Christmas Baking - Derek Imagine

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Christmas songs flowed through your house, you swaying along with the music as you danced around your kitchen while pulling out baking ingredients and mixing bowls. You then waltzed into the lounge room where your boyfriend, Derek, was sat lounging on the couch. 

"Come bake with me!" You exclaim, standing in front of him and waving your arms around in excitement. 

"No," He mumbles. 

You shook your head disapprovingly at him, reaching down and taking his much larger hands in yours and hauling him up onto his feet. "I'm not taking no as an answer!" You tugged him into the kitchen where he stood with his arms crossed over his chest. 

"C'mon, please?" You pouted at him, knowing he wouldn't be able to resist. 

"Fine." He grumbled, following you over to where you had the ingredients spread out on the kitchen counter. 

"Were gonna be baking Christmas cookies." You explain to him, and he nods as you begin to measure out the ingredients. When it came to the flour, you scanned the counter for the packet but couldn't seem to find it. 

"Have you seen the flour?" You asked Derek while walking back over to the cupboard to search for the missing flour even though you swore you got it out earlier. 

"Are you looking for this?" 

You turned back around only to see Derek holding the packet of flour in one hand, a fist full of it in the other. Your eyes grew wide as you proceeded to back up against the cupboard door. 

"Derek," You warned. "Don't you dare." 

Before you got the chance to make a dash away from him he jumped toward you and dumped the fist full of flour right on top of your head. You let out a squeal, immediately taking the flour away from Derek to take a handful for yourself and toss it at him. 

"No more!" You giggled as he went to reach for the eggs. "I actually really want to bake cookies!" 

"You're no fun!" He pouted.

"I'll let you lick the bowl if you stop throwing things?" You compromise, and with a huff he nods, his lips tugging into a childish smile.


As the timer rung through the house, signaling the cookies had to be taken out of the oven, both Derek and yourself sprung up from the couch. 

"You're pretty excited for someone who didn't want to bake with me in the first place!" You giggled as Derek followed close behind you as you entered the kitchen. 

"Yeah, yeah." He mumbles, a smirk evident on his lips. You pulled the tray of cookies out from the oven, sitting them on a cooling tray. 

"When do you get to decorate them?" He pipes up, eyes scanning the cookies. 

"When they cool down," You cant help but laugh at your eager boyfriend as he sighs in disappointment. 

Sometime later, the two of you returned to the kitchen where you proceeded to cover the cookies with red and green icing. Derek was hovering over your shoulder while you drew Christmas tree shapes on the cookies. 

"Did you want to do one?" You asked, stepping aside so Derek could step up to the counter. 

Through he simply shook his head, "This is far too girly for me." 

Rolling your eyes, you sigh and hand him over a tube of red icing, "Have a go!" 

Much to his disagreement, he began to squeeze the icing onto the cookie. When he was around half way through drawing a tree he swiftly pulled you to him, squirting the icing onto the tip of your nose. 

"Derek!" You squeal as you pull away from him. 

"You've got a little something on your nose." He teased, pulling you back to his chest by a hand on the small of your back. He simply wiped the icing off before placing his lips onto yours sweetly.

Although he claims that "Baking is too girly" you knew deep down that he absolutely loved every second of it.


A/n: Christmas dinner with the Stilinski's shall be coming next Friday! 

Also, I was wondering how many of you got notifications for my updates? I'm genuinely really curious... 

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