Photographs - Scott Imagine

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Twenty years old... 

"I cant believe this is finally happening." You gushed, walking around the empty apartment. The apartment that Scott and yourself had brought. 

"Our first house." He smiled, wrapping his arms around your waist from behind. 

It was such a surreal feeling, knowing that you were finally settling down with someone you loved so dearly, in a home of your own. 

Boxes littered the floors of the apartment, filling up the once empty house. The only furniture that had been brought in was your bed, and it was going to be the only piece of furniture you had until tomorrow morning when the movers brought the rest of it over. 

Settling down onto the cold floorboards of the lounge room, you pulled a box over to you and opened it, taking out an old shoe box that you had used to store all your photos. 

Just as you went to open it Scott came over, sitting behind you with his legs extended out beside you. He pulled you to his chest, arms snaking around your waist to hold you tightly against him. 

"I remember that." He mumbled against your shoulder as you pulled out a photo of him and you, the day after you two met. 

"Hm, wasn't that the day you fell into the mud trying to impress me?" You asked, smirking as he groaned. 

"You swore you wouldn't bring it up again!" 

For the rest of the night the two of you ended up staying up until stupid hours of the night, until you had looked at every photo, reliving every little stories that each held. 

Forty years old... 

"Josh said he met a girl today." Scott said, smirking as he flopped onto the bed where you currently were reading a book. 

"Oh yeah?" You put your book down after marking your page. 

"Yeah, and he said that he's taking her out on a date on Friday." 

You smiled, shaking your head gently. You couldn't really believe that your shy little ten year old would even approach a girl let alone ask one out on a date. 

"And where is a ten year old gonna take a girl on a date? How does he expect to get there?" 

Scott chuckled, shrugging. "I think its cute. Hes growing up so fast!" He pretended to wipe away a tear that wasn't there before pushing himself up and clambering up the bed to lay by you. 

He leaned up, captivating your lips in a sweet kiss. 

"Mummy! Daddy! Gross!" 

You pulled away from Scott, laughing as you notice Josh by your guys' bedroom door shielding his eyes.

"C'mere," You say. "Come tell us all about that girl you met!" 

He ran over to Scott and yourself, proudly talking about little Annabelle in his class until dinner time. 

Eighty years old... 

You sat by his hospital bed, choking back tears as he slept. You knew you needed sleep too–but couldn't bring yourself to go home, to leave his side. If something happened, you wouldn't forgive yourself if you weren't by his side while it was happening. 

So, you sat there, the pad of your thumbs running over the glossy texture of a photo. The photo of Scott and yourself the day after you met. 

It was old now. The image had faded slightly, but still recognizable. The edges had been picked at, folded over countless times as you carried it around so much. 

"What'cha got there?" His croaky voice suddenly asked.

You looked up, smiling lightly when you seen his dull eyes staring back at you. "Just that old photo of us." You mumbled, handing it over to him. 

He smiled fondly at the image, then handed it back. In one hand, you held onto the photo, and you used the other to hold tightly onto his hand. It all fell silent then, and only minutes later Scott had fallen asleep again. 

You held onto that photo right up until the day his heartbeat monitor stopped beeping, then you just held it tighter, knowing that he lived a grand life, and you were fortunate enough to share it with him. 

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