Drifting - Scott Imagine

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"Its funny how its possible for people that were once so close, to drift apart so easily..."


Everything was spinning, whirls of colours and twisted shapes and lights blurring into one big heap as you moved in full circles, never fully coming to a stop as laughter filled the air as you gripped tightly onto the edge of the tea cup ride as the rest of the carnival passed you by. 

Scott was sitting right next to you, holding onto the disk that sat in the middle of the cup, breathlessly asking you if you wanted to spin faster. You just let out a laugh, hoping that was a good enough answer for him. 

A smile etched onto his face as he turned the disk, making the ride spin impossibly faster as you let your head fall back, hair blowing every which way.

The ride eventually comes to an end, your cup still spinning until the worker comes to let the both of you out. Somewhere between the time you step out of the cup and walking away from the ride, Scott takes your hand into his to bring you into one of the most innocent yet intimate moments. 

And throughout the rest night, you don't feel as though you stop spinning. 


You were sitting on a swing, the chains squeaking as you pushed yourself gently back and forth. Scott was sitting on the ground in front of you, doing nothing but watch you with complete fondness as you seemed to slip into your thoughts and drift off into a world of your own. 

A simple tap to your foot as you swung toward him brought you back down to earth, blinking tiredly at the boy before you as a way to ask him what?

He gave you a shrug in return, smiling sheepishly while tapping your foot again. You gave a half-effort attempt to kick him, missing completely and him chuckling gently while swatting it away from him. 

Just as you swung forward again, he suddenly took a hold of both of your ankles to stop your movements. He got to his knees, slowly walking you back to the middle of the swing set. He then released his grip and brought his hands up to your face, moving himself up closer to you while he brought you closer to him. 

He raised an eyebrow at you, a seemingly silent way to ask is this okay?

And when you nodded gently at him, he too nodded in return and pulled your bodies together, closer and closer until there was no space left and no other choice but to press your lips together. 

If love was a physical thing, it'd be him. 


It had been a month. One whole month with no contact what so ever. It was like he had suddenly died, dropped off the face of the earth, moved away without telling a soul. 

But the thing was, he hadn't done any of those things. You still saw him around school, making conversation with what seemed like every other student but you. He would no longer look you in the eye, make a turn whenever he saw you coming. 

You just wanted to know why. Why you had became such a horrible thing to him so suddenly. Why all those intimate moments shared between the two of you had been swept away, washed up onto shore like old rubbish. 

Maybe, in a way, he was saving you. Because love meant falling, and you were afraid of heights. 


You were never good with words, but then again when you were around Scott, they just didn't seem necessary. The two of you were always soft touches and lingering glances that meant more than any combination of words. 

That's why when he eventually approached you with a strained I'm so sorry  you couldn't bring yourself to process what he was saying to you. They swept through your left ear and exited the right without giving your brain the time to register them. 

You shook your head at the boy, eyes locking with his for the first time in too long while you gave him a look that you knew he'd register as a why?

He took your hands in his, gripping onto them so tightly you thought he might break something, but you could feel something close to what you could only describe as a lightening strike surge through your fingertips and launch itself up your arms. Through the look he gave you, you knew he felt it too. 

"You deserve the world, (Y/n). I distanced myself from you because I thought I was robbing you of that. I can't give you anything but my petty love. You deserve the galaxy, I didn't want you settling for a star," He let out a shaky sigh then, hoping that you were actually listening to him, "But I couldn't keep myself from you. Like metal drawn to a magnet I found myself crawling back to you, desperate and hoping that you'll find it in yourself to take me back." 

This time when he spoke to you, you felt every word as it passed your being; striking you like an arrow piercing your skin, the words gluing themselves to your heart. 

"I didn't think I deserved the galaxy until I met you." You whispered in return, and pushed yourself into him. 

Sometimes home just isn't a place, its a feeling. And there was a certain kind of feeling you got while being completely engulfed in his arms, pressed against the soft fabric of his shirt that smelt like a mixture of fabric softener and the pizza he had for lunch.  

If this was home, then God  you were so homesick. 


"... then find each other again." 

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