Deep End - Stiles imagine

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As a child when you would go swimming in a pool you would always try to touch the deep end, sometimes succeeding, other times failing by mere inches. And when you would touch it, when your feet would touch the rocky cement below, proving that you could indeed touch the bottom, it would be a race back to the top, the supply of air in your lungs running awfully low. When you finally reached the top the water would cascade around your body as you gasped for air. 

You never did like that feeling much, but you did love knowing that you could touch the bottom. This is exactly how you felt with him. 

Stiles could do that to anyone he came in contact with. With just one touch he'd pull you into the deep end, leaving you breathless and gasping for air. Then, when he let you go you'd feel somewhat lost and confused. But you loved him. 

You were laying on Stiles' bed with him in complete silence, looking up at the white ceiling as you traced patterns into the sheets below you with your finger. 

This would have to be your favourite way to waste time with him. Doing absolutely nothing. 
You had known each other since the young age of three and these silences had become something you had gotten used to. 

"What are you thinking about?" Stiles asks you. 

You roll your head to the left to look at Stiles and you shrug your shoulders, "Nothing really." 

"Can I ask you something?" Stiles lifts his hands up and rests them on his stomach and begins to fiddle with his fingers. 

"Hm?" You mumble. 

He turns to look at you, "I was thinking of asking the girl I like out..." 

He likes someone? You fight off a frown that was trying to appear on your eyebrows. He had never talked about a girl with you before... And you must admit, you were quite jealous of the girl. 

Although your kind of thrown off at what he just told you, you nod. "Oh yeah." 

"I might text her first!" Stiles says quickly before reaching to his side and grabbing his phone, quickly tapping at the screen before placing it back beside him. 

Moments later your phone that was sitting beside you on the bed lights up. 

You open it and see its from Stiles. 

'So what do you say? You want to be my girlfriend?' 

A smile forms on your lips as you drop your phone and reach across the bed and place your lips onto his. 

"So is that a yes?" Stiles smirks.

"Yes, you idiot." You giggle, placing your lips back into his. 

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