I Still Love You - Liam Imagine (Part 2/2)

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A/n: Surprise! I'm back with a part two, and this one shall be in Liam's point of view. 


Dear (Y/n),

I messed up. I'm going to straight up admit that. 

I'm so sorry that I caused you so much pain. Mental and physical. I'm so sorry that I couldn't be what you were hoping for. I'm so sorry.

I see you around school, head hung low and eyes sad. The bruise on your cheek is slowly disappearing, which is good, I guess. Knowing that I caused it always leaves a sick feeling in my stomach.  

I wish I could back track, to when you first asked me out. Or maybe to the time just before I hit you. That way I could have stopped myself. Treated you the way you deserved. I realize my mistakes now. And I hate the fact that it took hurting you for me to realize them. 

I loved you, you know. I really did. Still do. 

But there's no way for me to take back what I did, and there's no way I could ever expect you to forgive me for my doings. 

I'm just hoping that maybe, just maybe, you'll give me another chance one day. So I can show you the love you deserve so damn much. 

I honestly don't know what else to say than I'm sorry, again. 

Yours sincerely, I messed up, but I still love you. 

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