"Now, now, Nami. You'll catch cold like that." Sanji was being the gentleman as he took of his coat and placed it over Nami's shoulders.
"Anyway, moving on to more important things." Iris had everyone turning to look at her. "We just had a talk with Mr. 0 through a Transponder Sail."
"The Boss?! You two talked to him!?" Vivi was shaking.
"Yeah." Sanji had said and had began to explain what they had been up to. "There was this weird-ass hideout in the middle of the jungle. Seems he mistook me of this Mr. 3. So we went ahead and told him I'd finished you guys off."
"That means he thinks we're dead, right?" Vivi was clarifying what he had said.
"Why is it that when nobody's looking for us, we can't leave!?" Usopp was shouting up to the sky.
"What? Why can't we leave? Did you guys still want to do something?" Iris asked titling her head to the side. "Then was going through all that trouble to get this not necessary." She had pulled out Eternal Pose to Alabasta from her bag and showed it to everyone.
"W-what?" Sanji asked as both him and Iris felt uncomfortable because they looked like they saw a ghost of something.
"It's an Eternal Pose to Alabasta!" Luffy shouted and the guys were all excited jumping around. Vivi had started running over to me giving Iris a hug.
"Thank you so much, Iris!" And then she went over to Sanji, "Thank you so much, Sanji! For I moment I thought all was lost!" They had no idea what she was on about but they were glad she washappy.
"Y-You're welcome! It was nothing~!" And Sanji was way too happy getting hugged by Vivi. That's when Iris walked over to Zoro.
"Are you alright?" She was asking as noticing the blood coming from his legs.
"Y-Yeah, Nothing that can't be fixed." He had stated to her, while avoiding eye contact, which was something Iris didn't understand. Since his been doing that a lot.
"Yosh, everyone! RICE CRACKER PARTY!!" Luffy was yelling about rice crackers which came from Miss Goldenweek.
"This is bad, Luffy! We can't have a Rice Cracker party if there's only three left!" Usopp was saying to him.
"We don't have time for this, anyway!" Nami was telling the two of them. "Let's go, Captain! We don't have time to mess around here!" She was right which was why Iris followed after Zoro, who was heading in the direction of the ship.
"Oh yeah, you." Sanji had called out to them as they were passing, which caused them to look back. "Not you, Iris~!" He had told her smiling, before glaring at Zoro. "You haven't forgotten about our Hunting Contest, have you?"
"Nope. And I won, by the way. I got a rhino THIS BIG." Zoro was saying stretching out his arms, but there shouldn't be any rhinos on this island.
"A rhino? It had better be edible." Sanji had began walking over to him.
"Damn straight." Was Zoro's response.
"Well, Round old guy, Big Old guy. We're gonna get going." Luffy had told the two giants that had then looked down to them.
"I see. Well, you seem to be in a hurry." The other giant named Brogy had said.
"It's too bad you cant stay, but don't let us keep you." Dorry had then said he hoped Vivi's country was safe.
"Yes, thank you." Vivi smiled back at him.
"Later!" The crew had began walking again. "Don't die anymore!" Luffy was shouting as they walked into the forest.
"Someday I will go to Elbaf!" Usopp was screaming.
"Wait 'till you see it. Mines definitely bigger." Sanji was saying over to Zoro.
"Heh! Yeah, right!" Who was saying back to him.
"Guys, you really get alone, don't you?" Iris was in between them smiling.
"We don't get alone!" They had both shouted at her, but she knew they really liked and respected each other deep down. It didn't take that long before they had all reached the Going Merry, who was still one piece and without any problems. But there was a problems that started because of Zoro and Sanji.
"See for yourself! Mine is much bigger!" Zoro was shouting.
"Just look at it! My lizard wins!" Sanji, he was yelling right back at him. But the so called lizard was actually a T-Rex while to rhino was a triceratops.
"Do those eyes of yours do anything!" None of the others could understand they fight as there wasn't much differences. "My rhino is WAY bigger!"
"Who cares? They both look tasty." Luffy was just smiling as he watched the two of them.
"SHUT THE HELL UP!!" Of course, that was what they were going to say.
"Just look at 'em!"
"You're isn't as fat!"
"Yours isn't as long!"
"Mine obviously has more meat!"
"That meat's no good!"
"How long are you guys going to keep at it?" Nami was beginning to loss her patients which was why Iris stepped forward away from her.
"You dork, that's not true!" But they just ignored her and continued which probably wasn't the best idea.
"It's not like all of it will fit on the ship. Just cut off what we need. We're ready to set sail." But they seemed to stop.
"Yes! Nami~!"
"Hey, Usopp! You can see I won, right?" But Zoro was still going on about it.
"Eh? I don't care." Was his response but none of them really did.
"Can't you just call it a draw?" Vivi was asking down to him.
"There ain't no such thin as a draw in a match." Was what Zoro had told her.
"Yeah, but there are limits to matches too." Iris had stated to him.
"GET UP HERE NOW!!" Upon seeing Nami's pissed off face they got over it and ran to get the meat ready. And with the meat loaded, sails down and the anchor up it was time for us to be off.
"They said if we continue on this route, we'll come out in the west side of the island." Nami was explaining to them.
"Oi. Couldn't we get any more meat onboard?" Luffy had been whining about the meat for a while since Sanji and Zoro had began boarding it onto the ship.
"Moron, if we took any more it would spoil before we ate it!" Sanji had completely snapped at him,
"Not to mention to much and the Merry will sink." Iris had told him. After a bit the river going out into the wide sea could be seen, but that wasn't the only thing to see.
"It's the old Giant guys!" Luffy was pointing at the two giants that were on either side of the river standing with their weapons. "They came to see us off!"
"For all the ting humans that have come to this island..."
"...the biggest reason they could never reach the next island lies ahead." They both said. But the crew didn't really understand what they were speaking of because there was nothing but open sea. "You guarded out honour with your lives."
"And so, we shall do the same, no matter what kind of enemy there may be." B
"A friend's honour must never be tarnished, no matter what the cost!" D
"Believe in us and continue straight ahead!" B, "whatever should appear, do not stray from your course!"
"I got it!" Luffy yelled back.
"This sounds interesting." Iris had said giggling a little.
"What the hell?" Zoro question.
"What did you get us into?" Usopp asked.
"WE GO STRAIGHT AHEAD, NO MATTER WHAT!" The ship finally got out into opened water, leaving the river mouth. The two giants pulled out their weapons saying that they'll meet again someday.
"Look! Up ahead!" Nami pointed in front of ship, as something started appearing out of the sea.
"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!!?" Usopp was screaming.
"It's so adorable." Iris said looking up at it.
"Seriously?" She looked over to Zoro who had said that and had his eyebrow lifted at her.
"What is that thing?" Luffy calmly said. "A goldfish?" Nami ordered Usopp to turn the helm before it eats them all. But to her surprise he refused saying to go straight ahead. "You bet!"
"This really is interesting." Iris was once again giggling looking up as they began to entered its mouth. Nami continue to try and reason with Luffy however, it wasn't working. Iris stood next to Zoro, who had opened to door for Carue to run into.
"Nami, give it up." Zoro told her as she nibbled on the cracker that Luffy throw to her.
"We can trust those guys right!?" Sanji asked as he didn't know anything.
"Yep!" Which had been the captain's response.
"Seriously?" Are we really going to sail straight into that monster!?" Vivi was freaking out while asking.
"It's too late! We can't stop now!" Nami screamed and then it was pitch black after the monster had shut it mouth.
"STRAIGHT AHEAD! S-STRAIGHT AHEAD!!" Usopp was crying loudly.
"What are you talking about!? We've just been eaten!" Nami had completely lost it as she was snapping.
"STRAIGHT AHEAD! STRAIGHT AHEAD!" Now Luffy was yelling that but we really didn't have much of a chose, but then something was come, and it was going to be strong. Iris could feel it.
"Hey, everyone! Hold onto something!" She had told them all.
"Why!? Is something about to happen!?" Nami was freaking out more.
"I don't know. I just have a feeling that's all." That was all Iris could tell her, since it was nothing but a feeling. it wasn't long after that something shined brightly in the darkness. They all saw a bright light, blue and red cutting passed up to cut a gaping hole in the monster where the ship came flying out.
"We flew through!" Luffy was enjoying himself. Iris was right to tell everyone to hold onto something because that was fast. "No turning back now! We're going straight ahead!" The ship was beginning to back into the sea. "huge! That was so huge!"
"They even pieced the ocean itself! This is the true strength... of an Elbaf Warrior!" Usopp was chocking up. "It's so awesome~!" It truly was.

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