I Miss You - Aiden Imagine

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"I miss you so much!" Your boyfriend, Aiden, says on the other end of the phone. 
You don't answer him. You knew if you did, you would break down into tears. 
Aiden and Ethan went to Australia for 2 weeks with their family for a holiday and they left you alone at your apartment and wouldn't be back for at least another week. Being away from Aiden for so long was hard, but you had to be strong. 
"(y/n)?" Aiden says quietly, he obviously knew you wasn't feeling your best. "You there?" 

The two of you talked for a while before he finally had to go. 
"I'm so sorry but I have to go. I love you loads and remember to smile today, okay?" 
"By-" He hung up.

He must be busy for him to hang up so quickly like that... Right? 

3 days had passed since that phone call and Aiden hasn't called, texted or had any sort of contact with you at all.  
You kept telling yourself that he must be busy touring and all that but that didn't work. You spent most of your night crying and sitting on the bathroom floor. You didn't really understand why the bathroom floor was so comforting, but it was. 
In one last effort to reach him, you pick up your phone in your shaky hands and text Aiden. 
A few seconds after you send the text you hear someones ring tone down stairs. 
Did Aiden leave his phone here? Impossible. He called you from it the other night... 
A little freaked out you look around the bathroom for something to protect yourself with. With no luck you settle with a bottle of deodorant. 
Armed and ready to spray you make your way down stairs slowly. 
You peak around the corner and see him, Aiden, standing in the door way. 

The second you see him you drop the bottle and run towards him and into his arms. Finally you felt at home again. 
"Wh- Why didn't you answer my text or calls!?" You sob into his chest. 
"I- I missed you a lot and my family understood and let me leave early and- and I took the first flight back here to you. I didn't answer your calls or texts because I wanted it to be a surprise! I so sorry..." He grabs your face and places his lips on your own, kissing you passionately.
You break the kiss and few moments later, "Don't ever leave me again" You say resting your head back onto his chest. 
"I'm not going anywhere" 

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