Dinner - Derek Imagine

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"It was really nice of you to take me out for dinner." You smile at your boyfriend, Derek. 

"Anything for my girl." He smiles sweetly, opening the restaurant door for you. 

You both order and sit down. The restaurant was lovely. The lights were dimmed and each table was set with a pretty centre piece made up of different kinds of flowers and three candles lit up the table perfectly. 

"Whats that smell?" Derek asks, looking towards the kitchen. "I'm not saying that I know how to cook, but that defiantly doesn't sme-" Derek was cut off by water falling down from the ceiling. 

One of the chefs comes running out of the kitchen, "Everything is going to be okay! There is a minor fire back here. I need you all to please calmly forward out side for your own safety, thank you!" He announces before rushing back into the kitchen. 

When fire was involved, I don't think anyone knew what 'calmly' meant. Accept for you and Derek. 
The two of you were laughing about the situation. How everyone was making a big fuss over the fire, how one lady had shoved her face under her partners coat to protect her caked on make-up, one man almost tripping and another slipping on one lady's dress that was far too long for her height, Derek and you were almost in tears. 

By the time you got out of the building you were soaked. Your wet hair sticking to weird places on your face, your dress sitting uncomfortably on your figure. When Derek finally stopped laughing and caught his breath he just shrugged. 

"How 'bout we find another restaurant?" He suggests. 

You look yourself up and down, "I think we'd look a little bit out of place, you know, cause were soaking wet. How about we just go back home and have a movie night?" 

Derek looks at himself before laughing, "Sounds great."

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