Candy Heart's - Liam Imagine

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"I cant believe your making me come to this stupid party." You sighed at your friend as she dragged you up the driveway of a house. 

It was decked out in all kinds of Halloween decorations; from carved pumpkins to fake spiderwebs, whatever you could think of you could see. As you walk inside fixing up your pathetic, last minute cat costume you were greeted with a mechanical skeleton that began to let out screams at you. 

You rolled your eyes at if after it made you jump, letting out a huff as you stalked after your friend who had now abandoned you at the front door. You pushed past all the sweaty and drunk people, finding your way into the kitchen where you finally caught sight of your friend. 

"Why'd you leave me-"

"(Y/n)!" She shouted, and it was obvious she had already found the alcohol. "Here, have some fun, why don't you?" 

She shoved a red cup in your hand before she was off again, disappearing into a crowd of people. You let out a sigh, glancing down at the liquid in the cup before placing it down on the counter again, not wishing to drink whatever was in it. 

Aimlessly, you wandered around the house until you came to rest in a corner, away from everyone else. At least, you thought it was away from everyone else until you suddenly heard a voice over the loud music. 

"Not having any fun?" 

You looked to the left, noticing a boy dressed up like a werewolf, complete with a mask. You shook your head at him, laughing gently at his ridiculous mask. "I never wanted to be here in the first place. Not to mention my costume is kind of getting uncomfortable." 

The masked stranger nodded at you, "How about we get out of here, then?" 

You furrowed your eyebrows at him, "What?" 

"C'mon, it'd be fun! It isn't too late, maybe some of the houses along the street might still have some candy left." 

You contemplated for a moment, finally figuring that you had nothing to loose, nothing better to do, so you nodded at him, "Fine. But I want to know who you are first."

"Fair enough," He mumbled, and began to tug the mask off of his head before extending his free hand for you to shake. "I'm Liam, its nice to meet you." 

"(Y/n)," You replied smiling while taking his hand and shaking it. "Lets get out of here." 

Before you had the chance to drop his hand, he was moving them so he could properly grab your hand, sending you a small smile before tugging you toward the front door. 

Twelve houses later, Liam and yourself were collapsing onto a grass field in a park down the end of the street, candy that you'd stuffed into your pockets falling out onto the bed of green. 

The two of you were giggling profoundly, the memory of Liam tripping and falling over a pumpkin in someone's front lawn still fresh in your mind. The boy was so interested in the silly joke on the inside of a candy wrapper that he hadn't seen the orange glowing object. 

When your laugh's began to die down, the two of you laid down on the grass among the candy, you blindly reaching for a lolly pop before slipping it into your mouth. A silence had now settled between the two of you, but you couldn't bring yourself to feel awkward because although you had only known Liam for a few hours, you were comfortable enough with him to have these silences. You felt like you'd been friends forever. 

"Thanks for tonight." You found yourself mumbling against the lolly pop, then letting your head lull to the side so you could look at Liam, who was already looking at you. 

"Thanks for coming with me." He replied, poking his dyed-red tongue out at you. 

The two of you watched each other before Liam finally sat up again, searching through the stack of candy. He grabbed a roll of candy hearts, opening them and searching for a desired one. He picked out a light pink one, holding it between his fingers for a brief moment before he finally handed it over to you. When it was in your hand, you glanced down to read what it said, and your heart began to speed up when you did. 

Kiss Me 

You moved your gaze to look back up at Liam, only to notice he had gotten closer to you. His cheeks were tinted a bright shade of red, eyes staring hopefully into yours, seemingly a way to ask you if it was okay for him to do so. 

When you nodded at him much too eagerly, he sent you the smallest smile before the both of you began to lean in and let your lips settle softly onto each others. 

And from that day forward, Candy Heart's became your new favourite thing.  

* * * 

A/n: Happy Halloween my sweets! I'm going to watch The Nightmare Before Christmas and never leave my bed. Hope you all have a good night if you're going trick or treating! x 

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