Christmas Spirit - Derek Imagine

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A/n: Sorry for being so crap at updating this book, being an adult is a lot more time consuming than you would imagine. I haven't really had much time between working and what not to be writing too much! 

But I'm pretty sure I'm back now, and I'm bringing some Christmas inspired imagines for you all! This one's based around teenage Derek/after his parents were killed in the fire. Enjoy!

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Derek had been one of your best friends since you were in diapers, and the two of you did just about everything together, but there seemed to be just one holiday that Derek didn't want to have anything to do with. 


Last Christmas was when his parents were killed in the house fire, just two days before he was supposed to celebrate it, and he hasn't been able to let go of the memory. 

Every time you mentioned Christmas trees or candy canes or fairy lights you couldn't help but notice him flinch slightly, and it made you sad to see your usually happy friend to be in such a state of mind. 

This year, you were determined to show Derek that Christmas wasn't a time for him to be thinking about the tragedy and dwelling on the past. It was a time of happiness and joy and bright lights and presents, you just needed to find a way to fully show him that. 

You started out with the easy things, like inviting him over to your house to binge-watch Christmas movies and drink candy cane hot chocolate until the two of you couldn't keep your eyes open anymore. 

Next you invited him to help you put up and decorate your Christmas tree, and much to your surprise, he agreed. 

The two of you wasted the night away getting tangled in tinsel and baubles and giggling away when you decorated Derek like you would a Christmas tree, topped with a bow you would usually put on the presents. 

The last thing you did was something he didn't know about, but you had organised a Christmas Dinner with all your guys' friends. Stiles, Lydia, Allison, Liam, Malia, Hayden, Scott and Isaac all helped organize different foods and decorating the table, making the night perfect. 

All you needed now was your sourwolf of a best friend. 

You had invited Derek over for a "simple sleep over", seeing as though he wasn't spending Christmas with anyone special, and you greeted him at the end of your driveway when he arrived. 

"I have a surprise for you." You explained, taking his hand in yours and leading him toward your front door. 

"You know I don't like surprises." He grumbled, but you chose to ignore his comment, continuing to tug him toward the door instead. 

When you reached it, you swung it open and released your grip on Derek's hand, allowing him to walk into your dark and silent house first. 

"(Y/n), where is the light switch-" 


Suddenly, the lights came on and your guys' group of friends jumped out from their hiding spots around the house. Derek gasped in shock, taking a step back with wide eyes, "(Y/n)... What..." 

You stepped up beside him, grinning like a fool, "We didn't want you being miserable on Christmas, so we organized a dinner so we could all be together!" 

You didn't give him a chance to answer you, instead pushing him further into the house and into the dining area where Lydia and Hayden had set the table. 

"Lets eat!" Liam announced, pushing past everyone so he could take his seat. When everyone was settled at the table, the food began to be handed around. 

"Did you want any pie, Derek?" Lydia asked. 

Derek shook his head, screwing his face up slightly, "Oh, no thanks. I'm not much of a fan of pie." 

There was a sudden gasp from the other end of the table, everyone's heads turning to look at Stiles with his mouth agape, looking ready to attack Derek. 

"HOW DO YOU NOT LIKE PIE? YOU KNOW WHO DOESN'T LIKE PIE? HEARTLESS PEOPLE." Stiles sounded truly offended, and you couldn't help but laugh at him in his state, causing him to send a pout your way. 

You shook your head, sighing gently, "Just eat your pie, Stiles." 

He let out a grumble in response, swiping his fork from the table and stuffing it into the pie then placing the heap into his mouth, wiping his pout from his face in the process. 

After the dinner, you had said goodbye to everyone as they left, leaving Derek and yourself standing in the doorway. 

"I know you don't like surprises," You started. "But did you like this one?" 

He teasingly made it seem like he had to think about it, playfully bringing a hand up to grasp his chin while he pulled a thinking face, "Hmm, I don't know..." 

You punched his arm playfully, earning a chuckle from him while he wrapped his arm around your shoulders, pulling you into his side, "Of course I did, (Y/n). Thank you, by the way, for doing this all for me. It really does mean a lot to me." 

"Your welcome." You grinned up at him, and the world seemed to begin to slow down as you locked eyes with him, watched him as he began to lean down; closer and closer until you could feel his breath against your lips. 

He cocked his head in an upward direction swiftly, a way to tell you to look up, and when you do you notice a piece of mistletoe hanging by your heads. You couldn't help but laugh gently at the cliche moment. 

When you locked eyes with Derek again, your laughs being cut off by his lips on yours suddenly. He caught you off guard for a moment, and all you could do was stand there with your eyes wide until the moment finally settled in, and you began to kiss him back. 

When the two of you pulled away, well out of breath, you couldn't help the smile that spread across your lips, "Merry Christmas, you sourwolf." 

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