Miss AllSunday!

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A bit time had passed since Zoro had when to save the Princess and it was quite. Iris and Nami were both wanting with Igaram still unable to stand. "Hey... by the way... who exactly are these Baroque Works guys?" Nami had asked.
"You're only now asking?" Iris looked over to the barrel she was sitting on. "It is an underground criminal organisation. No one knows the Boss' name or face. The organisation main jobs are... espionage, assassination, theft and of course bounty hunting. They do everything the Boss' orders. That is what I had gathered after being scouted." She had explained what she had known about the organisation.
"But why does everyone take orders from a Boss they know nothing about?" Nami had asked a good question, even Iris never understood that nor did she find a answer to it. She looked over to Igaram, thinking he knew the answer to it.
"The final objection of Baroque Works... is the foundation of an 'Ideal Nation'." Iris didn't seem to understand what he meant. "Those that carry out the Boss's wishes successfully.... are promised high positions and great wealth in the 'Ideal Nation' he will create."
"I see." Nami had said. But it sounded fishy. Who needs spies, assassins, thieves, and bounty hunters for that? After all, those types are viewed as trash in society just like pirates.
"The Boss' codename is Mr. 0. To put it simply, the members it's codename Numbers closer to 0... will receive more power and prestige! They are the strongest members. And the power of Mr.5 and those above him is... unnatural." That sounded pretty serious. That's when the echoing sound of stuff breaking made Iris stand up and looking off in the direction Zoro had gone of in.
"That doesn't sound like explosions." Because it really didn't, it sounded like when Luffy fought. "Oi, Nami."
"Yeah yeah." Iris didn't need to say anything more, she understood that there was a possibility that Luffy was doing something stupid like he always did, so they followed where the sounds of a fight were coming from. Iris would have never thought that the two that were fighting weren't Luffy and Zoro vs Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine but Luffy vs Zoro. The air around then was so intense that no one could stop them."STOP IT!" Except a heartless woman like Nami the demon spawn. The two of them were flat on their stomachs after one punch from them. "I can't believe you two! What the hell do you think you're doing!? You're just lucky you managed to keep the girl intact! You almost cost me my 1 billion beli, y'know!?" Nami was shouting as she over to them who were just conscious and picked them both up by their back collars of their shirts. "Got it?"
"Don't you think that was a bit much?" Iris had asked her as she felt sorry for them both.
"Not at all!" Of course she would say that, so why did she even ask?
"You people.... what are you talking about?" The Princess was just as confused as the rest of them. "Why did you save me?" While she asked that, Zoro had punched Luffy in the face, still being held.
"Oh that's right. We need to talk about that." And then Luffy kicked him in the face as pay back, as Nami spoke. "Would you mind negotiating a contact with me?"
"QUIT STRUGGLING!" Nami smashed them both into the ground.
"You guys really should know when to quit." Iris had told them as she looked down to them shaking her head. In the end, the only reason the two of them were fighting was because Luffy misunderstood what had happened with the bounty hunters and once he had found out the truth he was laughing about it.
"Man, Zoro! Why didn't you just say so? I thought that you got mad and killed 'em all... just 'cease they didn't have your favourite food!"
"YOU JERK, THAT'S WHAT YOU WOULD DO!" Zoro was right about that.
"Well, don't worry about it!" Luffy was laughing loudly amused by the whole thing.
"I know you have the right to be angry, Zoro, but would you stop moving. I can't heal you properly." Iris told him as she was hovering her hand above his wounds. "Ágio Fos!" (Holy Light, Greek) It was then when he hand had began to glow and the wounds that were once there were gone.
"That's pretty cool!" Luffy was shouting over at me.
"Thanks, although I can't heal vital wounds, I can heal cuts and bruises like this." It was Iris new ability. She had known she could do this before but because Iris was an assassin and all there was no point to it.
"Do me next! Do me next!" He was shouting over and over again.
"SHUT UP!" Zoro snapped at him as Iris continued to heal him.
"You two, SHUT UP!" Nami was scary and they had both began sweating in fear. "So, that's our offer. We want 1,000,000,000 beli to escort you there safely." Nami had finished explaining her conditions to the Princess. In Iris opinion that was a bit to much to ask but if she had spoken up about it, she would be the next one on the floor. Then again, Nami has never done it to Iris before, so maybe not. But then again, she rather not take that chance. "You saw how strong these guys are, right? Quite a bargain, don't you think?"
"Impossible." The Princess had completely refused the offer straight out. "You have my gratitude for saving my life. Thank you."
"Why not? You're a Princess, aren't you?" But Nami wasn't taking a no for an answer. "It's just a measly billion..."
"Do you know of a country named Alabasta?" The Princess had asked, and of course she was like no, "It was a great pillar of civilisation. A land of peace. Long ago, that is."
"What do you mean long ago?" Iris asked her right out.
"It's on the verge of civil war. In recent years, a call for revolution has emerged. The citizens began committing acts of insurrection... causing the land to fall into chaos." That sounded terrible, especially from the view of a Princess. "But one day, I heard the name of a secret organisation: Baroque Works!" Her face was filled with hatred and so much sadness. "I discovered that they were responsible for inciting the rebellion. Aside for this, however, I was unable to procure any further information. So I went to Igaram, who had looked after me since I was a little girl."
"The Old Tube-hair Guy?" Luffy had called him.
"Yes, that's him." Princess Vivi had totally token that and had answered him, "I decided to infiltrate Baroque Works. I thought that if I did, I could find out who was pulling the strings, and what his plans were."
"Pretty gutsy for a Princess." Zoro was right about that. "So? Did you find out his intentions?" She nodded at his question.
"The establishment of an Ideal Nation." Nami had answered before the Princess, which had shocked her since she didn't know that we heard about it all from Igaram.
"That's was Mr. Igaram had told us before." Iris had explained to her. "Wait, could it be..."
"Yes. He claims that establishing this 'Ideal Nation' is their purpose. But that is a complete lie. His true intention is to seize the throne of Alabasta." That was what she had thought, it was too fishy to just be that. "I must return to my country to tell the people the truth! And prevent them from joining the insurrection! If this continues... If this continues...!" Princess Vivi looked like she was about to cry as she was shaking.
"I see. So that's what's going on. It finally makes sense now." It seemed like Nami was disappointed, "If you're in the verge of civil war... money must be scarce."
"Oi." Luffy had called out to the Princess. "So who's the mastermind?" He had asked.
"The B-Boss' true identity!? You cant ask me that!" She was beginning to freak out after being asked that.
"But you know, don't you?" Luffy had stated,
"Don't ask that! I can't tell you! If I told you, they would hunt you down too!" After Hearing this, Nami began to laugh, not because she found it funny but because...
"Well, we don't want that. And of course, trying to take over a whole nation.... he must be an incredibly strong guy, right?" She was scared shitless.
"Yes. He is." As the Princess said this, Iris spotted a shadow above. "No matter how strong you may be, there's no way you could even hope to touch him. One of the Seven War Lords of the Sea... CROCODILE!"
"Who's that?" Luffy had asked her. Iris didn't know whether to laughing or to cry at how funny this was. In the end, the princess ended up telling them who he was, to top it all of it was a War Lord, that was something else.
"Didn't you just say his name?" Iris pointed out to her, as both the Princess and Nami were in shock. "Oh yeah, by the way, who are they up there?" She pointed up to where the shadows were. "They've been watching us for some time now." One of the shadows belonged to a large, black-feathered vulture, with white feathers toward the neck. It's skin was pink, and beak was a light yellow. It had on a yellow aviator cap dotted with red flowers, and black goggles. Beside the bird was a small, brown-furred otter with white fur around it's snout. It wore a long-sleeved, light blue coat with purple dots, as well as black sunglasses. When the other had turned and spotted them, they had flew off. For some reason they didn't appear to be normal animals.
"HEY!!" Nami had grabbed the Princess who was in tears and was shaking her wildly also in tears. "WHAT'S WITH THE OTTER AND VULTURE!?"
"Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! I'm so sorry!" The princess was crying.
"One of the Seven War Lords of the Sea is gonna be after us now!" Nami was shouting in horror.
"She said a War Lord!" Luffy on the other hand was excited about it.
"Not bad!" Zoro was also excited.
"This sounds like fun." Iris was just going with the flow, since she didn't really have a problem with it. Also, it's not like the Princess can take back what she said, the otter and vulture had already token off.
"I'm so, so sorry! It just slipped out"
"'SORRY' WON'T DO US ANY GOOD NOW! NOW YOU'VE GOTTEN US MIXED UP IN ALL THIS!!" Luffy was laughing loudly as Nami was screaming and still crying. "We just made it into the Grand Line and now I'm marked for death by one of the Seven War Lords of the Sea..." She had finally stopped shaking the poor Princess. "Why me?"
"We're pretty lucky we get to fight one so soon." Zoro had stated.
"It was bound to happen anyway." That was true what Iris stated.
"Wonder what he's like?"
"SHUT UP YOU THREE!" Nami was once again crying and yelling but this time at them. "Though it wasn't for long, it's been nice knowing you all!" She had told them, walking away for some reason.
"Where are you going?" Luffy shouted after her.
"They don't know my face yet, so I'm outta here!"
"I don't know about that." Iris said noticing that the two animals had come back.
"Haha! You're good!" Nami had clapped after the otter showed the sketches of all four of us and had flew off again. "NO! NOW I CAN'T EVEN RUN AWAY!?" Nami was stomping back to the other four.
"I'm so sorry...!" The Princess was still going on.
"That guys pretty cool." Luffy said about the otter.
"What was the point in you trying to run away?" Iris had asked Nami,
"Yeah, Where were you going to run to anyway?" Zoro had also asked her. "In any case, the four of us have been added to the Baroque Works Death List!" He was amused by that.
"It's not the first one I've been on." Iris had stated the truth.
"This is so exciting!" Luffy was chuckling with a giant grin across his face, while Nami had gone into a state of depression.
"I have saving... about 500,000 beli..." The Princess was trying to make her feel better.
"DO NOT WORRY!" Everyone had turned around at the sound of Igaram. It was a very shocking site really, he was wearing clothing that looked similar to that of the Princess, not to mention was holding four dummies. "Fear- Mah~ mah~ maaah~! Fear not, for I have a plan!"
"Igaram! What are those clothes for?" The Princess ran over to him asking.
"Old man! You'll fool anyone wearing that!" While Luffy was laughing getting a closer look.
"My god. I'm surrounded by idiots." Nami was saying see the man dressed up like that.
"Princess Vivi, please listen carefully. Baroque Works' information network will soon receive that report. Once they learn we are the ones that know the Boss' true identity, you understand what will happen, don't you?"
"As many as a thousand hunters could soon be coming for us." When Nami heard the Princess say that she had snapped out of the depression into shock.
"That is why I have dressed in the manner of the Princess. I will depart with these four dummies... and travel on a straight course for Alabasta." Igaram had explained his plan.
"These are us?" Luffy was asking, he sounded a bit offended by that.
"Decoys." But wouldn't that be dangerous?
"Once they have begun pursuing me... Princess Vivi And yourselves can depart safely for Alabasta." Igaram had finished.
"NOW WAIT JUST A MINUTE!" Nami had shit up screaming, "Who said we would take the Princess anywhere!?" She was backing away because she won't get any money. "We still don't have a contact."
"Take the Princess?" Luffy was Confused.
"Lu, we already told you this." Iris reminded him about how Igaram wanted them to take the Princess back to her home land.
"Oh, is that what they're on about? Okay." Luffy didn't hesitate in agreeing.
"CROCODILE'S GOING TO TRY AND KILL US!!" Nami was screaming.
"His going to try killing us anyway." Iris looked over to her saying.
"This Crocodile, is he really that strong?" Luffy was asking Looking at Iris
"Crocodile is one of the Seven War Lords of the Sea." She had began to explain to him, "The Seven War Lords of the Sea are pirates that have been authorized but the World Government. It is because of this that he is no longer on the wanted list. I had heard that before becoming one of the War Lords Crocodile had a bounty of 80,000,000." She finished her explanation, Zoro seemed more interested in it then before now.
"80 million!? That FOUR times Arlong's!! TURN HIM DOWN!" Nami was crying.
"Will you accept?" Igaram had asked looking down at Luffy.
"Sure. Sounds like fun." He had completely excepted it.
"You have my utmost gratitude." The group had then moved to the ship that Igaram had planned to take. "Mah~ Mah~ Maaah~! Well then, I, Vivi, shall be leaving now..." he tried to sound more girly but it wasn't working.
"Old man! You're just like her!" Luffy had told him.
"Like WHO?" Both Zoro and Iris had asked their idiot captain.
"Now then Princess, please hand me the Eternal Pose." As Igaram's request she handed him something. It was similar to the Log Pose but at the same time it wasn't.
"Eternal Pose?" Nami who had been sulking at the back was curious.
"You haven't heard of it? I'll try to explain. It is an eternally preserved version of a Log Pose. A Log Pose guides you from one island to the next, but an Eternal Pose, never forgets the magnetic location of the one island it is set to. It shall 'eternally' point forwards that island. And this one points the way to Alabasta." That was pretty handy to have.
"With this, you can get to Alabasta." The Princess had said looking up at him.
"Princess Vivi, after making a few stops... please hurry to Alabasta. I have never done it myself, but I am certain you can follow the Log two or three times to get there. And with that, I leave the Princess in your care." Igaram had said looking right at Luffy.
"Igaram." Princess Vivi had said his name, she really was worried about him.
"I think the journey will be dangerous. Please be careful alone the way."
"Iga-" She had stoped what she was about to say and then looked up to him smiling and held out her hand, "You too." With that farewell, Igaram got in the ship and began sailing off.
"Well, he's gone." Luffy said as we watch him with smiles. "He was a cool old guy, wasn't he?"
"Yes. We can count on him." Princess Vivi had a lot of confidence in him, meaning they should too. As they all watch it was unclear what had happened but the ship that Igaram was on had completely exploded. All were confused, everything had been fine and there was no one in site, so how did something like this happened?
"It can't be! They're already come....!?" Nami was shouting in shock. The first one of the group to move was Luffy, who walking over to his hat that had been blown off form the explosion and placed it on his head, he had then took a deep breath in.
"HE WAS A GREAT MAN!!" Was what he had yelled before running off.
"Nami! The Log!" Zoro had shouting snapping Nami out of it.
"It's okay! It's already set!" She had told him.
"Grab her!" Zoro had directed that at her and Iris. "Get to the ship!" And then he had ran off too.
"Vivi! Vivi!" Nami was shouting as both woman ran to her
"We need to leave!" Iris grabbed onto her. "Being spotting now will only put everything I vain, wont it?!" she was telling her but had become a bit stunned when she was doing her best not to scream and cry as blood was falling from her mouth because she was bitting it so hard. Iris felt like her heart was breaking and had grabbed a hold of her, embracing her along with Nami. "Everything will be okay!"
"Iris' right! We'll get you home! See these guys? They might not look like much.... but they saved all of East Blue! Just the five of them!" Nami was telling her.
"That's right! Criminal organisation? So what! A War Lord? Big deal! There no way in hell he stands a chance!" Iris had shouting to her. With those words, the Princess.... no, Vivi was able to run towards the ship.
"Hurry, Vivi!" Nami was shouting at Vivi.
"Nami! Vivi! I'm going ahead to get the ship ready!" Iris shouting not waiting for an answer as she took off flying towards the Going Merry. Landing on the ship Iris saw Zoro only just making it. "I got the capstand!" She shouted to him running into the Connor and Anchor room at the front of the ship and had began pushing the capstand that began to rotate to pull the anchor up.
"Oi! I've got 'em!" Iris ran out after finishing so see Luffy holding onto Sanji's leg and Usopp's nose they were both unconscious. Most likely because of Luffy dragging them.
"Get on! We're ready to go." Zoro had told him.
"Eh? You guys are still sleeping..." Luffy was cute and all but he was a real idiot.
"We don't have time to look for him right now!" Nami was right behind him yelling at Viv.
"But I can't leave him here all alone!" Vivi was yelling.
"Hey, is everything okay?" Iris asked the pair of them.
"She says that her spot-billed duck is missing!" Nami had answered her, which seemed to have confused her... "She says that it should've come when she whistled, but it won't!"
"This is him, right?" Iris asked pointing to the duck, and it waved all proud. That was why she had been confused before, since the duck was already on the ship.
"YOU WERE HERE THE WHOLE TIME?" Vivi and Nami were two peas in a pod.
"His been here way before me." She stated to them both. Iris then grabbed the rope lead and throw it over the side of the Merry. After finding out the duck was onboard Vivi began to climb up the rope ladder.
"If we sail up the river, it'll branch off into the sea. We'll be able to get in course faster." She had explained to the crew. That was conscious, anyway.
"YOSHA! LET'S GO!" Luffy ordered and the sails were down.
"Mr. Bushido!"
"Just how many hunters are we talking about?" The others had wondering the same thing.
"I don't know. Baroque Works has about 2000 employees."which was quite a lot. "And I've heard that there are other towns like this one in the area." Vivi answered him.
"Really, 2000 people?" Nami was becoming more scared by the minute.
"That's really hard to imagine." Iris stated her opinion as she was trying to picture it.
"Hey... the ship is moving?" It seemed like Sanji and Usopp were awake.
"You're finally up?"
"WAIT!! Let's stay another night!" Sanji was yelling, not having realised this town was a trap.
"RIGHT!" Usopp was also the same.
"This Town was so much fun and the girls were SO CUTE!!" Of course, it was about the girls with him
"When will we find another awesome place like this!?" And Usopp's reason was because he thought they worship him and believed in his lies.
"Let's take it slow dammit! We're pi-"
"It's not even morning yet!!"
"I don't think they understand the situation here...." Iris had her hand placed over her cheek stating.
"Oi! Explain it to 'em already..." Zoro had said up to Nami.
"Oh, all done!" She was already walking back to the rail above at the front of the Merry.
"That was quick..." He had believed that she actually explained things to them.
"Yeah, I skipped the boring details." She means she didn't even tell them just knocked them out again.
"We're about to clear the island." The ship had become surrounded by fog like when it entered the island.
"Cool! Fog!"
"It'll be morning soon." It was a good thing it was almost morning.
"Well, it's a good thing you got away from your pursuers!" Someone was saying
"You got that right." Iris said answering.
"Watch out for the shallows so that you don't strike the hull." The same person spoke again
"You can count on me!" Nami was over joy as she answered. But who was it speaking? Iris didn't know this voice, now that she thought about it. "Uh, was that you, Luffy?" Nami had asked turning to him. Clearly it wasn't him.
"Nice ship." Iris turned around seeing a single woman sitting leg crossed over the other on the rails of the Aft deck. She was a tall, slender woman with shoulder-length black hair and eyes that has dark blue, wide pupils. Her nose was long, thin, and defined. The woman's skin was slightly darker tan with limbs are very long, especially her legs.
"Who's that!?" Zoro was ready to draw his sword, but he wasn't the only one, Iris had out her sword as well.
"You! You're...!" Vivi was beginning to freak out seeing this woman.
"I saw Mr. 8 not too long ago, Miss Wednesday." The woman had said smirking, it wasn't a good smirk it was one that showed that this woman was up to something.
"You killed Igaram!"
"Even if you did, why the hell are you on my ship? Who are you!?" Luffy was a bit rude pushing the fact that she was the one that killed Igaram like it was nothing.
"What are you doing HERE? Miss All-Sunday!" Vivi had shouted asking the woman.
"Miss All-Sunday? Which number's partner is it this time?" That was a good question.
"Mr. 0's"
"Wait, the Boss' partner!" All heads had snapped back to Miss All-Sunday.
"CROCODILE'S!?" Nami had lost it. But this woman was strong, Iris could see that just by looking at her, but there was something about her that felt off.
"So she's a bad guy?" Luffy was asking like it wasn't obvious.
"She is the one that's allowed to know the Boss' true identity... we shadowed her in order to find out who he really was." Vivi had explained it to them.
"Or to be more precise... I let you shadow me." She wasn't lying, her eyes were the same, unwavering.
"Oh, she's a good guy." Where did he get that idea from?
"I knew that! And then the one who informed the Boss of his exposed identity... was you, wasn't it!?" What Vivi was saying made sense.
"Correct." And Miss All-Sunday was completely honest about it.
"So she is a bad guy." Luffy had changed his mind again.
"Just stay out of it." Zoro and Iris had whispered him since he was easily persuaded.
"Just what exactly are your intentions?!" Vivi was asking with so much anger.
"Who knows? But you were so serious about it... I just had to cooperate. A Princess who actually thinks she can make enemies of Baroque Works and save her county... it's just so ridiculous..." she chuckled at the thought of it.
"YOU SHUT YOUR MOUTH!" It seemed like Vivi wasn't the only one, everyone was pissed off. They had all of their weapons out ready to attack. Usopp And Sanji who had been unconscious had a gun and slingshot pointing to her head.
"Oi, Sanji. Any idea what's going on?" Usopp was asking since he had just woke up.
"Nope, not exactly. But it seems the lovely Miss Wednesday is in danger." At least he was about to understand that much. Miss All-Sunday's smirk fell and she looked really annoyed and bored.
"Would you mind not pointing such dangerous things at me?" Without even realising it, Sanji and Usopp were throw up into the air and something had smacked out the weapons belonging to Nami, Zoro and Iris had been knocked out their hands. That meant that this woman had...
"Could it be...?!"
"The Devil..."
"It's a Devil's Fruit!" That was clear as day
"What? What kind of ability is it?" That was the main thing they needed to know.
"WHOA! Looking from here, she's one beautiful lady!" Great, they just lost one of their four best fighters. She didn't need to be strong to defeat Sanji.
"Really, don't be in such a rush. I'm not under any orders at the moment. So I have no reason to fight with you." She had told the crew, and it wasn't a lie at all. Just what is this woman? Before they knew it Luffy's hat had been placed on her hand spinning around, "So you're the famous Straw Hat Captain, hm? Monkey D. Luffy."
"OI! GIVE BACK MY HAT!! YOU WANNA FIGHT!?" Looks like we lost Luffy now.
"You're not wanted here so get off our ship, jerk!" Usopp was hiding behind the mast trying to act tough but obviously he weren't.
"What bad luck..." Miss All-Sunday had placed Luffy's hat onto of her own purple cowgirl hat. "You pirates picking up a Princess that Baroque Works wants dead. And that Princess is be protected by such a small number of Pirates... but your worst luck of all... is the route that Log Pose is leading you on." What did she mean by that? "The name of the next island is... Little Garden. My dears, even if we do nothing to stop you, you won't make it to Alabasta. You will be annihilated."
"I DON'T CARE! GIVE BACK MY HAT!!" Luffy wasn't even paying attention.
"YEAH! YOU MORON!" Usopp was just being the same as always. All talk and no game.
"Are you a little kid?" Zoro had ended up asking him.
"Rushing towards a place where you'll die. Doesn't that sound awfully foolish?" She was asking as she throw something toward Vivi, and Luffy's hat was back on his head,
"An Eternal Pose..." Vivi was looking down at the Pose.
"With this, you can avoid Little Garden. This needle points to Nanimonai Island just short of Alabaster. Since none of our members know this route, you will not be followed." Miss All-Sunday had stated.
"What? She's helping us out?" Nami was completely confused.
"Why are you doing this?" Vivi didn't understand but then again none of us did.
"It's obviously a trap." What Zoro said does make since but...
"No, she isn't lying." Iris had stated to him as none of her body language showed that of a liar.
"How do you know that?" Vivi was having her doubts.
"Because her body language is to relax." That was what freaked her out the most about her. Looking over to Vivi, Iris saw she was thinking hard about her decision. She had to chose wither to believe in Miss All-Sunday or not. Luffy then walking over towards Vivi with an extremely pissed off look.
"Who the hell gives a crap!?" He had said crashing the Eternal Pose.
"IDIOT!" But he ended up getting a back kick from Nami. "ARE YOU A COMPLETE DIMWIT? She just told us the best way to go! What if she was trying to help us!? What then!?"
"You don't decide the route for this ship!" He had shouting, but it wasn't directed at Nami but Miss All-Sunday.
"Ho. How unfortunate." Saying that Miss All-Sunday smiled at him.
"Geez! She blew up Old Tube-hair Guy. I hate her." Luffy had stated to Nami.
"Well, I don't hate those with high spirits." Miss All Sunday was now walking to the side of Merry, "If you survive, let's meet again." She had told Luffy glancing over her shoulder.
"NO." He shouted right away making her laugh and then she leaped of the ship.
"Let's go, Banchi." She had jumped onto the back of a giant turtle.
"W-What's that?" Zoro had ran to the side shouting.
"Is that thing a Sea King?" Usopp had joined him.
"Better question, how did we not notice it there?" Iris had pointed out to the others.
"WHOA! IT'S A TURTLE!!" Everyone yelling in amazement. They were pretty much were children.
"This is one HUGE turtle!" Somehow Luffy was up at the Aft deck still watching her leave. Vivi had then fell to her knees.
"That woman...! I can't understand what she's thinking!" She was saying.
"Then trying to understand is a waste of time." Nami had responded to her.
"Don't worry. There are people like that on this ship away." Iris stated trying to cheer her up as she spoke about Luffy.
"OI! Someone please explain all this? I have no idea what's going on!" Usopp was freaking out.
"Oh~! Miss Wednesday, are you one of our friends now?" Sanji was completely going along with things.
"OI! will someone explain...WHOA! We've got an OSTRICH now!?" Usopp was talking about the duck.
"His a duck." Iris pointed out to him and it honked.
"Oi... what's going on?"
"Would you like something to eat?" It was unsure if Sanji really cares since there was another woman on the ship.
"SOMEONE EXPLAIN ALL THIS!!" The morning had come and it toke the rest of the night to explain everything that had happened since after the party last night.
"I see. I've done something inexcusable, but I still have yet to show you my abilities." Sanji had another cigarette in his mouth. "It's all right now." He had told her. "Your sleeping knight has awakened... and I will make it my duty to ensure your safety." Of course the last part was uncalled for.
"Damn...! I'm glad I was asleep!" Of course, that was Usopp's sentence.
"Nami, are you jealous?" He was looking over to Nami that had her arms crossed.
"Not in the least." She had told him right away.
"I bet you are Iris..." Sanji had looked over to see Zoro's head on her lap. "OI!"
"I wonder..." everyone's attention turned to Vivi, "...is it really alright for me to be aboard your ship? I don't want to be a burned." She was saying as she was looking down at the ground.
"What are you talking about? thanks to you, we're all marked for death." Nami was upset and had walked over to her with a flinch to her forehead. "If you didn't want to be a burden, you shouldn't have done that in the first place."
"I'm sorry."
"Right, Luffy?" Nami had looked behind her tho him.
"OH! I'm hungry!" He had shouted.
"I don't think he cares..." Vivi was sweating over that fact.
"In any case, we know our net stop." Zoro said to the rest.
"That's Little Garden." Iris smiled down at him.
"Is it really okay to go there?" Usopp was chickening out before they even got there.
"Who cares?" Was Luffy's response, "Let's go, crew!"

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