Comfort - Liam Imagine

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A/n: This is probably silly and boring but oh well I'm sorry

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It was no secret that Liam dealt with anger issues. A diagnosed illness he had to live with daily, something that taunted his every move. It was one of the very first things he warned you about when the two of you started dating, but you didn't mind. Everyone had their problems. 

One thing you had become accustomed to was comforting him on his off days. Some days he might feel particularly angry, and you made it one of your main priorities to try as hard as you could to make him feel better.

Today was one of those days. 

He had called you, explaining to you with a shaky voice that he had fought with his parents. You rushed to his house, finding him curled up on his bed in his room, wrapped up in the sheets. Carefully, you crept over to the boy and slipped under the sheets too, managing to locate him in the darkness that surrounded the two of you. 

You were face to face with your boyfriend, and you noticed the slightest smile creep into his lips when the two of you made eye contact for the first time since you had arrived.He snaked an arm around your waist, tugging you closer to him. 

It was then when you finally noticed his red-rimmed eyes, flushed cheeks to match. You curled your fingers around the material of the shirt he was wearing to bring him somewhat closer to you before you moved your head so it was resting gently against his. 

"What happened this time?" You asked softly, bringing one of your hands to run gently against his cheek. 

You could feel him lean into your touch as he sighed, "It was stupid, really. I'm just... so sick of fighting with them, you know? Its not that I want to argue all the time, I just can't seem to figure out a way to communicate with them without it all resulting in yelling and me getting angry." 

You nodded understandingly, moving your hand up so you could card your fingers through his hair, "I know it sucks, but Liam your parents love you so much, even when it might seem as though they don't. You need to look at the bigger picture. They brought you into this world, cared for you and kept a roof over your head. We all fight with our parents, but at the end of the day we love them all the same." 

He nodded at your words, letting out another defeated sigh as he let his eyes slip closed. You could tell he was exhausted, so you let him re-position himself so his head was resting against your chest, your fingers still sweeping through his hair. 

Once his breathing evened out, and you were sure he was asleep you let out a sigh while you looked at your boyfriend. He dealt with a lot, and you weren't completely sure how he managed. Smiling lightly, you held him just that little bit tighter against you. 

"Even when you feel as though no one loves you, try to remember that I do, and I always will." 

By the way he tightened his grip on your waist, you knew he had heard you, but didn't bother saying anything. You didn't mind, of course, because lying here with him and being so comfortable in the silence that settled around the two of you was good enough.  

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