Kicked Out - Stiles Imagine

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A/n: I'm updating today instead of tomorrow because I'm going to my school's musical tomorrow night and won't have much time after school to update so here ya go.

Also- If you read my Stiles fic (Sandcastles) you'll know that this is just the latest chapter, but I thought it would make a cute imagine so I changed it into one (plus I've been having trouble thinking up of new ideas for imagines, so if any of you have anything you wanna see me write don't hesitate to leave em in the comments!).

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"I remember when we brought this bed." Stiles mumbled, a smile tugging on the ends of his lips as yourself and him laid on the soft mattress, you tucked effortlessly into his side while your head rested on his chest.

You could remember, too. You often reminisced in the memory. "Can you remind me how it went again?" You knew Stiles loved to tell what happened that day, after all it seemed he was forever telling the little story to his friends and family.

"Well, it was a sunny Saturday morning..."


Stiles had practically pulled you out the front door of your shared apartment, and he probably would have taken you to the store in your pajamas if you didn't put up a fight.

He had patiently waited by the door with his Jeep's keys giggling between his fingers as he waited for you to get changed. It was exactly seven minutes later (Stiles wasn't counting or anything) when you came prodding down the stairs again and Stiles wasted no time wrapping his fingers tightly around your small wrist before he hauled you out the front door and into the car.

It wasn't a long drive to the furniture store, and you had to physically restrain your boyfriend by grasping tightly onto his hand to stop him from running in. To you, it was if you were taking your toddler into a candy store. To him... it was exactly like he was being taken into a candy store. Just without the candy.

Stiles didn't know why he loved furniture shopping as much as he did, he thinks he was just excited to be buying furniture for his own apartment. That he was sharing with you.

The two of you glanced around the isles, occasionally sharing thoughts of different pieces, but soon being forgotten about. It wasn't until you reached the bedding area when Stiles got a little out of control.

It had started when Stiles had declared that he was going to "Test the mattresses". It then escalated to him bouncing on a couple, a large grin on his face as he did so.

"Stiles, stop that!" You had warned, but he completely ignored you.

"Come join me, babe!"

Your eyes winded when you see an employee of the store approaching the two of you, and you frantically tired to wave Stiles down off of the bed, "Stiles! Get down!"

"Excuse me, sir," Stiles immediately stopped upon hearing the unfamiliar voice. "I'm going to have to ask you to stop jumping on out furniture or I'm going to have to ask you to leave the store."

He nodded understandingly, hopping down off of the bed, "Sorry!"

The employee soon left, and Stiles scampered back onto the bed again, his feet bouncing against the springy mattress. You had tired to pull him down, but he wasn't budging until the employee returned.

"I'm going t have to ask you to leave our store, sir."

You finally managed to dragged him down off of the bed, mumbling an "I'm so sorry." to the employee before pushing the cart and your boyfriend over to the registers where you purchase the bed frame you had previously chosen and made a quick exit of the store. Stiles was laughing loudly as they headed back toward his Jeep, while you walked with an embarrassed blush glued to your cheeks.

"I'm never going shopping with you ever again." You muttered, closing the passenger side door.


"That was a great day." Stiles declared, smiling at the thought.

"You got us kicked out of a furniture store!" You chuckled, hitting his chest lightly. "How on earth was that a great day? It was embarrassing."

"Any day is a great day when I get to spend it with you." He muttered, and that was a good enough answer for you.

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