Until Midnight - Liam Imagine

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Day 7: Until midnight. (Liam Dunbar)


Since Liam and yourself started dating, the two of you made it a tradition to stay up until midnight every Christmas eve. You both loved the idea of spending the very first second of Christmas together before eventually falling asleep in each other arms before parting ways and spending the day with your families.

Tonight was no different.

The two of you were cuddled up on the couch, a Christmas film that had been long forgotten about still playing on the tv. You were laid on Liam's chest, his fingers tracing patterns on your back while you tried to make out what he was drawing.

"Do you think we'll still be doing this when we're eighty?" Liam suddenly voiced.

You smiled at the thought, "I hope so."

"I hope so too," He agreed. "And I hope that we teach our kids it, so they carry the tradition on with their partners."

"You wanna have kids with me?" You'd asked. The two of you had never discussed anything like that before.

He froze, suddenly aware of what he'd said, "I-I mean, yeah. I guess. I don't know..."

"It's okay," You cut him off, laughing gently. "I'd like to have kids with you in the future, too."

He smiled at you, reaching down to press a soft kiss to your lips, "I love you."

"I love you too," You replied, then got comfortable again as Liam continued to draw shapes on your back.

"Was that a Christmas tree?"

Liam nodded with a slight pout on his lips, "You're too good at this, it's not fair!"

"Try something harder, then." You reasoned, and so he did. He began to trace a different shape onto your back, and before he could even finish it you knew what it was.


He let out a frustrated sigh, dropping his hands onto your back, "I give up!"    

You chucked, "I'm sorry,"

"Apology not accepted," He grumbled into your hair.

"What can I do to make you accept?"

He lifted his head, smiling at you, "You've gotta give me a kiss."

You rolled your eyes at him, but reached up far enough to press your lips to his anyway.

"Happy?" You asked.

He grinned, "Very."

"Good." You settled back against him again, smiling as his arms tightened around your back in a securing way.

Neither of you really talked after that, simply letting the film fill the silence as you continued to lie in each other's company. As the minutes ticked by and it got closer to midnight, Liam decided you'd count down from ten together.

"Only ten more seconds," He'd announced. However, as he glanced down he noticed that you had fallen asleep. It was only a matter of time before someone fell asleep during the tradition. He chuckled gently, shaking his head before glancing at the clock again and watching as it ticked over to midnight.

"Merry Christmas, (Y/n)." He whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of your head before settling down to fall sleep too.

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