I Told You So - Stiles Imagine

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A/n: I really like this one but idk it might suck... oh well 

also I got kinda carried away and its longer than they usually are, you're welcome. 


You swore your relationship would last longer than the summer. You swore he was the one. But yet again you were let down by yet another boy.

Another stupid boy who told you that he'd be sticking around forever. 

Stiles, your best friend since diapers, had always warned you about every single guy you dated but each time you'd wave him off, reassuring him that this guy isn't like the last one, but they always were. He was always right and you were stupid enough to never listen to him. 

This whole ordeal had developed a routine; you'd get your heart broken, call up Stiles crying uncontrollably, he'd come over and stay around until your cries subsided. 

You felt awful for dragging him into your mess continuously, but he was the only one you could bare to be around when your in such a state of mind so without a second thought you dial his number. 

He only had to hear your whimpers to know what had happened, reassuring you that you'd be fine before hanging up. 

Somewhere in the five minutes that it took him to get to your house you had curled up into your bed covers, going through the sickening messages you once shared with your ex. Furious, you tossed your phone blindly in the direction of your door, resulting in a thud and a gasp from your best friend. 

Upon hearing the noise, you duck your head out from underneath the covers, only to be met with his sad brown orbs. Shrugging off his coat he strode over to your bed, taking a seat as he pulled your shaking body onto his lap. 

"Shh, its okay. Everything's going to be okay." He spoke softly to you as his warm hands travelled up and down your arms in a soothing manner‒like he always did. You buried your head in his neck, not daring to make any more eye contact with him. 

With his constant cooing and hand movements against your skin you eventually calmed down, tears only sliding down your cheeks every now and then. 

"So, are you gonna say it?" You mumble against his skin. His eyebrows furrow as he pulls you from his chest and holding you at arms length, only for you to retreat back to resting your head in the crook of his neck, embarrassed at the state you were in. 

"Say what?" He asks, wrapping his arms back around your trembling body. 

"I told you so." 

You hear him sigh as you feel his head shake, "No, god no. You're probably expecting me to make some sarcastic remark but this isn't the time. (Y/n), I don't need to say I told you so, because no matter how many guys you date, no matter how many break your heart and leave I'm always going to be here. No matter how hard you may try to push me away, all your efforts are going to fail miserably for we have shared too many memories, too many secrets, too many bubble baths as a kid and... And god (Y/n) I love you, okay? I love you." 

Your breath hitched in your throat, cutting off your sobs completely as you laid pressed up against his chest in complete shock. You sat up, eyes blood-shot and wide, "What?" 

He looked to be second guessing himself, but didn't falter as he said it again, "I love you. And not as a friend, either." 

You continued to sit there, dumbfounded. He became anxious, worried at your loss of words so naturally, he kept speaking. 

"I just‒I hate seeing you so upset over some stupid boy. I hate having to be the one comforting you when a guy that claims 'he'll never leave you', then leaves you. You don't deserve this, no one does, but you especially." 

This all left you even more shocked, so instead of coming up with a reply that defiantly wasn't coming you lean down and let your lips settle on his. 

The kiss was short, but you got more out of it than you ever could have with your ex. It was so much more sweeter, electrifying, meaningful. 

Standing with you still in his arms, he lays you down in your bed, covering you up with the goofiest smile plastered on his lips. Your eyes watched him as he walked around your bed, crawling in beside you before pulling you to him again. 

"Go to sleep, beautiful, I'm not going anywhere any time soon." 

With that, you proceed to rest your head on his chest as he wrapped his arms protectively around your body. You finally closed your eyes, exhausted. Just as you though you were about to fall into a much needed slumber, he spoke up once more. 

"Oh, and (Y/n)?" 

"Yeah?" You whisper, tilting your head up to look into his eyes that shined against the moon light. 

"I told you so." He chuckles, pressing a soft kiss to your temple as you sigh in defeat, ridiculously happy in the arms of the one who you know will never leave you no matter how hard you try to make him. 

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