Stiles Imagine (For @MazeRunnerWolfs)

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Request: She gets hurt while fighting the dread doctors and goes to the hospital. Stiles is worried and scared because he doesn't want to loose her.


You couldn't remember exactly what had happened.

Its all merely a haze in your mind now, though the throbbing of your body was a constant reminder. Cuts littered your skin, blue and purple bruises covering most parts of your body.

You woke up in the hospital bed you were currently lying in, it all making you realize that what ever happened must have been bad. You shut your eyes tightly, desperately trying to remember what had happened.


You rounded a corner, barely being able to keep yourself on your feet as you ran.

You had underestimated your own ability, realizing that it was impossible to defeat the Dread Doctors on your own. You had merely escaped with your life.

You think one of them cut you with a sword, the throbbing pain coming from your stomach telling you that something was defiantly wrong, but you hadn't bothered to check. They had you cornered at one point, and it was only lucky that you were quick enough on your feet to make an escape.

At this point, you weren't completely sure where you were, but you didn't stop running. Anywhere away from the Dread Doctors was good enough for you.

You turned into a dark alley way, glancing behind you swiftly to make sure they weren't following you. When you turned back around, you suddenly collided with someones chest.

You fell back, head slamming into the concrete sidewalk. You brought your hand up to hold the back of your head, stomach dropping when you felt a wetness transfer into your fingers. Either it had been raining and you hadn't realized, or your head was bleeding.

And the second option seemed to be deemed right when you began to feel dizzy, eyes trailing up the figure you had ran into briefly.

A Dread Doctor stood there, towering over you as two more emerged from the darkness. One brought a needle looking object into view, but your head was in so much pain that you couldn't bring yourself to move.

Just before you let your eyes slip shut, before everything went black, someone from behind you suddenly let out a roar.



The door suddenly burst open, your eyes snapping open when you heard the noise.

Stiles rushed into the room, over to your bed with wide and worried eyes. You heard him let out a sigh upon sending a glance your way, and he practically collapsed into the chair beside your bed.

"Oh my God," He gasped out, well out of breath. "N-No one was telling me where you were, or if you were okay. You had me worried half to death, Kubra. Promise me, right now, that you won't ever mess with the supernatural again."

"Promise." You smiled gently, happily agreeing to his request.

He nodded at you, "Good. Now, move over."

Before you had time to protest, he was squishing his way onto the much-too-small hospital bed with you, carefully moving around the wires that were attached to your arm as he went. He squirmed around for a moment, an attempt to get comfortable, and the two of you ended up in a position that left you with your head resting on his chest, his arms secured around your shoulders and waist.

Your eyes started to droop eventually, suddenly really tired. You allowed yourself to slip into sleep again, but not before you felt Stiles press a soft kiss to your temple, mumbling a barely audible 'I love you' before you slipped into a deep sleep.

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