He Didn't Come - Scott Imagine

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Day 4: He didn't come. (Scott McCall)


Admittedly, when the school's bad boy approached you and asked you out on a date, you had a right to be a little confused. He only dated the popular girls who's shorts were too short. Who's hair looked great no matter how windy it was that day. Who simply wasn't you. 

Admittedly, you can't remember why you had said yes. And yet, you still got yourself ready and found yourself outside of the restaurant waiting for him.  

The cool night's wind was whipping at your skin, making you draw your jacket closer to your body as a shiver ran down your spine. Checking your phone, you noticed he was five minutes late. 

There was no sign of him as you looked up and down the street, simply Christmas shoppers and other couples walking hand in hand as they strolled down the path. 

You sent him a quick text, hoping that he'd answer you to say that he'd gotten held up but he was on his way. However that didn't seem to be the case. 

After waiting for a good twenty minutes with no reply to your text, you'd become defeated. He wasn't going to show. You could have just about smacked yourself over the head for being so stupid, thinking that he of all people would have wanted to go on a date with you. 

With a huff and a slumped posture you went on your way, shuffling further and further away from the restaurant. 

As you walked through the streets, someone suddenly called your name. You turned around, eyes searching the crowd until they finally settled on Scott who was walking towards you. 

"Hey," You smiled, trying to not let your sad mood come through in your voice. 

"Hey," He answered. "What are you doing? I thought you had a date tonight?" 

The sadness you were feeling must have crept up onto your face because Scott's eyebrows were furrowing and within seconds he had gently taken a hold of your hand and pulling you to the side of the footpath, away from the crowd. 

"What happened?" 

You hesitated briefly before sighing gently, your shoulders slumping in defeat, "He didn't come." 

Scott shook his head slightly, looking down at you with a sad expression on his face. The grip he still had on your hand tightened slightly, causing you to glance up at him. 

"Come on," He said, already tugging you back into the crowd. 

"Where are we going?" You asked, carefully dodging other people as you shuffled along behind him. 

"I'm taking you on a date." He decided. 

Your jaw dropped, heart beginning to thump. Still, you continued to allow him to tug you along until you reached the same restaurant you were supposed to meet the other guy at. Scott lead you inside, finding you seats. 

After you had ordered, you finally decided to address what was happening. 

"Is this an actual date?" You asked. 

Scott looked up, a blush evident on his cheeks, "If you want it to be," Then, quietly he added a, "I'd really like it to be." 

You smiled gently at him, nodding gently, "Okay, an actual date this is, then." 

He seemed relived by your words, but you didn't have much time to study his face before the food you had ordered was being brought out. You thanked the waiter, and immediately dug in. 

There wasn't much talking while you ate, however once you'd both finished you made your way back outside and began to walk back towards your house, the conversation picked up again. 

"What were you doing out here, anyway?" You asked him. 

"Uh," He rubbed at the back of his neck. "I could, um, sense that you were sad so I came out looking for you." 

You frowned, "Your werewolf abilities can do that? Sense when someone's sad?" 

Scott nodded, "Pretty cool, huh?" 

"Yeah," You agreed. "I can't believe you came out just to find me, though." 

"I'd do anything for you," Scott stated. "I thought you would have realised that by now." 

"I do now," You answered sheepishly, Scott and yours pace slowing until you weren't walking anymore. "Well, I'm glad you came looking. And I'm glad my other date didn't come."  

"I'm glad too," Scott smiled, then paused briefly before mumbling out a sudden, "Can I kiss you?" 

"Yes," You answered immediately. 

He took a hesitant step closer to you, a hand coming up to rest on the back of your neck. His eyes connected with yours for a brief moment, to insure that you definitely wanted to do this. When he didn't see any kind of disagreement, he closed the gap and slotted your lips together.

When you pulled away, neither of you could keep the smiles off your faces. Now you were even more glad that your date hadn't shown up. Nothing could have compared to this.  

"Come on," Scott mumbled, taking your hand in his. "Let's get you home." 

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