You - Scott Imagine

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Scott had never been much of a writer, never really liked to show too much emotion, but after meet you he couldn't seem to stop his pen from jotting down words that came to his head when he saw you. 

The back of his English book was filled with little paragraphs, three worded sentences, and hidden away amongst it all, a tiny I love you carefully scrawled into the page. That was his favourite one, but also the one that terrified him the most. 

Amongst the words describing you as possibly the greatest person he's ever set his eyes on, love stood out the most despite it being written in his dullest pen. 


The word was thrown around so effortlessly, passing everyone's lips like they were born to speak it to anyone they saw. But then it came to actually loving someone, why did it always get caught in Scott's throat?

He was certain he loved you, he had been for a while now, but every time he thought the time was right to finally mutter that word to you, he got flustered and backed out. He was beginning to grow frustrated with himself, and eventually he began realised that he was never good with words but lately he's been getting good at writing. 

So that's exactly what he did. 

On a fresh page in the back of his English book he began to write exactly what his mouth failed to say. It wasn't long, and it didn't have to be. At the length that it was, Scott felt he had said what he failed to say to you over the past month. 

Carefully, he teared the piece of writing out of his book and folded it in half. He addressed it to you, a careful love Scott tacked onto the end. Then, come Monday morning he slipped the note into your locker. Now it was just a matter of you finding it. 

And of course, it didn't take you long to find it. 

When it slipped out of your locker and onto the floor, curiosity got the better of you and you were swiping it off the floor quicker than it had fell. After noticing it was from none other than Scott, you found yourself smiling. 

You unfolded the piece of paper, carefully reading over the words he had scrawled onto the page as if the paragraph before you was telling you the answers to any question you've ever had. 

I love the shade of pink your hands turn when they're cold, and I love the way your smile always seems to reach your eyes even when your only smiling the tiniest bit. I love the way your voice sounds at the end of a long day and the way your laugh rolls off your tongue. There are in fact a lot of things I love about you, but most importantly: I love who I am when I'm around you. 

The paragraph had your stomach doing flips, heart pounding a mile a minute and you knew that you needed to find Scott. 

With the piece of paper sat carefully in your backpack, you set off down the halls and back outside to where you knew Scott always waited for you every morning. 

As expected, he stood in his usual spot, a smile tugging at his lips once he spotted you. Once you reached him, he placed a gentle kiss to your lips and before he even had time to wish you a good morning, you were speaking up with his note's words fresh in your mind. 

"Can I tell you a secret?" You had mumbled, smiling sheepishly at the boy in front of you. 

Scott nodded gently, curiosity burning in his eyes. 

"I think I'm in love." It came out like a whisper, as if it were a dirty secret you had been keeping from him. He blinked at you, dumbfounded by your words, much like you were after reading his note. 

Before he could question you, the bell was ringing and you were happily pulling him towards your first class together as if you hadn't said anything at all. Neither of you spoke, walking in a perfectly comfortable silence until you sat down at your usual seats inside your Math class. 

Just before the teacher started class, Scott leaned over, "Are you going to tell me who your in love with?" 

You were grinning, glancing at your boyfriend before mumbling out a simple, "You." 

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