No - Theo Imagine

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A/n: Comin' back at you with a new Theo imagine!

I hope you guys understand it, but if you don't just leave a comment and I'll try to explain it a little better. Enjoy x

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It was a little known fact that everyone had certain words tattooed onto certain parts of their bodies, and that these words were the last ones their soulmate says to them before they die, but yours just didn't make any sense. 

It was probably one of the most common words in the English language, one that you learn from such a young age, and one that you heard far too many times daily. How were you supposed to figure out who your soulmate was when their last words was something you heard on the daily? 

Yours was on your wrist, and it wasn't something you had ever tried to hide, unlike one of your best friends Theo. You had never been able to see his, and he refused to show anyone. You couldn't understand why he wanted to hide it so badly, but you weren't in any position to force it out of him. It was his choice whether he wanted to show anyone or not. 

You were sat up in bed, fingers absentmindedly tracing over the letters on your wrist when there was a sudden knock at your front door, and you furrow your eyebrows at the sound. You glanced over at your clock, reading 10PM.  

Who could be here at such a time? 

You pulled yourself downstairs and over to the front door, tugging it open to reveal Theo standing on your doorstep. He wasn't smiling like he usually was, and even in the dark of the night you could tell his skin was an awful pale-looking colour. 

"Are you okay?" You ask, and just as the words pass your lips he collapses against you, his body going limp while you struggled to hold him up right. You brought him to the ground, cradling his body against you. 

His dull eyes looked up into yours, and ever so slightly he shook his head against you and muttered out a weak "No." 

He went limp again, but this time he didn't regain any movement. His eyes had slipped shut, mouth hanging agape and suddenly his skin had run cold. Your eyes widened, mouth going dry as you carefully rested his body onto the ground, searching it for an answer as to what was going on. 

It was then when you realized the hole in his shirt. You moved the collar down, and you were suddenly met with a bullet wound right in his heart, it all wrapped up with wolfsbane. Just above the wound you caught sight of something else. 

Right there, just above where the bullet had entered his body was his soulmate tattoo scrawled into his skin. It was in that moment when everything seemed to fall into place. 

You read over the three words tattooed onto him over and over again. 

Are you okay? 

You glanced down at your wrist, heart falling into your stomach when you read your own tattoo. 


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