Scott imagine (For hannah_luvs_1d69)

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Walking along your usual dirt track in Beacon Hills Preserve, you finally come to your usual spot, a large tree that sheltered you from the harsh afternoon sunlight.

This spot was your little piece of wonderland where you could go to clear your mind, or when you were upset, or you were just up for a little adventure. It was unlike the other parts of the preserve, this spot was surrounded by blooming flowers all year round, and different kinds of vines wrapped themselves around all sorts of trees, but the main thing that stood out in all the beauty was the large tree. You could tell it was old and it stood larger than any tree you had ever seen.

This was your spot to escape society for a while and you hadn't told anyone about it, accept your best friend, Scott. 

Today, you were going to your spot to meet Scott, as you two had planned to have a picnic together. You had a large basket on your left arm containing different foods and drinks. 

Once you arrive you notice a blanket spread out in an open space but no sign of Scott. You furrow your brow as you make your way over to the blanket and you put your basket down and look around again. With still no sign of Scott you make your way back over to the blanket and sit down with a huff. 

You continue to look around and when your gaze comes to a dark part of the preserve you cant seem to shift your gaze from it. You rise up from the blanket and begin to walk over towards the darker area. 

"Scott?" You question. 

Suddenly you hear a branch snap behind you and you swing around to the noise. When you see nothing you turn back around and notice two glowing eyes. 

"Scott? This isn't funny anymore!" 

You take one more step towards the glowing eyes and suddenly notice that it wasn't Scott, nor was it a harmless animal. It was another werewolf. Your whole body tenses up and your unable to move, even though your mind was shouting at you to run in the other direction. 

The werewolf begins to growl at you and one of its paws moves forward. 

Your breath hitches and suddenly you notice someone had scooped you up in their arms just as the werewolf leaps forward and snaps its jaw shut. 

"Hannah! What were you doing?" 

You open your eyes and look up at who had pulled you away and see Scott looking down at you. 
You relax into his grip and let out a thankful sign. 

"I was looking for you!" 

"I went to go get you some flowers..." Scott pulls out a bunch of now squished flowers from behind his back, "But I fell on them when I pulled you away... Next time I tell you about supernatural creatures, remind me to tell you not to go walking up to them!" 

You let out a laugh and look around, "Where did it go?" 

"He ran back into the forest." Scott motions back to where he had pulled you away. "Shall we just get on with our picnic?" 

"Are you sure we wont be joined by any other werewolves?"

"I'm sure. I won't let them hurt you. I am the alpha remember."

* * * 

A/N: Thank you for requesting! Hope you like it x

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