Inhale, exhale - Scott Imagine

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Inhale, exhale.

The first thing you notice is how dark it is. You don't ever remember Scott's bedroom being this dark; it was as if someone had shut off all the lights, boarded up the windows, covered your eyes.

You were looking around helplessly for Scott who was sat right beside you only a moment ago, but you could barely see your hands when they were right in front of your face.

You found yourself on his bedroom floor, palms flat against the cool ground as you felt your way around the space. When your fingers suddenly bumped into what felt like a shoe, you reached up to grab onto the leg.

"Scott?" You asked, but there was no reply.

Inhale, exhale.

You were suddenly kicked back, sliding across the floor until you hit a wall. Doubling over in pain, you grabbed at your stomach while letting out a groan.

The sound of the shoes walking toward you reached your ears, and despite the pain you were feeling you managed to blindly crawl away. When you felt the bed beneath your hands you crawled up onto it, only to discover another body lying on one side.

You gasped, fearfully crawling away from it until you fell off the bed, hitting your head on the ground in the process. You closed your eyes in pain, and once you eventually opened your eyes again, the lights were back on.

Inhale, exhale.

Slowly, you sat up again and peered at the bed. Lying there was Scott, unconscious. There was a bruise forming on his head, and you knew immediately that someone, something, must have knocked him out.

Your trembling hands came up to carefully cup his face, thumb running itself across his cheek, "Scott? Scott, can you hear me?"

A loud bang made you jump away from your boyfriends body. You glanced around the room, but failed to find anything out of the ordinary. Just as you were about to focus back on Scott, a slap to your face sent you tumbling onto the ground.

With a hand on you cheek you sat up, glancing around the room in fear. Though, you saw nobody. Just like before, the room looked no different though now you could feel some sort of presence lingering that made you feel uneasy so naturally, you tried to go to Scott for comfort.

Before you could fully stand again, you were being knocked back to the ground.

"W-Who's there?" You gasped out, weary eyes wide and filled with tears.

There was no answer, instead an invisible hand slapping itself across your cheek again. You let out a gasp, cupping the pained area while trying to crawl back away until you hit the wall.

There was a brief moment of nothing, a deafening silence settling over the room until the lights went out again and the room was doused in darkness. Your hands were shaking violently now, wrapping themselves around your trembling body in a way to make yourself appear smaller.

When there was a sudden flash of light, you caught sight of a terrifying and dismantled looking face and a hand reaching out toward you before it was smashing your head back against the wall and you were knocked out.

Just like that, it was as if your internal hourglass' sand had run out.

Inhale, exhale.

Scott woke with a gasp, body shooting up from the bed. There was a pulsing pain in his head, and he had to take a second for the pain to settle a little before he finally opened his eyes and looked around his room.

Immediately, he caught sight of you slumped against the wall unconscious. He scrambled over to you as quickly as he could despite his head injury making him dizzy, and settled down beside you.

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