Running - Stiles Imagine

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A/n: this is just a little something I wrote after having a conversation with a guy I have a crush on lmao enjoy 

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Stiles always had an adventurous soul, and you always thought you could keep up with him. 

For a while you could; you tagged along with every last spontaneous adventure he set himself on and you enjoyed it more than Stiles himself. 

More often than not you got lost, but that was all part of the adventure. 

"Man, sometimes we just literally drive to the middle of no where because we have nothing better to do", Stiles would say, and you would smile and he would press his foot harder against the gas pedal and you were off, speeding down a never ending toad of beauty and grace and everything great. 

And in that moment you understood why Stiles got such a high out of this. The wind in your hair was relieving, and the music playing out of the dodgy speakers of his Jeep didn't strive to be anything but background music but it didn't matter because the songs were good and that's all that seized to matter. 

You realised why road trips were so important to him. He loved to run away from his problems and although that typically was a flaw in his personality he failed to acknowledge it, thus it didn't matter. 

Things were alright for a while, and Stiles and yourself went on so many adventures you couldn't keep up; but eventually you got left behind, strides too short and dreams faltering. Stiles carried on full speed ahead, mind blooming like a garden in the spring time and you didn't have the heart to cut it back to create a path for yourself. 

Sure, he may have had a beautiful garden growing inside his mind but his captivating personality didn't stop the weeds from growing in. And when they did, he felt his legs grow tired. The wanderlust was burning out like a candle flame caught in a wind storm and you weren't around anymore to keep it lit. 

Stiles tried to go crawling back to you, but it was already too late. You'd grown your own garden; one hidden behind daunting brick walls, a hidden gem that was kept in by a gate and locked with a key. 

In the back of his mind, Stiles knew he had this key all along but this situation deemed too much a problem and instead of facing it head on he ran from it, just like he always did. 

This time, he didn't just loose you. This time, he lost himself, too.

Teen wolf imaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon