Family - Stiles Imagine

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Day 2: Family. (Stiles Stilinski) [You're part of the Stilinski family so it's technically not a Stiles imagine but it's just him being a cute older bro sooo that's just as good right]


The rain cascaded down from the sky at a rapid pace, the occasional flash of lightning and clap of thunder adding to the dark and dreary feeling.

The power had gone out hours ago, leaving the Stilinski household in complete darkness. The rooms were littered with candles, creating a warm orange glow. You wouldn't admit it, but you personally loved power outages.

There really was nothing better than being draped in the fluffiest blanket in the house while sitting on the lounge room floor with a board game. Although it wasn't as fun without your Dad, Stiles was still fun to play with.

You were in the middle of an intense game of Monopoly when there was a sudden knock at the door. Stiles abandoned the dice to go answer it, then moments later Scott and Melissa were walking to the lounge room.

"(Y/n)! Hi!" Melissa grinned at you, then held up a casserole dish. "A little birdie told me your Dad was working late tonight so I come baring gifts!"

You grinned back at her. She always cooked the best foods, so you were excited to find out what was in that dish.

After saying hello to Scott, everyone crowded into the kitchen to get a slice of Melissa's warm lasagna. Scott grabbed the first plate, disappearing back into the lounge room with you following closely behind.

"Were playing now!" Scott announced, wiping the board of all the pieces. You couldn't help but laugh at Stiles' shocked expression as he walked in.

"No, damn it! I was winning! Do you know how hard it is to win against her?" Stiles cried. When no one answered him, he let out an exasperated sigh, "It's impossible! That's what it is! You just ruined any possibility of me finally having something to be proud of!"

Scott scoffed, shaking his head, "You'll get over it."

The pieces were set up again, Melissa joined the circle, and the game started up again.

Half way though, much to Stiles' disbelief, he was actually winning. He couldn't keep the grin off his face until your Dad finally walked in. Stiles' smile faltered while he protectively held onto the dice. Then, your Dad spoke some predictable words.

"Can I play!?"

"No!" Stiles all but shouted. "I am winning this damn game, alright? No restarts."

Everyone chuckled, agreeing.

Later that night, after Stiles had won a game of Monopoly, Scott and Melissa had left. Your Dad had gone up to bed, leaving yourself and Stiles.

You sat by the window, still wrapped in your blanket. Stiles came and sat beside you, pulling you into his side so you could rest against him.

"It's stopped storming," You noticed. "We were having so much fun that we forgot about the terrible weather outside."

Stiles hummed, "You've just got to remember that at the end of every bad storm there is always a rainbow."

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