Under The Misteltoe - Liam Imagine

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Christmas tree shopping was proving to be a lot harder than Liam and yourself had first thought. 

The two of you had the job of picking a tree for your house, your mother and father off picking the ornaments while the two of you did so. The two of you were excited to begin with, thought as the minutes ticked passed and you still couldn't find the perfect one, you were beginning to get fed up. 

"Why is this so hard?" You groaned, poking at a tree that rested on its side among a heap of others. 

"You're just fussy," Liam mumbled, smiling lightly at you. "I've seen plenty of trees that would have been perfect!" 

"I am not fussy!" You grumbled, stomping your foot like a child. "Which trees have you seen that were perfect, hm? Show me, Mr. Perfect Tree Finder." 

"Fine." He answered, taking your hand in his and dragging you back over to a pile of trees that you had already declared not good enough. He dropped your hand once you reached them, and used it to point at a tree. 

You gave it a look over, but you still weren't happy. "I don't like it." 

Liam let out a sigh, shoulders dropping in defeat, "I'm never going tree shopping with you ever again." 

You were about to let out a grumble in response when you suddenly spotted a tree towards the back of the pile. You told Liam, and got him to help you pull it out so you could get a better look at it. 

"Its perfect!" You exclaimed, clasping your hands together with a smile on your face. 

"Don't you think its a little tall?" Liam asked, and your head snapped to look at him as the words left his lips. 

"Its perfect." You repeated, and Liam didn't bother arguing with you, just happy you had finally decided on a tree. 

Once Liam, your parents and yourself had managed to get the tree inside, Liam and yourself were allowed to decorate it. 

You had the baubles and other decorations placed around the room, awaiting to be placed on the tree. You currently had a star shaped bauble, tongue poked out of the side of your mouth as you moved to place it on the tree. 

"I told you that tree was too tall." Liam chuckled, watching on as you desperately tried to reach up higher to place a bauble near the top of the tree.  

You grumbled in response, but happily step back and admire the star you had managed to get hooked on one of the trees needles. 

After seeing you struggle, Liam finally stepped in and began to help you reach the higher parts of the tree, and eventually you finally felt as though it was finished. You were admiring yours and Liam's work when he suddenly spoke up. 

"Can you come here for a second?" Liam asked, and you furrowed your eyebrows at the boy but followed nevertheless. 

He lead you over to a doorway, stopping underneath it and taking your hands into his so you were facing him. He sent you a toothy grin, looking up as you followed his actions. 

A piece of mistletoe hung above the two of you, and when you looked back down at Liam he was already looking at you with a sheepish smile. 

"You're so cheesy." You mumbled, and his smile only got bigger. He simply shrugged, tightening his grip on your hands to pull you closer to him while he began to lean down; closer and closer until your lips were slotting together. 

When you pulled away, the smile Liam on his face was now etched onto yours. He pecked your lips one last time before he smiled. 

"I should be playing in the winter snow, But I'mma be under the mistletoe..." He sung off key to the familiar tune of none other than Justin Bieber, pulling you back into the lounge room where the two of you sung the song together, foolishly dancing around the room until you were giggling to much you couldn't breathe. 

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