Number In A Book - Isaac imagine

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You run your fingers over one of the dusty bookshelves in your local library. You scan the titles until your eyes fall on 'The Great Gatsby.' You slide it out of the shelf and notice a small piece of paper fall out. You furrow your eyebrows and bend over, picking it up.  

'Hello. It must seem strange finding a phone number in a book but I'm awfully bored wouldn't mind getting to know some more people. Give me a ring and we can go get a coffee or something?
The names Isaac, by the way. 
p.s I would highly recommend getting this book, its great!' 

You think about it for a while before shrugging and deciding to call him. After all, you had nothing better to do with your day. You borrow out the book and make your way out of the library and sit down on a park bench underneath the shade of a tree. 

Pulling out your phone you dial the boys - Isaac's - number and hold the phone up to your ear. 

"Hello?" A voice asks. 

"Uh, Hi." You say. 


You laugh awkwardly, "I, uh, found your number... in a book... so did you want to go get that coffee?" 

"Oh, I didn't think anyone would actually call! But yes, I'd love to!" 

"Do you know that coffee shop a block away from the library?" You ask. 

"Yeah, I'll meet you there in 10 minutes?" 

"Sure, but how will I know who you are?" 

He lets out a huff of laughter, "Just look for a guy with brown hair and... wearing a scarf..." 

"Alright, see you then." You smile to yourself. 

"Wait, whats your name?" 


"(Y/N)... See you then." 

"See you then." You repeat before hanging up. 

You rise to your feet and begin to walk in the direction of the coffee shop. 

Approaching the coffee shop you notice a tall figure who fitted the description Isaac had given you on the phone. Awkwardly, you approach him and tap him on the shoulder, causing him to turn around. 

"Isaac?" You ask, hoping that you found the right guy. 

"(Y/N)." He says, smiling. 

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